The hypocrisy from the right is delightfully comparable to the hypocrisy from the left as we see both parties instantaneously switch positions on this topic from just 4 years ago. If you only see the hypocrisy on one side, you just might be partisan. LOL
The only clear truth is this. If you do not have both the presidency and the senate, you don't get to appoint a supreme in an election year. If ya got them both, you can try.
Oh yeah, that's just what the Constitution says and what the founding fathers intended. You are a piece of shit.
The Republicans refused to follow the Constitution and have justified it by having the political might to do it. The Democrats are demanding that we use the same set of rules that the Republicans did in justifying their violation of the Constitution and
not appoint a Justice. And you have the dishonesty to compare them. Fuck you.
If you believe that line of shit, it demonstrates how totally incapable of intelligent thought you are. But we already knew that.
The only clear truth is that Republicans routinely wipe their ass on the Constitution while they publicly claim that they revere it and their supporters are too stupid to tell the difference as you have just amply demonstrated with your "delight", dumb fuck.
The same argument that you have just used "
If ya got them both, you can try" could be used to justify the holocaust as the Jews didn't have the strength to resist being rounded up and slaughtered.