Blm, the next level

We are all subject to our conditioning, and it's as easy to cleanse oneself of it as sin, even if they know better on an intellectual level. People evolve overtime and the most important thing is to change behavior, first they STFU, then they stop voting for morons, and hopefully open their hearts on their road to redemption. People try to be better, because overt public racism is seen by the majority as antisocial (it is), so it is only spoken among friends, then friends start admonishing them and they keep their tongues in check. They become resentful and complain about political correctness and such, finally some at least, evolve as much as they can.

The key thing in the above is conditioning, subconscious reactions of approach and avoidance on a fundamental physiological level that not only drive consciousness, but bias thinking by having it appear in a conditioned context. We don't think for the most part unless we are working on something real and even then... Most of the time we are rationalising "feelings" that are felt in the body and reflected into the mind where they form the basis and impetus for higher order processing by various sub networks in the brain.

Our consciousness is where we humans present ourselves to the world and there is a competition as to what gets in as thought and this driven by feelings and logical that is biased from the beginning, also there is a filtering of our perceptions of reality, to make it all fit together! :D

The end game is always survival and reproduction, everything else is extra or and accident.
Short answer, he’s a racist idiot :(.
Short answer, he’s a racist idiot :(.
He is at a certain stage of his social/emotional human development. He is getting shit for saying stupid shit and whining about political correctness etc on here. His frustration is a result of his conditioning clashing with reality, causing denial and cognitive dissonance!

That as much as I can candle the fuckers head on here... Not too interested really, he's on his way, more or less and can't vote for Trump, or influence anybody either!

I'm not disagreeing with you Budley, just a different view, but I do often use and think in such terms, especially when I'm pissed! :D
He is at a certain stage of his social/emotional human development. He is getting shit for saying stupid shit and whining about political correctness etc on here. His frustration is a result of his conditioning clashing with reality, causing denial and cognitive dissonance!

That as much as I can candle the fuckers head on here... Not too interested really, he's on his way, more or less and can't vote for Trump, or influence anybody either!

I'm not disagreeing with you Budley, just a different view, but I do often use and think in such terms, especially when I'm pissed! :D
I was willing to credit him with just being very ignorant until he proved me wrong with further posts. Many of his posts were along the lines of black people are acting out for no good reason and demanding free stuff. Also, "protect the white race" kind of permeated his posts. He's racist. It's not a permanent defect. People can learn and change. For now and likely forever, racist. Overtly so.
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And the American medical system uses this money to do the vast majority of medical innovation in the world. So you should be saying thank you America for investing in medicine at levels nobody else in the world does at your own expense.
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You don't have to be in Russia to be paid to be a troll by the Russians. Hell you could be a Epoch time troll paid by Trump's Chinese cultists.
Again, you are welcome for all the medical advances we have given to the rest of the world.

It doesn't take 'Single payer' healthcare to cover 100% of our population. Obama almost got us to that, but Republicans led states like Georgia decided to not allow their citizens to be able to have the public option.
Nah, you are just spouting stupid shit that has been shown to have come directly from the Russians attack on our democracy and seem to want us to buy into your nonsense about our government.

Which seems to really come down to maybe you actually believe it, because hell once you believe in 'Illuminati' level conspiracy theories and post videos of some dude freaking out in a political rally as proof of it, believing that Biden and Trump are the same is just par for the course I guess.

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Lol you dont believe in these secret societies like skull & bones or that george bush senior and junior and john kerry are for example some of the members? Or do you not believe that people can use these circles as their advantage in their political career? Or do you not believe that the advantage that they can get is big enough to matter? Or do you believe that its all ok even if it happens, because it happened before and its ok if it continues?

Do you not belive the CIA document i gave that talked of the committee of 300? Did you even read what was being said there? What is a conspiracy and is it a conspiracy anymore if it has been revealed by CIA?

Do you seriously think that some russian trolls are also doing the things that all trumpters do online? Do you think that if russian trolls suddenly stopped trying to influence, it would effectively help in combatting fake news? What do you think is the % of true russian trolls and trumpsters producing and spreading all that fake news around?

The fact that there is a lot of scientific research done in USA is not because of wasteful spending on medical expenses. That wasted money goes all in the owners pockets, sorry to let you know.

There are tons of world top universities in USA, they do most of the research. What you are dealing with oxycotin is what the big pharma does to your people. Sure they sometimes make essential medicines, but most of what they do with the money is to fun research that they hide if it doesent give them the results they want and then they bruteforce these studies until they get the results they want, then they release only those with the "correct" results and get their drugs approved. This is not some huge unknown conspiracy i made up, this was taught in university course on scientific research.
This is how they were able to push oxycontin to markets with studies showing that it is not very addictive. They knew the truth about it. But they get away with it with small fines that is just for the theatre.

Obama almost got you to proper healthcare, but it costed like hell and did not make sense due to its high costs. Really well done from obama, l sure you helped many for a while, but now people are convinced that that sort of thing doesent work because its too expensive(even tho again its not that expensive to others). All he had to do is ask for example sweden or denmark what they are doing and copypaste. But he cant do that because he needs to keep the insurance companies making money from it(and more people taking profits = more expenses from taxes), because obama did not want to get a proper healthcare system, he only made money for his donors with this shitty obama care thing and pumped so much money to his donors that the whole thing got too expensive and people dont want it anymore. And now when they are being told that a single payer would cost even more, they eat it like a dog eats shit and get scared that they will have to pay tons of more taxes and not have enough money for living, because they are already struggling with stuff like student debt etc.

Have you ever heard of these folks called lobbyists? Do you know what their aim is? Do you know that not all of them work for some non profit organisations that want to do good, but to large corporations that want to give money to politicians, so that they would make laws that helps the company make more profits?
I was willing to credit him with just being very ignorant until he proved me wrong with further posts. Many of his posts were along the lines of black people are acting out for no good reason and demanding free stuff. Also, "protect the white race" kind of permeated his posts. He's racist. It's not a permanent defect. People can learn and change. For now and likely forever, racist. Overtly so.
I stopped paying much attention to him awhile back and never read his posts much, seen it all before. I've worked with many and there is a reason politics and religion are no go topics at work most of the time. If they said or behaved in say certain ways, I'm not exactly a shy person and have a tongue on me like a razor.
Lol you dont believe in these secret societies like skull & bones or that george bush senior and junior and john kerry are for example some of the members? Or do you not believe that people can use these circles as their advantage in their political career? Or do you not believe that the advantage that they can get is big enough to matter? Or do you believe that its all ok even if it happens, because it happened before and its ok if it continues?

Do you not belive the CIA document i gave that talked of the committee of 300? Did you even read what was being said there? What is a conspiracy and is it a conspiracy anymore if it has been revealed by CIA?

Do you seriously think that some russian trolls are also doing the things that all trumpters do online? Do you think that if russian trolls suddenly stopped trying to influence, it would effectively help in combatting fake news? What do you think is the % of true russian trolls and trumpsters producing and spreading all that fake news around?

The fact that there is a lot of scientific research done in USA is not because of wasteful spending on medical expenses. That wasted money goes all in the owners pockets, sorry to let you know.

There are tons of world top universities in USA, they do most of the research. What you are dealing with oxycotin is what the big pharma does to your people. Sure they sometimes make essential medicines, but most of what they do with the money is to fun research that they hide if it doesent give them the results they want and then they bruteforce these studies until they get the results they want, then they release only those with the "correct" results and get their drugs approved. This is not some huge unknown conspiracy i made up, this was taught in university course on scientific research.
This is how they were able to push oxycontin to markets with studies showing that it is not very addictive. They knew the truth about it. But they get away with it with small fines that is just for the theatre.

Obama almost got you to proper healthcare, but it costed like hell and did not make sense due to its high costs. Really well done from obama, l sure you helped many for a while, but now people are convinced that that sort of thing doesent work because its too expensive(even tho again its not that expensive to others). All he had to do is ask for example sweden or denmark what they are doing and copypaste. But he cant do that because he needs to keep the insurance companies making money from it(and more people taking profits = more expenses from taxes), because obama did not want to get a proper healthcare system, he only made money for his donors with this shitty obama care thing and pumped so much money to his donors that the whole thing got too expensive and people dont want it anymore. And now when they are being told that a single payer would cost even more, they eat it like a dog eats shit and get scared that they will have to pay tons of more taxes and not have enough money for living, because they are already struggling with stuff like student debt etc.

Have you ever heard of these folks called lobbyists? Do you know what their aim is? Do you know that not all of them work for some non profit organisations that want to do good, but to large corporations that want to give money to politicians, so that they would make laws that helps the company make more profits?
tell us about the shape shifting reptilian holographic jews, sergey
Lol you dont believe in these secret societies like skull & bones or that george bush senior and junior and john kerry are for example some of the members? Or do you not believe that people can use these circles as their advantage in their political career? Or do you not believe that the advantage that they can get is big enough to matter? Or do you believe that its all ok even if it happens, because it happened before and its ok if it continues?

Do I think that super wealthy white men get together while at school and have their secret butt buddy groups? Is that a for real question?

And that these groups actively help each other out throughout their careers so that their kids can one day have enough wealth to buy their kids into the same whatever it is that these people want to go into?


lol yeah I believe they exist.

But not in the boogey man way you describe. And the ones that do insider trading and shit like that, I can't wait for the law to one day be enforced on them and their families and all that ill gotten wealth gets redistributed.

Do you not belive the CIA document i gave that talked of the committee of 300? Did you even read what was being said there? What is a conspiracy and is it a conspiracy anymore if it has been revealed by CIA?
I am more concerned about a 2006 report discussing the white supremacists in our police and the current attack on our democracy being conducted by the Russian military, which is in a 2018 report. Than I am about whatever conspiracy it is that you were talking about unless it was released since the late 90s?

Do you seriously think that some russian trolls are also doing the things that all trumpters do online? Do you think that if russian trolls suddenly stopped trying to influence, it would effectively help in combatting fake news? What do you think is the % of true russian trolls and trumpsters producing and spreading all that fake news around?

Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 4.02.14 PM.png

The Russian military were in touch with 67 million people over a billion times during the election on just that one forum in just one month leading up to the election.

The % would matter why? Is there a certain % that you think would start to matter when comparing trolls/trump supporters?

The fact that there is a lot of scientific research done in USA is not because of wasteful spending on medical expenses. That wasted money goes all in the owners pockets, sorry to let you know.

There are tons of world top universities in USA, they do most of the research. What you are dealing with oxycotin is what the big pharma does to your people. Sure they sometimes make essential medicines, but most of what they do with the money is to fun research that they hide if it doesent give them the results they want and then they bruteforce these studies until they get the results they want, then they release only those with the "correct" results and get their drugs approved. This is not some huge unknown conspiracy i made up, this was taught in university course on scientific research.
This is how they were able to push oxycontin to markets with studies showing that it is not very addictive. They knew the truth about it. But they get away with it with small fines that is just for the theatre.
Just saying shit doesn't make it true.

Who are 'the owners' that are getting all the medical spending pumped into their pockets, and how would that compare to the salaries of their entire workforce (Pfizer: 88,000 or so employees who make on avg $92k a year is about vs CEO getting $16 million meaning the employees at pfizer pays their employees about 500 times more money than they do their CEO).

Are their criminals, yes of course and once again I can't wait for the times that people get their wealth and privilege away taken away from them when they break the laws of our nation in order to profit off of us.

Obama almost got you to proper healthcare, but it costed like hell and did not make sense due to its high costs. Really well done from obama, l sure you helped many for a while, but now people are convinced that that sort of thing doesent work because its too expensive(even tho again its not that expensive to others). All he had to do is ask for example sweden or denmark what they are doing and copypaste. But he cant do that because he needs to keep the insurance companies making money from it(and more people taking profits = more expenses from taxes), because obama did not want to get a proper healthcare system, he only made money for his donors with this shitty obama care thing and pumped so much money to his donors that the whole thing got too expensive and people dont want it anymore. And now when they are being told that a single payer would cost even more, they eat it like a dog eats shit and get scared that they will have to pay tons of more taxes and not have enough money for living, because they are already struggling with stuff like student debt etc.

Have you ever heard of these folks called lobbyists? Do you know what their aim is? Do you know that not all of them work for some non profit organisations that want to do good, but to large corporations that want to give money to politicians, so that they would make laws that helps the company make more profits?

Is this where you start trolling me with weak shit like 'Have you ever heard of these folks called lobbyists' in order to get a shitty response from me after pretending like you have the scoop on our healthcare costs and how and why they have changed?
Particularly white Christian

Whats color got to do with religion? Why narrow it to white only?? I agree with most of your post, I feel the same way. So I aint lookin for a tussle here, just curious why you went there
I bet you can't respond to a post with a valid factual argument without making an accusation or using a pejorative term.