Biden & Harris :)

your own source shows cannabis prosecutions went way down under harris, white trumptard.
From that article, if you really read it,

“Kamala Harris and I disagreed on a lot of criminal justice issues, but I have to admit, she was probably the most progressive prosecutor in the state at the time when it came to marijuana,” Solis said.

Not all defense attorneys agree. J. David Nick, who represented several dozen marijuana defendants during Hallinan and Harris’ tenures, said he remembered Harris as more aggressive in charging marijuana sales cases than her predecessor, who was already declining to prosecute many of those arrested."

So Harris was more agressive than her predecessor who had already deescalated marijuana prosecutions.
Fair enough Biden has made questionable statements but has made up for it since with his service to the nation as VP and will guide us out of this shit hole country Trump has turned us into.

That's exactly what the real owners of you want.

Great dog whistle you transparent moron. This is where you get dismissed as we all know where this is going.
Alright Buck. You've called me all kind of names. I've tried to be civil. I will not argue with you anymore. It appears that you can not have a debate without calling people names. You can't cite sources. You can't provide facts. You're not even fun to debate. You call names but add no substance to the discussion. I will not keep arguing with you. You will not actually debate.
Alright Buck. You've called me all kind of names. I've tried to be civil. I will not argue with you anymore. It appears that you can not have a debate without calling people names. You can't cite sources. You can't provide facts. You're not even fun to debate. You call names but add no substance to the discussion. I will not keep arguing with you. You will not actually debate.
i'm citing your own source to prove you wrong, dumb white trumptard
Politicians used to kiss babies and become approachable to the public , children and such.

Applying your own sick twist on the optics makes you a creeper. He is just an old school guy that gives hugs and smiles.
Trump .... however would try to tongue check is own daughter , comment on baby Tiffany’s 1 year old legs , send thoughts and prayers to Maxwell , comment on air and in print how “ if ivanka wasn’t his daughter and of course being her father “ , walked in on Teen universe girls while they dressed , got caught with strippers and porn actresses , cheated on EVERY WIFE , posed with stormy and melania ( while pregnant ) in a photo op , says he barely knew epstein ( yet is on vid shaking his ass at a “ party “ ) , on and on.


Trump would try to French a kid if he could. Fuck trump and his mindless mob of tards.
He brings NOTHING to the table .... never has never will.


Alright Buck. You've called me all kind of names. I've tried to be civil. I will not argue with you anymore. It appears that you can not have a debate without calling people names. You can't cite sources. You can't provide facts. You're not even fun to debate. You call names but add no substance to the discussion. I will not keep arguing with you. You will not actually debate.

Nice dodge though. Tell me you're one of those Rawn Pawl libertarian "good" racists. Name a better option instead of flinging shit in all directions and walking away.
Fair enough Biden has made questionable statements but has made up for it since with his service to the nation as VP and will guide us out of this shit hole country Trump has turned us into.

Great dog whistle you transparent moron. This is where you get dismissed as we all know where this is going.
Great. Dismiss me. I will answer you even though I've been dismissed.

Biden did what as VP? Kamela Harris called him out on his racist votes in office as Senator. There's several vidoes of him doing questionable things around women, and reports from women of things he's done. When put to question Biden calls names. Like people here. Trump does too. I never said I like Trump.

He's an old rich white man who's done nothing for women or people of color. But you'll all vote for him. I find that sad.

I find the state of our country sad. That Trump and Biden are our best to choose from. If you had a choice it would be neither. That's how the real owners of the country want it. You don't really get any choice.
Seriously. All of you take pause. Look at all the names I've been called for expressing a different opinion. It's disgusting. You call the left accepting and progressive. You all have called me names used gender abusive terms towards me. Is this really the kind of people you want to be?
Seriously. All of you take pause. Look at all the names I've been called for expressing a different opinion. It's disgusting. You call the left accepting and progressive. You all have called me names used gender abusive terms towards me. Is this really the kind of people you want to be?
You got shit on for lying to me. You brought this upon yourself. You deserve it
Great. Dismiss me. I will answer you even though I've been dismissed.

Biden did what as VP? Kamela Harris called him out on his racist votes in office as Senator. There's several vidoes of him doing questionable things around women, and reports from women of things he's done. When put to question Biden calls names. Like people here. Trump does too. I never said I like Trump.

He's an old rich white man who's done nothing for women or people of color. But you'll all vote for him. I find that sad.

I find the state of our country sad. That Trump and Biden are our best to choose from. If you had a choice it would be neither. That's how the real owners of the country want it. You don't really get any choice.

Name a better candidate or shut the fuck up. Do you think Trump will do anything to better this country? Do you think Biden and Harris won't address BLM reforms or the pandemic or international partnerships? Trump destroyed all that, so name a better candidate to lead us out of this.

And the way Biden acts around kids is totally innocent and from a bygone generation. My mom is his age and she has no qualms (before covid) of pinching little kids cheeks and tussling their hair because of their cuteness. The women stuff is uncomfortable and inappropriate but has been addressed. He isn't raping women and children like Trump though.

Again name a better candidate or go back to your Incel basement.
No, it just makes me smarter than you. I can express myself without lowering myself to your level.

I've chosen this Level to deal with you because you deserve no better. and as for better educated, I highly doubt it.
Nice that you admit you're a cracker racist just because you dress it up as a dog whistle doesn't make it less vile. Your lack of pigment isn't the only thing that makes you transparent. Have you ever had a 7" penis in your skull? Because I'm about to send you one mentally.

P.S. I'm baked so pardon the run ons and grammar.
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No, it just makes me smarter than you. I can express myself without lowering myself to your level.

I find it funny that throughout history people equate Intelligence with being a good person. There is a saying where my family is from "Eat God Shit the Devil" the most pious are the worst people. Funny enough the pope who denied the Jews help had that name, Pious the 12th. You may use the words of an educated person but your intentions are corrupt.

So enough treating you like a human and back to shitland with you and your horrible, insignificant soul.

My prediction. The Dems blow themselves up before November and Trump sneaks in again. 2016 all over again because you haven't learned to take criticism with an ounce of class The pandemic was a gift wrapped in a big giant bow, and i have faith you'll squander it.

My prediction. The Dems blow themselves up before November and Trump sneaks in again. 2016 all over again because you haven't learned to take criticism with an ounce of class The pandemic was a gift wrapped in a big giant bow, and i have faith you'll squander it.
You're back?
My prediction is that you will stroke out from my cock blocking blood to your brain. 7" is a lot of room to take up in a skull especially in a pinhead such as yourself.