if you listen to his story, it was a trailer park boys theme party on the boat. the moron was doing julian and randy at the same time. julian always carries the rum and coke, and randy always has his pants unbuttoned.
how do you know all this^^^?
if you listen to his story, it was a trailer park boys theme party on the boat. the moron was doing julian and randy at the same time. julian always carries the rum and coke, and randy always has his pants unbuttoned.
I'd troll on the Nazi and racist sites, but they have moderators and would shut ya down real quick, like trying to ask an honest question of Trump at one of the circuses he calls rallies. Donald doesn't do town halls, only staged one way events, like a preacher in a church, you don't get to publicly question and debate him after the sermon to make him stand behind his words and actions. At the end of every honest lecture or speech there is a question and answer period, often longer than the lecture itself. A sure sign you are dealing with bullshit is how they structure public events and allow public participation, not pre screened cult members asking softball non questions. It's the same for churches and other religious organisations who figure they know the truth and you don't, they speak, you listen and don't talk back. Donald can only blowvinate, he's too stupid to hold a dialogue or answer questions because he literally knows nothing and can't figure shit out.I wonder how much trolls get paid?
I'd troll on the Nazi and racist sites, but they have moderators and would shut ya down real quick, like trying to ask an honest question of Trump at one of the circuses he calls rallies. Donald doesn't do town halls, only staged one way events, like a preacher in a church, you don't get to publicly question and debate him after the sermon to make him stand behind his words and actions. At the end of every honest lecture or speech there is a question and answer period, often longer than the lecture itself. A sure sign you are dealing with bullshit is how they structure public events and allow public participation, not pre screened cult members asking softball non questions. It's the same for churches and other religious organisations who figure they know the truth and you don't, they speak, you listen and don't talk back. Donald can only blowvinate, he's too stupid to hold a dialogue or answer questions because he literally knows nothing and can't figure shit out.
Donald is what social workers would call, unemployable, there is dignity in all work, and that is Donald's main problem, he has no dignity, or integrity. His intellectual abilities make him fit for meanal labor only, but he doesn't even have the character to push an idiot stick, someone would have to stand over Donald with a whip in one hand a shotgun in the other. A shock collar would not work, the batteries would be worn out and Donald's head would be burnt to a charcoal briquette. If Donald wasn't born rich, he would either starve, or eat in prison, unless someone killed the cocksucker, which is the most likely scenario.
The republicans and Trump use other bodily orifices to blow it out, a blowvinator is someone like Rush or Trump, it,s not a conversation it's just them selling you self serving bullshit or trying to cover you in shit. Like a whale blowing a spout of mist into the air, these guys blow bullshit out of their mouths.don't whales blowvinate from their blow-holes?
The republicans and Trump use other bodily orifices to blow it out, a blowvinator is someone like Rush or Trump, it not a conversation it's just them selling you self serving bullshit or trying to cover you in shit. Like a whale blowing a spout of mist into the air, these guys blow bullshit out of their mouths.
Not crazy enough not to know what will happen if he loses in Nov and to try every plan to cheat and steal the election suggested to him by his minions, including the smart desperate ones like Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo. Their problem is they have to involve Donald in their schemes, for as all know, he is the master of conspiracies. Donald can't keep a secret and tells you exactly what he's going to do, there are no and can be no surprises with Donald on board. When the shit hits the fan, Donald will rat the plan and everybody in it out to the press while shifting the blame. For the kind of shit Donald and his criminal associates want to pull off, surprise is important, as it is in any battle.Oh nothing ... Trump visiting CRAZYTOWN again.
Next Stop ... Bat Shit
Trump claims he would have beaten George Washington in election while bragging about non-existent poll numbers
If Donald Trump were to square off with US founding father George Washington in an election, the current president would have had a leg up — so says Mr Trump.
“I don’t know if you’ve seen, the polls have been going up like a rocket ship. George Washington would have had a hard time beating me before the plague came in, before the China plague. And then, you know, like every other nation, like other countries, when you get hit, it affects you, and we went down a little bit,” Mr Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.
In fact, more voters think Mr Trump is mentally unable to perform the office of the presidency than Mr Biden, poll data from July reveals.
Donald can't run that fast and they have tasers now, also special bags to put over their heads (give his a little shot of pepper spray inside to sanitize it) for covid safety while they are in cuffs.
lulz, what a yuuuuuge surprise.Kamala the cop, no vote for me.
I never voted before, Biden should have chosen Susan Rice.lulz, what a yuuuuuge surprise.
You were always a Trump supporter.
If you don't vote, you are letting others decide. So stop bitching. You made your choice.I never voted before, Biden should have chosen Susan Rice.
Why Susan Rice?I never voted before, Biden should have chosen Susan Rice.
If it's a landslide and the results are known that evening, especially the results from Florida (they count mail in fast), then a Biden/Harris victory will be declared or strongly assumed by the media. Donald's power will begin to evaporate immediately as his henchmen run for the hills and regular government employees consult with Joe's team before any decisions are made. There will be no transition meetings, there have been none as mandated and there will be none, they would have to explain things then. Joe might as well assemble the team make the plans and hit the ground running while minimising the mess left behind by Donald. Expect to see a lot of experienced old hands initially, he has little choice but to employ those with knowledge and experience who can act quickly and who know where the levers of power are. That's what you need, power, the full power and might of the US government, to defeat this problem and restore the nation, Joe can handle the reigns of that power and use it for the benefit of the people.
Benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! That's why.Why Susan Rice?
And reserect this kind of shit the Republicans and Russians worked so hard to get to stick in their attack on our citizens?I never voted before, Biden should have chosen Susan Rice.
All those years of congressional investigations by the republicans, sure have set a useful precedent for the country, years and many investigations will be required to unravel Trump and the republicans treason and corruption. Unlike Benghazi, there will be hundreds if not thousands of criminal indictments, civil suits and squeal deals coming out of it. With Trump there will be prison time for many and the destruction of the GOP, with Benghazi there was bad PR for one person. Yep, Benghazi was a useful precedent for the democrats to point to, as they hang republicans on crosses and burn them at the stake in the coming months and years. 300,000 dead and a million maimed citizens make things deadly serious this time around and there will be consequences for as many of these assholes as possible, count on it.Benghaziiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! That's why.
If it's a landslide and the results are known that evening, especially the results from Florida (they count mail in fast), then a Biden/Harris victory will be declared or strongly assumed by the media. Donald's power will begin to evaporate immediately as his henchmen run for the hills and regular government employees consult with Joe's team before any decisions are made. There will be no transition meetings, there have been none as mandated and there will be none, they would have to explain things then. Joe might as well assemble the team make the plans and hit the ground running while minimising the mess left behind by Donald. Expect to see a lot of experienced old hands initially, he has little choice but to employ those with knowledge and experience who can act quickly and who know where the levers of power are. That's what you need, power, the full power and might of the US government, to defeat this problem and restore the nation, Joe can handle the reigns of that power and use it for the benefit of the people.
If Donald loses and the republicans are wiped out of power, the speculation about his legal fate will begin that week on all the TV news channels he watches. Just imagine all the laws he has broken and all the slam dunk cases ready to go, he might even be indicted before the election by the NY state AG. Donald knows what Donald did and Donald knows he has no real friends, the speculation by the legal pundits will drive him mad or to acts of madness, you ain't seen nothing yet baby. Wait till he turns on America for rejecting him and not liking him, if ya didn't like me before, he will do everything imaginable to harm the country, but he depends on others for his ideas and will rat them out and blame them too. By the time inauguration day arrives Donald will be humiliated, powerless and looking at a set of cuffs. All of his henchmen and minions will be long gone, deserting their posts, but still on the government payroll until Joe removes them, because Donald won't know how to do it.
They will serve Donald in Mar Logo and if the judge is smart he/she will slap a gag order on him either right away or a week after he is arraigned. A week after the gag order is imposed Donald will be jailed for breaking it and thus begins a life of incarceration in solitary confinement. He will go mad with only himself as his only company, you'd go nuts too, if ya had to spend any time with Donald, either that or kill the cocksucker.![]()