Biden & Harris :)

From that article, if you really read it,

“Kamala Harris and I disagreed on a lot of criminal justice issues, but I have to admit, she was probably the most progressive prosecutor in the state at the time when it came to marijuana,” Solis said.

Not all defense attorneys agree. J. David Nick, who represented several dozen marijuana defendants during Hallinan and Harris’ tenures, said he remembered Harris as more aggressive in charging marijuana sales cases than her predecessor, who was already declining to prosecute many of those arrested."

So Harris was more agressive than her predecessor who had already deescalated marijuana prosecutions.
Trump busts heads in Portland for years and where you been grimey?

Yet here you are, after 3 1/2 effing years of right wing fascist actions and you show up the minute the Democratic replacement team is nominated.

So, yeah, I don't really believe you. Nobody does.
You're back?
My prediction is that you will stroke out from my cock blocking blood to your brain. 7" is a lot of room to take up in a skull especially in a pinhead such as yourself.

How does that even work? Seven inches isn't long enough to make a noose you know. You're either really bad at math or anatomy.
How does that even work? Seven inches isn't long enough to make a noose you know. You're either really bad at math or anatomy.
God you're stupid. It's because it's literally lodged in between your hippocampus and cerebellum. It's fucking you up in all kinds of ways (look it up). I'm sorry for giving you the IQ of your idiot President Pedo.
I liked seeing that side of her, the fighter and someone not afraid to say how she feels.

I'm not here to give you a hard time, just to point out possible fallacies, use per your own discretion.

Saying what she feels... Has she ever said anything that you took objection to?
Has she ever mentioned anything that would challenge the views of anyone but the famed "deplorables"?

I admire her ambition [..] an impressive career [..] I believe she is a good person and has all of the best intentions [..] She is a class act!
She has no ugly skeletons in her closet because she is a decent person.

This is the description of an idealized person that likely does not exist in the real world.

I liked seeing that [..] fighter. She was out for blood. her feistiness and ability to fight for the win. [..]

There's two problems with the john wayne approach:
*The solution is eternal dominance over the "bad" side. This cannot function in the real world.
*If the fighter errs, he becomes the abuser. If he cannot accept the notion of having committed abuse, the victim must remain bad.

And the problem is not a lack of fighting.
The problem is, that this particular nation-state has an over-emphasis of agressive features, instead of nurishing features for it's population.
A borderline police-state, extreme militarisation, wealth inequality, no healthcare, higher education, or security.
This has to change.
I'm not here to give you a hard time, just to point out possible fallacies, use per your own discretion.

Saying what she feels... Has she ever said anything that you took objection to?
Has she ever mentioned anything that would challenge the views of anyone but the famed "deplorables"?

This is the description of an idealized person that likely does not exist in the real world.

There's two problems with the john wayne approach:
*The solution is eternal dominance over the "bad" side. This cannot function in the real world.
*If the fighter errs, he becomes the abuser. If he cannot accept the notion of having committed abuse, the victim must remain bad.

And the problem is not a lack of fighting.
The problem is, that this particular nation-state has an over-emphasis of agressive features, instead of nurishing features for it's population.
A borderline police-state, extreme militarisation, wealth inequality, no healthcare, higher education, or security.
This has to change.

But why leave quarter for racists, thieves, and traitors?
I'm not here to give you a hard time, just to point out possible fallacies, use per your own discretion.

Saying what she feels... Has she ever said anything that you took objection to?
Has she ever mentioned anything that would challenge the views of anyone but the famed "deplorables"?

This is the description of an idealized person that likely does not exist in the real world.

There's two problems with the john wayne approach:
*The solution is eternal dominance over the "bad" side. This cannot function in the real world.
*If the fighter errs, he becomes the abuser. If he cannot accept the notion of having committed abuse, the victim must remain bad.

And the problem is not a lack of fighting.
The problem is, that this particular nation-state has an over-emphasis of agressive features, instead of nurishing features for it's population.
A borderline police-state, extreme militarisation, wealth inequality, no healthcare, higher education, or security.
This has to change.
hey man, just wanted to say shut the fuck up. thanks
I'm not here to give you a hard time, just to point out possible fallacies, use per your own discretion.

Saying what she feels... Has she ever said anything that you took objection to?
Has she ever mentioned anything that would challenge the views of anyone but the famed "deplorables"?

This is the description of an idealized person that likely does not exist in the real world.

There's two problems with the john wayne approach:
*The solution is eternal dominance over the "bad" side. This cannot function in the real world.
*If the fighter errs, he becomes the abuser. If he cannot accept the notion of having committed abuse, the victim must remain bad.

And the problem is not a lack of fighting.
The problem is, that this particular nation-state has an over-emphasis of agressive features, instead of nurishing features for it's population.
A borderline police-state, extreme militarisation, wealth inequality, no healthcare, higher education, or security.
This has to change.
All the facades have been burned away from the "both sides are bad" argument. What's we can now see is a hideous shack with a leaky roof. That argument is a lie and always was.

The left had their chances and they lost. Elections matter. Sanders had two bids for president and the same thing happened each time. The left doesn't vote at anywhere near the numbers needed to win the Democratic nomination. Either there aren't enough of them or they can't manage to get their ballot in to be counted. Not for Sanders and not the better left side Democrat, Elizabeth Warren. Warren was my first choice, btw.

Biden won the majority in the primary. That's it. Elections matter, so shut the fuck up and choose now between Trump and Biden. If you want to talk about moral hazard of voting for the least worst candidate then shove it up your ass. Because that's what Trump will do to us all if he wins a second term. Now is the time to rally around somebody who has a very good chance of getting the corrupt Republican fascists out of government. Afterward, we can work on what we want to do. You cannot enact change from the back benches.
Last edited:
hey man, just wanted to say shut the fuck up. thanks
Just wanted to say you don't add anything to the conversation. You deride other members and cast insults. You never provide a piece of intelectual conversation.

You are below every third grade student I've ever known.

Your opinion means nothing to me. You've proved your point. You are the problem in America.

Go stick yourself in yourself. Uncle Buck.
You know what they say about arguing with idiots. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
So, you care so deeply about what Harris in California that you just had to show up here to tell us all about how bad she is. Yeah, sure you care. From your past posts, you are a conservative Christian who loved him the death of Travon Martin. Just go vote for Trump already, Nazi.
No, it just makes me smarter than you. I can express myself without lowering myself to your level.
You are an enemy of humanity, it doesn't get much lower than that. In America, today you are either a liberal or a fascist, there are no conservatives, they went extinct. The choice is stark and simple, only fools are confused, only those who don't know the difference between right and wrong, or just don't care, support the republicans and Trump.

Vote for Joe or stay home.
You are an enemy of humanity, it doesn't get much lower than that. In America, today you are either a liberal or a fascist, there are no conservatives, they went extinct. The choice is stark and simple, only fools are confused, only those who don't know the difference between right and wrong, or just don't care, support the republicans and Trump.

Vote for Joe or stay home.
He's just here to push right wing propaganda. After 10,000 of Trump's lies and endless gas lighting everything that they've done to this country by Republicans, it just doesn't work any more. So-called Christian right would have crucified Jesus if he showed up. The fuckers even tore at the pope for telling them they need to shape up or go to hell.
I'm not here to give you a hard time, just to point out possible fallacies, use per your own discretion.

Saying what she feels... Has she ever said anything that you took objection to?
Has she ever mentioned anything that would challenge the views of anyone but the famed "deplorables"?

This is the description of an idealized person that likely does not exist in the real world.

There's two problems with the john wayne approach:
*The solution is eternal dominance over the "bad" side. This cannot function in the real world.
*If the fighter errs, he becomes the abuser. If he cannot accept the notion of having committed abuse, the victim must remain bad.

And the problem is not a lack of fighting.
The problem is, that this particular nation-state has an over-emphasis of agressive features, instead of nurishing features for it's population.
A borderline police-state, extreme militarisation, wealth inequality, no healthcare, higher education, or security.
This has to change.
You’re not even American.
Biden, Clinton, Epstein.... Who knows who else since Epstein "Killed Himself".
I always find it interesting how hard Trump wants everyone to not realize it is him and his cultists that are in charge of the prisons system that Epstein murdered himself in.

Also Trump and Epstein have actually been named in a lawsuit for raping a 13 year old girl from back when Trump was fist pumping with his pedo buddy. And it just magically went away as soon as Trump was elected POTUS.

And then Trump actually went on to wish a child rapist well a few weeks ago.
Crazy we all smoke weed. Kamala Harris did too. She also put a lot of people in jail for smoking weed. Mostly black people. Joe and Kamala were great friends during the democrat debates. Right?

Joe is senile. I feel sorry for him. But he also is sexist and racist and all of this is on record from his serving in the government. Even Kamela Harris called him on it.

Here we go again. America gets to pick the biggest loser. Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich.

Very sad for America that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the best candidates we can find for president. That's exactly what the real owners of you want.
Like others mentioned, cannabis convictions dropped after Kamala's first year.

Now Trump on the other hand having Barr pick winners and losers in the cannabis industry is pretty fucked up.

And unlike Trump's snowflake ass, Biden doesn't need everyone to say how great he is all the time to be able to try to slip in a policy without having a mean tweet directed at them.

Your troll about senility is old, and shitty and hilarious when you know you are comparing a man with a stutter that after 50 years of public office has a handful of edited bullshit the Trump cultists like to pretend is 'proof' of what they want to believe.

As far as him being racist, you are full of shit, spouting the same nonsense that trolls have been trying to attack Biden with ever since Dear Leader shit himself at the thought of running against Biden and got himself impeached trying to manufacture dirt on him.

As for being 'sexist', I wonder if you have more than the woman who wrote Putin love stories and old Republican attacks?

The troll about 'both sides' is so boring at this point. If you are not just another paid troll for Trump (even if the 'don't vote' variety) you are using their playbook, so you might want to check what you think you know on a credible news source like the AP news, because you are hitting the Trump paid troll bingo card.

Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 6.52.47 AM.png
You racists white supremacist democrats ain't gonna win shit.
I can already hear the reeeeeeing starting.
Expect severe federal intervention after said loss as YOU laid the groundwork and built public support for it.
We shall overcome.

Ah fuck! My ignore button is getting worn out even before coffee! I need sum liberty from these nazi, pedo lovers.