Police Interactions.

The few times I got pulled over it was so obvious the cop was going to pull me over I was pulling onto the shoulder before their lights even came on.

So you think that is ok? The dick didn't even need to open the door when she kicked it. The guy at the end calls it, police can't react emotionally anymore, we need to take better care of our police and not put so much paperwork and everything else they have to deal with that they don't necessarily have the skills to deal with.

That guy obviously blew up and completely overreacted and beat that woman who was zero threat to him. That is a crime.
No i dont think its ok. But theres a lot of missing footage, i would like to see from the moment contact was made all the way until this event happened. She did try to attack him which does justify a response, just not the response he chose. A good kick to a knee or groin can cause injuries that a person could be dealing with for the rest of their life.
The few times I got pulled over it was so obvious the cop was going to pull me over I was pulling onto the shoulder before their lights even came on.

So you think that is ok? The dick didn't even need to open the door when she kicked it. The guy at the end calls it, police can't react emotionally anymore, we need to take better care of our police and not put so much paperwork and everything else they have to deal with that they don't necessarily have the skills to deal with.

That guy obviously blew up and completely overreacted and beat that woman who was zero threat to him. That is a crime.

No i dont think its ok. But theres a lot of missing footage, i would like to see from the moment contact was made all the way until this event happened. She did try to attack him which does justify a response, just not the response he chose. A good kick to a knee or groin can cause injuries that a person could be dealing with for the rest of their life.

that video about the handcuffed woman acting up and getting punched in the face.

That's why defund the police-IS. Take that cops salary away and give it to somebody who is trained for that kind of work. He's not suitable.
No i dont think its ok. But theres a lot of missing footage, i would like to see from the moment contact was made all the way until this event happened. She did try to attack him which does justify a response, just not the response he chose. A good kick to a knee or groin can cause injuries that a person could be dealing with for the rest of their life.
I think just not open the door because the drunk idiot is being a angry drunk idiot. Even if she was kicking on the door for a hour or two and 'drove' him to trigger like that, it is his job to not do that to citizens, especially when her hands are cuffed behind her back.

And I get what you are saying, never know what a crazy thing can occur, but at least we can agree he was not justified to handle it the way he did.

that video about the handcuffed woman acting up and getting punched in the face.

That's why defund the police-IS. Take that cops salary away and give it to somebody who is trained for that kind of work. He's not suitable.
Definantly, have some social worker in a backroom watch those drunks/drugged up violent people when they get locked up, the police should have to have the stress of dealing with being jailers as well as the ones that had to drag those people in, and do the paperwork, and show up for future court dates, and not get paid enough to actually attract people who are properly trained in all those areas.

I just wish that the name wasn't so troll-able. Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 6.35.34 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-07-31 at 6.35.53 PM.png

It is just too convenient that the Russians have been attacking our minority communities directly about slogan's with the way it triggers white people to say as a response to BLM with All/Blue lives matter. And now 'Defund Police' becomes the hyped rally cry is just more evidence when Trump comes out with a ad on it instantly.
And I get what you are saying, never know what a crazy thing can occur, but at least we can agree he was not justified to handle it the way he did.
The problem is that you and I are part of a small minority that can look at a case like this and realize there are multiple angles, things we dont know, things we dont understand. The vast majority of people see this type of stuff and just react in a primal manner; refusing to try to understand what actually happened. I mean, my god; had it been a black woman..... We might just be int he middle of a true civil war now.

The police do have a certain responsibility to ensure people in custody are not a threat to themselves. I would imagine they were opening the door so they could put her in a turtle/bam bam suit or one of those chairs they strap you to. She immediately attacked and all hell broke loose. Still not saying the officer was justified by any means, just giving one possible reason they decided to open the door.

From a holding cell, I actually watched them strip a girl (white) naked and toss the bam bam suit in the cell and let her decide if she wanted to be naked or wear it; all right in front of all the male and female inmates. It didnt really help her case when she proceeded to flash everyone and then progress to jumping around but what happened that day was without a doubt morally questionable. Police have to deal with some crazy shit. I think all of us at one point or another have been in a crazy situation where we reacted poorly and later felt guilt, remorse, shame, etc. Police arent supposed to act with emotion but they are human. Until we have robot police they will continue to make mistakes.
The problem is that you and I are part of a small minority that can look at a case like this and realize there are multiple angles, things we dont know, things we dont understand. The vast majority of people see this type of stuff and just react in a primal manner; refusing to try to understand what actually happened. I mean, my god; had it been a black woman..... We might just be int he middle of a true civil war now.

The police do have a certain responsibility to ensure people in custody are not a threat to themselves. I would imagine they were opening the door so they could put her in a turtle/bam bam suit or one of those chairs they strap you to. She immediately attacked and all hell broke loose. Still not saying the officer was justified by any means, just giving one possible reason they decided to open the door.

From a holding cell, I actually watched them strip a girl (white) naked and toss the bam bam suit in the cell and let her decide if she wanted to be naked or wear it; all right in front of all the male and female inmates. It didnt really help her case when she proceeded to flash everyone and then progress to jumping around but what happened that day was without a doubt morally questionable. Police have to deal with some crazy shit. I think all of us at one point or another have been in a crazy situation where we reacted poorly and later felt guilt, remorse, shame, etc. Police arent supposed to act with emotion but they are human. Until we have robot police they will continue to make mistakes.
Defund the police. Give their salaries to people who are qualified to deal with these situation.

The "it would be a civil war if black woman". No, it was notable because this time it was a white woman. What part of the Black Lives Matters movement have you missed?
Defund the police. Give their salaries to people who are qualified to deal with these situation.

The "it would be a civil war if black woman". No, it was notable because this time it was a white woman. What part of the Black Lives Matters movement have you missed?
Movements are for bowels.
The problem is that you and I are part of a small minority that can look at a case like this and realize there are multiple angles, things we dont know, things we dont understand. The vast majority of people see this type of stuff and just react in a primal manner; refusing to try to understand what actually happened. I mean, my god; had it been a black woman..... We might just be int he middle of a true civil war now.

The police do have a certain responsibility to ensure people in custody are not a threat to themselves. I would imagine they were opening the door so they could put her in a turtle/bam bam suit or one of those chairs they strap you to. She immediately attacked and all hell broke loose. Still not saying the officer was justified by any means, just giving one possible reason they decided to open the door.

From a holding cell, I actually watched them strip a girl (white) naked and toss the bam bam suit in the cell and let her decide if she wanted to be naked or wear it; all right in front of all the male and female inmates. It didnt really help her case when she proceeded to flash everyone and then progress to jumping around but what happened that day was without a doubt morally questionable. Police have to deal with some crazy shit. I think all of us at one point or another have been in a crazy situation where we reacted poorly and later felt guilt, remorse, shame, etc. Police arent supposed to act with emotion but they are human. Until we have robot police they will continue to make mistakes.
Well I watched the videos.
Got a shock from the amy Connolly one.
That's pretty brutal but I checked the case out and she was arrested for assault in a bar. She then proceeded to assault medical staff and police officers. Not saying the guy was right to punch her but it definately sounds like she had it comming.
What happened before those 30 seconds?
Was he one of the guys she assaulted?

And 're the black guy one. Why do you all get so defensive about police asking questions?
Just prove your adress and do what they say. Our cops are unarmed are were still not daft enough to wind them up. If they had guns there's no chance they'd get any backchat.
Why piss off a guy with a gun when you can just answer a couple simple questions and be on your way?
I can see why some might perceive the cop as being racist. It certainly does seem like the black guy was doing nothing wrong and almost definately lived there.
You gotta think outside the box though.
What's crime like in that area?
Are there a lot of gangs there?
Was there something that happened there recent to the video so the police are being extra cautious.
Was the cop looking for someone for something and just questioning everyone to see if he could get lucky.
There's a million reasons why he could've wanted to ask who the guy was.
He went on the defensive straight away and was unco-operative. That gives the cop reason to believe he might be upto something.
Could be upto nothing but when people refuse to answer simple questions there's generally a reason for it.
If he hadn't gotten himself so wound up the cop would be been done and gone in 10 seconds.
We get stopped over here. They can search us and we don't give a fuck. The white people don't anyway. Helps to keep guns and knives from our streets so let them get on with it.

Police here will definately be getting stricter towards black people though. Because of this blm stuff, it's becoming increasingly dangerous for them to do their job in certain areas.
They have a duty to keep drugs and weapons off our streets and random stop/search is a very effective way of doing that. Guns are perfectly legal here but an illegally owned gun gets you 5-10 years.
We don't want them on our streets and predominantly black populations have higher than average amounts of gun and knife crime. Most of it is black on black too.
Therefor the police ramp it up a bit in these areas to help keep the black communities safer.
The blacks are taking this as racism though.
Imagine wanting black people to be able to live without worrying about dum ass drug dealers stabbing or shooting their kids. God how awful.
Now when black people are stopped there are large crowds of black people gathering to threaten the unarmed police.
When all the cops are doing is trying to keep their streets safe.
That's gonna lead to bigger groups of cops stopping more black people and lots of them getting arrested for being dicks about it.
The cops most likely start carrying guns in these areas pretty soon too if they haven't already.
So again, the blm enthusiasts are just gonna shoot themselves in the foot and make things worse.
The entire movement has been poorly planned and poorly executed. If you want to be taken seriously in today's world you can't just start harassing cops and expect your life to get better. That's idiocy at its absolute best.
The problem is that you and I are part of a small minority that can look at a case like this and realize there are multiple angles, things we dont know, things we dont understand. The vast majority of people see this type of stuff and just react in a primal manner; refusing to try to understand what actually happened. I mean, my god; had it been a black woman..... We might just be int he middle of a true civil war now.

The police do have a certain responsibility to ensure people in custody are not a threat to themselves. I would imagine they were opening the door so they could put her in a turtle/bam bam suit or one of those chairs they strap you to. She immediately attacked and all hell broke loose. Still not saying the officer was justified by any means, just giving one possible reason they decided to open the door.

From a holding cell, I actually watched them strip a girl (white) naked and toss the bam bam suit in the cell and let her decide if she wanted to be naked or wear it; all right in front of all the male and female inmates. It didnt really help her case when she proceeded to flash everyone and then progress to jumping around but what happened that day was without a doubt morally questionable. Police have to deal with some crazy shit. I think all of us at one point or another have been in a crazy situation where we reacted poorly and later felt guilt, remorse, shame, etc. Police arent supposed to act with emotion but they are human. Until we have robot police they will continue to make mistakes.
I think this is why we shouldn't have the police in charge of taking care of these people once they are removed from the situation and placed in custody. Police officers shouldn't also be our front line mental health workers, it just makes sense to remove any frustrations of dealing with this lady and others like her and far worse. Humans are not Voldemort, once they are contained, let people trained to deal with humanity at its worst in a constructive way take over so the police can get back to the street, downloading body cams/calling for a statement would give any further details needed for the paperwork that I too think police shouldn't have to deal with.

btw, there are tons of examples showing black women being beaten by the police.

Well I watched the videos.
Got a shock from the amy Connolly one.
That's pretty brutal but I checked the case out and she was arrested for assault in a bar. She then proceeded to assault medical staff and police officers. Not saying the guy was right to punch her but it definately sounds like she had it comming.
What happened before those 30 seconds?
Was he one of the guys she assaulted?

And 're the black guy one. Why do you all get so defensive about police asking questions?
Just prove your adress and do what they say. Our cops are unarmed are were still not daft enough to wind them up. If they had guns there's no chance they'd get any backchat.
Why piss off a guy with a gun when you can just answer a couple simple questions and be on your way?
I can see why some might perceive the cop as being racist. It certainly does seem like the black guy was doing nothing wrong and almost definately lived there.
You gotta think outside the box though.
What's crime like in that area?
Are there a lot of gangs there?
Was there something that happened there recent to the video so the police are being extra cautious.
Was the cop looking for someone for something and just questioning everyone to see if he could get lucky.
There's a million reasons why he could've wanted to ask who the guy was.
He went on the defensive straight away and was unco-operative. That gives the cop reason to believe he might be upto something.
Could be upto nothing but when people refuse to answer simple questions there's generally a reason for it.
If he hadn't gotten himself so wound up the cop would be been done and gone in 10 seconds.
We get stopped over here. They can search us and we don't give a fuck. The white people don't anyway. Helps to keep guns and knives from our streets so let them get on with it.

Police here will definately be getting stricter towards black people though. Because of this blm stuff, it's becoming increasingly dangerous for them to do their job in certain areas.
They have a duty to keep drugs and weapons off our streets and random stop/search is a very effective way of doing that. Guns are perfectly legal here but an illegally owned gun gets you 5-10 years.
We don't want them on our streets and predominantly black populations have higher than average amounts of gun and knife crime. Most of it is black on black too.
Therefor the police ramp it up a bit in these areas to help keep the black communities safer.
The blacks are taking this as racism though.
Imagine wanting black people to be able to live without worrying about dum ass drug dealers stabbing or shooting their kids. God how awful.
Now when black people are stopped there are large crowds of black people gathering to threaten the unarmed police.
When all the cops are doing is trying to keep their streets safe.
That's gonna lead to bigger groups of cops stopping more black people and lots of them getting arrested for being dicks about it.
The cops most likely start carrying guns in these areas pretty soon too if they haven't already.
So again, the blm enthusiasts are just gonna shoot themselves in the foot and make things worse.
The entire movement has been poorly planned and poorly executed. If you want to be taken seriously in today's world you can't just start harassing cops and expect your life to get better. That's idiocy at its absolute best.
How do you guys even have enough black people in one place (outside of their families) to have black on black crime with being 98% white? I think you are missing how racism is the driving force behind keeping minority populations pushed into one small area.

I tried to start talking about the reasons people get mad here. If you want to understand better why people get upset, I would suggest looking at how radicalized you are to the word 'racist' after years of Russian trolling to get Trump elected. After having something unjust happen so many times, eventually people get upset, and it is not a law that people have to tell the cops anything, and just walking is not a crime here.

Just like Cops are humans and respond poorly, so are the people that they are interacting with. Did you watch this one?

This guy was going door to door for a Republican politician and got the police called on him because he was 'suspicious'. If the cop was really worried he could have investigated from far, or talked to the houses he handed out pamphlets to, the kid was not in anyway doing anything wrong and was obviously targeted because he was black. And just because he correctly told the cop that he had no right to answers from the guy and the cop felt powerless, it was not a reason to arrest him (as the courts ruled in the kids favor).

We Americans did not give these powers to the police, and as much as Putin and Trump would like us to live in a authoritarian state, we don't.

And the most important thing to remember about all of this, is that the Russians have been using examples like these (selectively edited and with commentary pinpointed to the people who have themselves been violated by the police, or police who have shown online to be susceptible to racist programming) to get the police and BLM protestors pointed at each in the hopes that more violent reactions can occur for them to use to further excite more distrust and hate.

Screen Shot 2020-08-01 at 8.32.38 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-01 at 8.33.32 AM.png

I understand that as a white person from Scotland you have sided with the Russians on this attack on our democracies because as you see it you benefit from it.

But for the Americans (and other people from democratic nations who are also under attack by the Russian military) that really want to understand what is going on in our country, it is important to understand that our minority communities have had to endure very real repression from our government and outright violence from individuals in our government for decades. And our police (and anyone that is quick to give cops the benefit of a doubt) have been getting pushed from the other direction to the point that they are easily radicalized against "BLM".

A simple way to ask yourself if you are being radicalized on this issue is if you feel the need to say 'All/Blue lives matter' when you hear 'Black Lives Matter'.
Well I watched the videos.
Got a shock from the amy Connolly one.
That's pretty brutal but I checked the case out and she was arrested for assault in a bar. She then proceeded to assault medical staff and police officers. Not saying the guy was right to punch her but it definately sounds like she had it comming.
What happened before those 30 seconds?
Was he one of the guys she assaulted?

And 're the black guy one. Why do you all get so defensive about police asking questions?
Just prove your adress and do what they say. Our cops are unarmed are were still not daft enough to wind them up. If they had guns there's no chance they'd get any backchat.
Why piss off a guy with a gun when you can just answer a couple simple questions and be on your way?
I can see why some might perceive the cop as being racist. It certainly does seem like the black guy was doing nothing wrong and almost definately lived there.
You gotta think outside the box though.
What's crime like in that area?
Are there a lot of gangs there?
Was there something that happened there recent to the video so the police are being extra cautious.
Was the cop looking for someone for something and just questioning everyone to see if he could get lucky.
There's a million reasons why he could've wanted to ask who the guy was.
He went on the defensive straight away and was unco-operative. That gives the cop reason to believe he might be upto something.
Could be upto nothing but when people refuse to answer simple questions there's generally a reason for it.
If he hadn't gotten himself so wound up the cop would be been done and gone in 10 seconds.
We get stopped over here. They can search us and we don't give a fuck. The white people don't anyway. Helps to keep guns and knives from our streets so let them get on with it.

Police here will definately be getting stricter towards black people though. Because of this blm stuff, it's becoming increasingly dangerous for them to do their job in certain areas.
They have a duty to keep drugs and weapons off our streets and random stop/search is a very effective way of doing that. Guns are perfectly legal here but an illegally owned gun gets you 5-10 years.
We don't want them on our streets and predominantly black populations have higher than average amounts of gun and knife crime. Most of it is black on black too.
Therefor the police ramp it up a bit in these areas to help keep the black communities safer.
The blacks are taking this as racism though.
Imagine wanting black people to be able to live without worrying about dum ass drug dealers stabbing or shooting their kids. God how awful.
Now when black people are stopped there are large crowds of black people gathering to threaten the unarmed police.
When all the cops are doing is trying to keep their streets safe.
That's gonna lead to bigger groups of cops stopping more black people and lots of them getting arrested for being dicks about it.
The cops most likely start carrying guns in these areas pretty soon too if they haven't already.
So again, the blm enthusiasts are just gonna shoot themselves in the foot and make things worse.
The entire movement has been poorly planned and poorly executed. If you want to be taken seriously in today's world you can't just start harassing cops and expect your life to get better. That's idiocy at its absolute best.
Bootlicking racist
Detroit PD is combating these killings being trolled with disinformation by releasing the police video.

It is graphic, but this is what police should be doing, they can only stop the propaganda with full disclosure of what their officers are doing. All body cams all the time. Then at the end of their shits, they hand in the footage (if it is not just automatically uploaded in realtime for live support) and go home, don't force them to do paperwork, there is no reason for it with a live record.
Detroit PD is combating these killings being trolled with disinformation by releasing the police video.

It is graphic, but this is what police should be doing, they can only stop the propaganda with full disclosure of what their officers are doing. All body cams all the time. Then at the end of their shits, they hand in the footage (if it is not just automatically uploaded in realtime for live support) and go home, don't force them to do paperwork, there is no reason for it with a live record.
The paperwork still has to get done. Peoples identifications, alleged crimes, etc etc etc. Cant just put people in front of a judge, play a video, and sentence them. It doesnt work that way. Full and immediate disclosure of body cam footage would also remove people's right to privacy. Now with a case like Floyd, they definitely should have expedited the process of getting the body cam footage to the public. It still has not been officially released which is absolutely insane.
On Facebook today, I saw a contractor posting services he offered. I was interested in getting quotes for the house. Checked out his profile. He posted 1 week ago that he supports killing cops.

Yesterday, I called 911. I pulled into my street and a car was parked, girl was hanging out passenger door, head on ground not moving. I park, jump out and dude hops out of drivers seat. His neck was all scratched, knuckles bleeding. They both were in an altercation. She finally moved her head, crying said he hit me. Dudes telling me she hit him. I told them both it isn't my business, just wanted to make sure she was okay. Get back in my car, call 911. Cop was there in 1.5 minutes.

This is probably all irrelevant to this thread but whats going on around us is fucked up on both sides. I 100% support BLM but I'll never support the killing of cops. I shared the story because they were there when I needed them to deal with a fucked up situation. I'm not here to debate, just share that it's fucked up. It's a mess on all sides.
On Facebook today, I saw a contractor posting services he offered. I was interested in getting quotes for the house. Checked out his profile. He posted 1 week ago that he supports killing cops.

Yesterday, I called 911. I pulled into my street and a car was parked, girl was hanging out passenger door, head on ground not moving. I park, jump out and dude hops out of drivers seat. His neck was all scratched, knuckles bleeding. They both were in an altercation. She finally moved her head, crying said he hit me. Dudes telling me she hit him. I told them both it isn't my business, just wanted to make sure she was okay. Get back in my car, call 911. Cop was there in 1.5 minutes.

This is probably all irrelevant to this thread but whats going on around us is fucked up on both sides. I 100% support BLM but I'll never support the killing of cops. I shared the story because they were there when I needed them to deal with a fucked up situation. I'm not here to debate, just share that it's fucked up. It's a mess on all sides.
Indeed it is. Besides being president, being a cop is about the worst fucking job i can imagine.