COVID: I’m talking to you America..

Ok so why dont you stop projecting your ego and start projecting yourself... say something of substance. Bla bla bla all the same sh*t. And again bla. And how funny it is omg so funny right, picking on others to achieve what?

Your opinions on covid wont make you a major or save you a seat in the government. If you can do something do it. Picking on and laughter you re only showing your real age. A kid. Strictly. I know a lot like you. Bla bla blaaaa
Doesn't matter what you post mate.
He just takes the opposite side.
He's actually quite good at trolling.
Wee twats' been winding me up for a few weeks now.
Got them sussed now though so its all good :)
Your ignorance is unbelivable, seriously. I am the one suggesting contact tracing from the jump, and I completely agree it is the solution, along with social distancing. It's the only way to get control of this. Again, thats pretty obvious from my comments..all throughout. All I asked was if that was true (I didn't know and didn't fact check your words ) and I implied that if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for.

If I missed some other life saving suggested you posted, I'm sorry. I'll read back later when I have time to catch up.

My notifications are blowing up here and i'm sure I've been left in the dust of anger but I'm now headed to important work meeting so I'll let yall run wild. Have fun. Be safe. Quit making assumptions about me and each other. Please.

"if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for."

You are preaching to the masses to gather together to crush this virus. Yes?

Who's phone will you throw under the buss first?
"if I ever test positive you can bet no one will get in my phone. Thats what I have a secure pw for."

You are preaching to the masses to gather together to crush this virus. Yes?

Who's phone will you throw under the buss first?
^^^trumptard wants people to believe he is very in favor of doing everything humanly possible to contain covid after spending months supporting the maskless retard that threw (thankfully not very big) maskless indoor rallies

the bad faith of these racist ghouls is just astounding every day
Ok I win..I suck and I'm a terrible human being who is full of herself, doesn't give up her 4th amendment rights for anything, and only came to riu to blog (bahahahahahahahaha!) You idiot. I don't have to "show" anyone my phone to see where I've been...because I have only went 1 place in 5 months.

You literally are just a total asshole with NO common sense or decency, and a particulary "special kinda special" view of other people. Last response here, (to you) as I've wasted too much time on you and your melodramatic antics. Good day, Ken. Stay safe.
Why did you say "(Ken)" At the end there mate?
That narrows Scottish guys down to an area of about 40 x 40 miles.
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You need a thick skin to hang here.


Good thing I'm hard headed and my skin is as thick as leather ;) These folks with bad attitudes have 0 chance of running me off. Doesn't bother me a bit, other than a tad of frustration, which naturally occurs when your dealing with FOOLs:leaf:
Ever read any of the TOS on your aps on your phone? I think you two are talking two different ways of tracing..

We are likely talking the same, I just didn't know that contact tracing included them going in phones like that. Which is a complete invasion of privacy and illegal, but if it needs to be done to save people, so be it.

I mean if you know it's gonna happen, it's not like you can't clean your phone. I just said there is no way I would allow it because I'm not clearing my phone of confidential information when I haven't went anywhere (it is unecessary in that case.) I'm a business woman. No one goes in my phone. I have a NDA with my employment that says so! Plus, I really never give up my 4th ammendment rights, but if it was necessary for the greater good, of course I would do so. I want covid gone, or at the very minimun, contained.

Sure haven't read TOS. Never been banned from anywhere, for the most part I stay respectful. If they want to ban me for calling out someone who has never met me or had a decent conversation for trolling me, then so be it. I've said it before and I'll say again - I won't have my voice censored. I won't allow my words or the meaning of them to be twisted, ever. I've been creeping on this forum for plant info for over 10 years - prob closer to 20 idk. I'll go back to creeping no big deal..

Besides, I have not said one thing anywhere, that is any worse than the shit I see on here daily. I have mad respect for Sunni - and Rollitup, and any other admins, plus all the members that have not came at me sideways. No hurt feelings with Sunni - she's just doing what she feels is best for the site by moving this post (because...members) and thats fine.

Ya'll will see I don't need anyone to survive in this big bad world. I love people, and I enjoy them, but I don't NEED anything from people. I learned that at like 2.
I’m quoting your posts. They are your words. You said checking your phone is too invasive. Then you’re not in it to win it. You’re in it to feel like your rights aren’t being invaded. It’s one or the other.

No - You are quoting my posts OUT OF CONTEXT which means (incase you don't know) that you are using bits and pieces of what I say to try to make yourself more relevant here - kinda like the media does and that's why all these american's are confused about what is "really" going on. are FAKE NEWS.. that's all I got. Lol
No - You are quoting my posts OUT OF CONTEXT which means (incase you don't know) that you are using bits and pieces of what I say to try to make yourself more relevant here
Quoting you makes me more relevant? Damn you think a lot of yourself. Anyway I can’t leave them in one piece your novels are too long. I have to use bits and pieces or I’d be posting novels
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Why did you say "(Ken)" At the end their mate?
That narrows Scottish guys down to an area of about 40 x 40 miles.

Bahahaha, my bad. Ken is the "karen" version for males... or so I've been told. Never fact checked that, I just rolled with it(:

Look - I caught my own assumption. I don't know if he even is male?! LOL
Quoting you makes me more relevant? Damn you think a lot of yourself. Anyway I can’t leave them in once piece your novels are too long. I have to use bits and pieces or I’d be posting novels

Not quoting me....quoting me out of context for reaction for fake news type shit (again, took what I said wayyyy out of context) Actually, I really don't think much of myself...I guess that's why I'm so offended when people say that. I struggled with self-confidence for many years, due to my childhood. I won that war within. I'm just confident now in my beliefs and what I stand for. I will not let people like you bring that confidence down. I went through to much and worked too damn hard to get to where I am at. I have faults and I'm far from perfect...but I love me and I'm ok with myself. I know what I stand tall for, and I mean well. That's all that matters, to me.
I did I posted a solution. Then she said it was too invasive. She’s not interested in solutions. She’s posted novels since day one and is already threatening to leave and start her own site. Did you read any of this? Guess not

there is a time when we must step outside our comfort zone for the greater good of others..Trumpers extol 'doing what is right for me..' virtue only.

Herman Cain did what was right for him.
Bahahaha, my bad. Ken is the "karen" version for males... or so I've been told. Never fact checked that, I just rolled with it(:

Look - I caught my own assumption. I don't know if he even is male?! LOL
Ahh... here,
" ken ?"
Literally translates as..
"Do you know?"

And "Ken"
Refers to the statement "you know "
Do you know who shot JFK?
Ken who shot JFK?

You know mate, it was actually the gunman on the grassy knawl...
Ken mate, it was actualy the ....

I have absolutely no idea what happens there it was just the furst American example that sprung to mind lol but that's what th word "ken" means to certain counties here.

Amazing how things can be so quickly lost in translation....
You've almost got me convinced you are completely lacking common sense and basic decency.. I mean, I've been trying to give you the benefit of doubt but you make it really difficut.

I just give a fuck about people in general and wanted to start a conversation in a forum that I've enjoyed from the sidelines for a very long time - with people I viewed to be reasonable.

Use your brain. If I was "just looking for a place to blog" wtf would I be here for? Thats kinda stupid. Here, I am making riu money (apparently - someone else told me so) from adv/page views. I am not benefiting from discussing America's issues in any way other than making others aware, which benefits us all. My message is important, and apparently america needs to hear it. (look at our stats)

If you're gonna quote someone, you should probably use exactly what they said, instead. It's much easier to have constructive conversations when you just go with the literal meaning instead of twisting it to your benefit. Again, assumptions, and then repeating not what I said, but how YOU interpret it. Your reading/comprehensive skills need work and your dialog is beyond repetative at this point.

You gave me one?? Lmao. You're fun. I started this thread saying that was the solution (contact tracing along with social distance, masks) and I've repeated that concept in nearly every post of mine (not replies.) You have given me nothing, but a headache, quite honestly.

You seriously look like a fool. Just a babbling idiot at this point. Everything you and I have both pointed out is already known by anyone with half a brain who pays attention. The problem (that I am currently trying to raise awareness for here) is that it is not being IMPLEMENTED and the solution is to implement what we already know. The only way to get people to do so, is to raise awareness for those who are currently misinformed.. pretty sure the CDC already knows and has been telling people for months.

Exactly...that is what gave me the freedom to post here and start a conversation.. I've never been a follower - when I recognize issues, I make waves.

I'm really not and I will take credit (always).... I ain't afraid to put my money where my mouth is. If I start something, I finish it. But yeah.... this shit is certainly a train wreck. It's been a productive one though ;) behind the scenes. If that means anything to anyone (shrugs) it does to me.

Ok, I'm getting a bit heated at this point. All sarcasm aside. I've told ya before and I'm gonna make this crystal clear: Quit putting fucking words in my mouth. I did not say that.

1. I never said it was too invasive. I said I personally would not allow them to get in my phone. I was suprised that I didn't know that (was not aware, learned something new, thanks) and I questioned it, respectfully, and pointed out that I found it hard to believe - because it is illegal. Not because you said it.. quit taking everything so personal.
2. The very purpose of this thread is a solution - raising awareness so that people become more concerned about coronavirus, and take ACTION to protect themselves and others. How hard is that to really understand? Think. Someone has learned something they didn't know before. Change. Duh!
3. Idgaf if I post novel, I've tended to do so since my memory was impacted (in convos like this) because it is very hard for me to have these convos but I care enough to do the hard work to make it happen. Can you say the same? Seems like all you care about is being a bully.
4. I "threatened" I was "starting my own site?" Where? When? What I actually said was that I bought domains this morning since my conversation seems to be so unwelcome here by some... I have my own idea's what I'm going to do with them but yeah - blogging will be involved. I'm not building a competing site like you are insinuating, so don't twist my words (AGAIN) and act like that..
5. Use your fucking common sense. Throw in a bit of comprehension too.
6. I'm seriously sick of your bullshit and irrelevant remarks so keep at it and I guess I'm not "done." I can give back every bit of disrespect I receive, I just typically choose not too but you are a dedicated one.
7. I've only written novels because ignorant assholes like you are on here speculating about what my "actual intentions" are instead of just taking it for what it is - 1 chick in the middle of America, who gives a fuck about everyone in America and wants covid to be contained for everyones sake. Is that so bad that you feel the need to bully me for days? You are not a nice human.. Not helpful at all, so just quit already. Who am I hurting in any way by posting here? I have not said one false or assumed thing, at all. I've stucked to facts and been respectful. I've given the respect I've been given to each and every one of you. It's not my fault some of these comments are so fucked up they require a lengthy response. Be mad at those folks (like yourself) not me. I didn't ask anyone to bring idiocracy around.

Try, try again. Can't hardly wait to see what nonsense you speak of next. I'm 100% sure this thread has made a difference (solution) in some minds. I'm also 100% sure American(s) have read this thread and learned something new. You can thank me later (extreme sarcasm put in parentheses since some of yall can't read between the lines without assuming I'm just full of myself.)

LOL. You are quite cleary the one who has not read all of this.

Endcap: I truly don't even get why you and I are steadily going back and forth here. I sure the fuck didn't start that habit, so why are you? For real? What is YOUR motive? You truly have me questioning that, because I honestly don't believe you're just a babbling idiot with no common sense. So what is it? What happened? What did I miss or forget? Whats up Wattzzup? Where the fuck did I offend you? What has you questioning, contradicting, and twist quoting everything I say?

Or did I just talk "disrespectful" (quoted for sarcasm) to one of your veteran friends? I don't check people's info before I reply to them because I don't base my responses on someones "rollitup" member status. Their status here is somewhat irrelevant to me, because I'm in the political forum just having a conversation with fellow americans. Not looking for "rollitup" growing advice. Besides, statuses are usually misleading at best. I've noticed. I pay attention.

I didn't come here to be a bitch. I came here bluntly direct because the USA has social distancing issues that need raising awareness. You are not being helpful, just being an ass. Yeah, freedom of speech, blah blah blah. I know. I've went to jail for that (protesting) so just quit with the shit replies. It actually is redundant and irrelevant.

Pretty much everything you've said to me is overly ridiculous. Honestly, 100% real talk - that is how it feels and looks to me, because we agree on exactly what the solution is. You just seem to have issues with the way i'm raising awareness. That is not my problem - if you don't like me or what I say or how much I post "novels" see your way out or take it to the admins cuz IDGAF.

My voice matters too, so I'm here. I can't leave the house, and I will not be silenced. You are wasting air (or rather - keystrokes) trying.

Also, can ya respond to my posts as one reply or is that too much to ask? I'm usually working too - it's alot to keep up with. Or not, whatever you wish (shrugs.)

I think you're reading to much into the things I say, and should just take them at face value. There was a post I responded to you sincerely and respectfully, just questioning, and you snapped back in numerous replies. Why?

End of "novel." Carry on.... :weed:
one of the most liked posters on this forum is napsalot. He posts very pointed one-liners. Get's his point across with gentle humor. I'm not good at that but I try sometimes.

Most of us just have a concern and you are threatened by this virus, so I completely understand why you are so passionate on the subject.

Side note: I hate the way the term "bitch" is used to signal women to get back in line. .

Otherwise, I'm not going to get into this conversation. It is too fraught for me.

You talk about reincarnation though. Isn't that a religious belief?
Most modern people who practice in western countries do not believe in the supernatural, in fact, if you were to shave your head and become a monk there is no requirement to believe anything. This religion/philosophy (like stoism), started out when that was the way the world was explained, everybody believed it. The buddha believed in causation many centuries before they did in the west, a remarkably modern and logical mind in a time of superstition. Accumulating karma means in my mind, is to become conditioned and to be guilt ridden.

There are better evidence based paradigms to explain the phenomena these days, shrinks and psychs were big fans and prationeers for decades, I trained with a couple from the same teachers. In the past 20 years MRI, PET and a host of scanners have revealed much, the best modern psychological theoretical paradigm is the modular mind and it meshes quite well with the Buddhist model. Also evolutionary history gives us clues about the unsatisfactoriness of ordinary life and why we chase sensory pleasure in pursuit of happiness. The Buddha was an ancient introspective genius on a par with Einstein, he used the technology available and the training he had to find the solution to suffering 2600 years ago, he didn't do bad at all. Buddhism is generally completely open to science and it is about the only religion/ philosophy that is both studied and practiced by hard core scientists. They are very good at discovering reality, not so much at dealing with it, many private lives are a disaster, independent of how smart you are.
Amazing how things can be so quickly lost in translation....

Exactly.. it is absolutely mind boggling! Things do get lost in translation. I know that well from working with people all over. Not only from place to place but also being online and not "knowing" the persons intentions. You can't see their expression along with their words. Since I started posting in riu, I have been misunderstood ALOT! Oh well.. thats their ASSumptions.

At first I couldn't figure out why. Then I realized .. the heavy sarcasm that I am so fluent in... while I'm sitting here typing away laughing and joking, some folks are taking shit talk straight literally... or not reading between the lines of what is said. Thats ok tho, it's easy to do online or by text.

The problem is when they snap back with an irrelevant or twisted response, or cut out the other half of what you said and changed the context. Just ask.. if you question what someone says. They will explain. Then fight if their explanation makes no sense. But NOPE...lets go straight to war and skip all the adult like shit. Most of the time it's an innocent mistake - misinterpreted or a typo.

Again, thank you to all the amazing members who have contributed.. Even the trolls, because (don't forget to be grateful) they are always good for bumping a thread up (: if nothing else.

I wrote this much earlier and forgot LOL. I was walking out my office and work came along with the left hook. Ha. I'm backkkk