Brad Parscale: Trump's #1 Domestic Propaganda Troll

There have been protests almost every day since June and you wouldn't notice unless you worked at the police union hall. We have a real problem with fascists working on Portland's police force and Antifa is working to get that changed. Fascists have invaded most police forces and Portland is just the first place to form committed opposition to them. The effort to root out white supremacists in the US police forces is only the beginning.

The riots you read about have all been instigated by right wing hate groups except for the time Trump sent goons to Portland in a failed attempt to turn his failing election campaign around. Republican Fascism is a herpes sore on the US society.
you do realize ANTIFA is a Marxist/Communists organization, don't you? Founded in the 1930's in Germany by Communists.
you do realize ANTIFA is a Marxist/Communists organization, don't you? Founded in the 1930's in Germany by Communists.
You do realize you are full of shit, don't you?

Rose City Antifa was founded in something like 2007 after the extreme crackdown by police during protests against world trade organization meetings in Seattle. You Republicans oppose the kind of international trade that's ballooned over the past 30 years, ever since NAFTA was signed. It's about the only policy you and I can agree upon. It's also one of the reasons behind Portland's Antifa movement.

Antifa are anti-fascist. Are you pro-fascist? We have a problem with fascists in Portland's police department and that's one causes of unrest in Portland today. We'll clean them out but it's not going to happen with Trump's fascist Republicans in power. So they have to go.
You do realize you are full of shit, don't you?

Rose City Antifa was founded in something like 2007 after the extreme crackdown by police during protests against world trade organization meetings in Seattle. You Republicans oppose the kind of international trade that's ballooned over the past 30 years, ever since NAFTA was signed. It's about the only policy you and I can agree upon. It's also one of the reasons behind Portland's Antifa movement.

Antifa are anti-fascist. Are you pro-fascist? We have a problem with fascists in Portland's police department and that's one causes of unrest in Portland today. We'll clean them out but it's not going to happen with Trump's fascist Republicans in power. So they have to go.
How old are you? You don't even know the origins of ANTIFA? Do you know what ANTIFA stands for, even?

Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". Under the leadership of the committed Stalinist Ernst Thälmann, the KPD viewed fascism primarily as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group and therefore applied the term to all other parties. The front focused largely on attacking the KPD's main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany, whom they referred to as social fascists and regarded as the "main pillar of the dictatorship of Capital"
How old are you? You don't even know the origins of ANTIFA? Do you know what ANTIFA stands for, even?

Rose City Antifa, which is the oldest of several Antifa groups in Portland stands for anti-fascist and they formed in 2007.

Rose City Antifa (RCA) is an antifa group founded 2007 in Portland, Oregon.[1] It is the oldest active antifa group in the United States.[2] Since 2016, Rose City Antifa is one of the nine chapters of The Torch Network coalition.[3]

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] is an anti-fascist and left-wing political movement in the United States[2][3][4][5] comprising an array of autonomous[6][7] groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.[8][9][10][11] A highly decentralized movement, antifa political activists are anti-racists who engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other far-right extremists.[12] This may involve digital activism,[13] harassment,[14] physical violence[14] and property damage[15] against those whom they identify as belonging to the far-right.[14][16][17][18]

I'm sorry that facts and history confuse you.
are you a US resident? I worked in government for 26 years. I personally knew numerous politicians in both parties for at least 10 years.

You say Clinton won the election by 3 million votes. We don't select presidents based on popular vote totals. Those 3 million votes came from one state, California, where Clinton's margin of victory in that single state was based on Clinton's beating Trump by nearly
5 million more votes in that state, alone. We select presidents by electoral college votes, we don't let the votes from one state determine our presidential election. California threw out nearly 500,000 ballots as invalid.

In 2016, the California election results between Clinton and Trump were:


My task is to draw you out so American patriots can beat the shit out of you with facts. You seem a might triggered and not too engaged in reality, perhaps supplying the titles, authors and perhaps even links to the books you've read.

Why do you support Trump? He is a traitor who committed dereliction of duty a fool who mass murdered over 100,000 citizens through malicious incompetence. He thought he would screw the blue states, covid was a blue state problem remember? When it hit the heart of the red states, Donald was unprepared with PPE and testing, his traveling death cult rallies are spreading the plague far and wide.

Donald is a psychopath a moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78 and you'd have to be dumber than Donald to support him. Why do you?
There have been protests almost every day since June and you wouldn't notice unless you worked at the police union hall. We have a real problem with fascists working on Portland's police force and Antifa is working to get that changed. Fascists have invaded most police forces and Portland is just the first place to form committed opposition to them. The effort to root out white supremacists in the US police forces is only the beginning.

The riots you read about have all been instigated by right wing hate groups except for the time Trump sent goons to Portland in a failed attempt to turn his failing election campaign around. Republican Fascism is a herpes sore on the US society.
With the help of a 'grassroots' organizer who just happens to be from Chernobyl Ukraine.
You aren't even in the United States. Jesus. Trudeau in black face repeatedly and you want to complain about Trump? Give me a break. Worry about your own country's leadership.
Justin is doing OK, he just cut a deal with another party, headed by an Indian Canadian, a fellow who wears a turban, he even looks like Justin! Justin avoided a fall election by adopting more left wing policies.

PS Who do you think dressed Justin up like that and expertly wound the turban? Yep Indo Canadians, black face doesn't have the same meaning for them, nobody even cares in Canada.
How old are you? You don't even know the origins of ANTIFA? Do you know what ANTIFA stands for, even?

Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". Under the leadership of the committed Stalinist Ernst Thälmann, the KPD viewed fascism primarily as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group and therefore applied the term to all other parties. The front focused largely on attacking the KPD's main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany, whom they referred to as social fascists and regarded as the "main pillar of the dictatorship of Capital"
Do you not get that all these 'brandnames' are just hijacked into clickbait propaganda to trick would be domestic terrorists into doing violence for their 'cause' of choice?
Do you not get that all these 'brandnames' are just hijacked into clickbait propaganda to trick would be domestic terrorists into doing violence for their 'cause' of choice?
that's a good line. They keep throwing out jargon as if there can only be one meaning behind the word. They even say Nazis were socialists "because socialist is in their name". Never mind the facts, just say something that sounds like a fact and forget any attempt at being correct. Antifa "are communists", for example. Far from it, they are anarchists, but ooooh scary -- communists!!!. I guess that works in Mississippi.

I hope you don't mind if I borrow that line now and then.
How old are you? You don't even know the origins of ANTIFA? Do you know what ANTIFA stands for, even?

Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was a militant anti-fascist organisation in the Weimar Republic started by members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 German federal elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD". Under the leadership of the committed Stalinist Ernst Thälmann, the KPD viewed fascism primarily as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group and therefore applied the term to all other parties. The front focused largely on attacking the KPD's main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany, whom they referred to as social fascists and regarded as the "main pillar of the dictatorship of Capital"
Calm down Doug youre getting all wonky on us
that's a good line. They keep throwing out jargon as if there can only be one meaning behind the word. They even say Nazis were socialists "because socialist is in their name". Never mind the facts, just say something that sounds like a fact and forget any attempt at being correct. Antifa "are communists", for example. Far from it, they are anarchists, but ooooh scary -- communists!!!. I guess that works in Mississippi.

I hope you don't mind if I borrow that line now and then.
Of Course, I totally stole that 'that's pretty neat' video from someone and @hillbill's 'Jonestown'. It is just the first things that pop into my mind when they are appropriately applied.
Putting it mildly, 25 Amendment is there for a reason, this prick isn’t lucid.
He's lucid enough, the psychopathic moron is desperate, he will go from President to America's biggest loser in an orange jumpsuit, while everything he tried to conceal is exposed to the world. It's life in prison and psychological death for Donald and literally life and death for everybody else, including the racist morons who support him.

His plan is not to win the election, that is impossible now, the idea (there is no plan, Donald can't do that) is to steal the election using the courts, voter and election official intimidation, acts of violence and terrorism by his supporters. Donald is desperate, he will try to seize power, remember he doesn't understand how the government or constitution work, and doesn't plan anything.
He's lucid enough, the psychopathic moron is desperate, he will go from President to America's biggest loser in an orange jumpsuit, while everything he tried to conceal is exposed to the world. It's life in prison and psychological death for Donald and literally life and death for everybody else, including the racist morons who support him.

His plan is not to win the election, that is impossible now, the idea (there is no plan, Donald can't do that) is to steal the election using the courts, voter and election official intimidation, acts of violence and terrorism by his supporters. Donald is desperate, he will try to seize power, remember he doesn't understand how the government or constitution work, and doesn't plan anything.
And has the C team giving him cover and advice. But Biden and the Democrats need to win huge in the presidential, house, and senate votes enough that Trump can't do shit about it but hop on AF1 for a trip to a friendly dictator's country.
The media is now scrubbing reports that Parscale is under investigation for embezzling campaign funds. It is always fake news. It was on media everywhere a few hours ago, now rapidly disappearing. You can trust anything in media these days.

I just finished a book on the Kavanaugh confirmation. The democrats promised to impeach Kavanaugh as soon as he was confirmed, they threatened it for months. Then Jabba the Hut Nadler let it slip, they never intended to impeach Kavanaugh, it was just a political gambit to sway votes. You can't believe anything a politician says. They intentionally lie.

I also read a book about Clinton's campaign. Written by liberal reporters. It was very enlightening on how she ran her campaign.

i've noticed and find disturbing.
Calm down Doug youre getting all wonky on us
I worked in the US government for 26 years. 22 of those years in the USDOJ. I had years of experience involved with radical groups. I personally knew Susan Rosenberg of the Weather Underground who now works for the organization that funds Black Lives Matters. She was in prison for terrorism until Bill Clinton on his last day in office.

I also knew her buddy from her early prison days, another terrorist.

Alejandrina Torres is a Puerto Rican woman whose trial as a member and role in Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN) resulted in her conviction and sentencing of 35 years for seditious conspiracy.Torres was linked to FALN, which claimed responsibility for 100 bombings and six deaths. Her sentence was commuted by President Bill Clinton in 1999.

I have much more experience with terror groups than anyone here. Obviously.

I knew them both back around 1986-1988.
I worked in the US government for 26 years. 22 of those years in the USDOJ. I had years of experience involved with radical groups. I personally knew Susan Rosenberg of the Weather Underground who now works for the organization that funds Black Lives Matters. She was in prison for terrorism until Bill Clinton on his last day in office.

I also knew her buddy from her early prison days, another terrorist.

Alejandrina Torres is a Puerto Rican woman whose trial as a member and role in Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN) resulted in her conviction and sentencing of 35 years for seditious conspiracy.Torres was linked to FALN, which claimed responsibility for 100 bombings and six deaths. Her sentence was commuted by President Bill Clinton in 1999.

I have much more experience with terror groups than anyone here. Obviously.

I knew them both back around 1986-1988.
I appreciate your expertise. But unfortunately Bill Barr has shown that experience doesn't mean that you are immune to pushing propaganda. I am not saying you are doing that at all, I don't know enough to say that.

How do you know that this lady works for a company that funds a loosely based organization, and how does it make you feel to know that conservatives have been under attack by the Russian military radicalizing them against the term 'Black Lives Matter'?

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 9.50.10 AM.png

I am not trolling you, I would actually like to have a good conversation about this.
How do I know Susan Rosenberg a convicted terrorist raises funds for Black Lives Matters? It has been heavily reported on and even liberal Snopes verifies it.

"Susan Rosenberg has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement."

Thousand Currents is undoubtedly very closely linked to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a Delaware-registered entity that is one of the leading formal embodiments of the broader Black Lives Matter movement. The Thousand Currents website outlines the relationship between the two entities:

“In 2016, BLM Global Network approached Thousand Currents to create a fiscal sponsorship agreement. Thousand Currents, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, provides the legal and administrative framework to enable BLM to fulfill its mission. Fiscal sponsorship is a common structure utilized by nonprofit organizations. Oftentimes, nonprofit initiatives seek fiscal sponsorship to be able to have the fiscal sponsor handle administrative operations while the organization focuses on its programs and builds up its own organizational infrastructure. In this capacity, we provide administrative and back office support, including finance, accounting, grants management, insurance, human resources, legal and compliance.”

Descriptions of Thousand Currents as an organization which “handles fundraising” for Black Lives Matter were therefore accurate.

As recently as June 24, the date on which the Capital Research Center published their report, the Thousand Currents website listed Susan Rosenberg as vice chair of the organization’s board of directors, describing her as a “human and prison rights advocate and writer.” The entire “board of directors” page has since been removed from the site.

According to tax documents obtained by Snopes, Rosenberg sat on the board of directors during the 2015 and 2016 financial years, and was elevated to the position of vice chair in 2017. We asked Thousand Currents for the dates of Rosenberg’s tenure on the board, and as its vice chair, and invited the organization to comment on the ongoing controversy, and will update this story if we receive a response.
Rosenberg’s prominent position within Thousand Currents is clear, as are that organization’s close links to the Black Lives Matter Global Network (and thereby the broader Black Lives Matter movement). However, the question of whether she should be described as a “terrorist” or “convicted terrorist” is much more complicated.

Arrests, Charges and Convictions
Originally from New York City, Rosenberg was an active member of several revolutionary left-wing groups and movements during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. In November 1984, she was arrested in Cherry Hill, New Jersey after police said she and an associate, Timothy Blunk, were found transferring 740 pounds of explosives, an Uzi submachine gun, an M-14 rifle, a rifle with a telescopic sight, a sawed-off shotgun, three 9-millimeter handguns and boxes of ammunition from a car into a storage locker.

Rosenberg was tried and convicted on the following charges: “Conspiracy to possess unregistered firearms, receive firearms and explosives shipped in interstate commerce while a fugitive, and unlawfully use false identification documents …; possession of unregistered destructive devices, possession of unregistered firearm (two counts) …; carrying explosives during commission of a felony … ; possession with intent to unlawfully use false identification documents…; false representation of Social Security number, possession of counterfeit Social Security cards.”

In May 1985, New Jersey U.S. District Court Judge Frederick Bernard Lacey gave Rosenberg and Blunk the maximum available sentence of 58 years each in prison. On Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg’s sentence, and she was released from prison.
According to several contemporaneous news reports, Rosenberg had previously been charged with multiple offenses as part of a major 1982 conspiracy case against several prominent left-wing revolutionaries. Along with the others, Rosenberg was charged with conspiracy and racketeering offenses in connection with the following incidents:
  • The 1979 prison escape of Joanne Chesimard (also known as Assata Shakur), a former leader of the Black Liberation Army who had been serving a life sentence for the 1973 murder of a New Jersey State Trooper named Werner Foerster
  • The 1976 attempted robbery of an armored car in Pittsburgh
  • The 1980 robbery of an armored car in Manhattan
  • Three attempted robberies of armored cars in Danbury, Connecticut
  • Four attempted robberies of armored cars in Nanuet, New York, in 1980 and 1981

The most high-profile incident was the October 1981 Brink’s robbery in Nyack, New York. Several members of the Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army groups were accused of having orchestrated and carried out the violent robbery of a Brink’s armored vehicle at the Nanuet Mall, stealing total of $1.6 million. In the course of a police chase and shootout, two police officers and a Brink’s guard were killed. The money was recovered. Specifically, Rosenberg was accused of having driven one of the getaway cars.
After Rosenberg’s arrest in New Jersey in 1984, and her subsequent conviction and imprisonment on the weapons and explosives possession charges, prosecutors dropped the conspiracy and racketeering charges against her, and she was never tried or convicted in relation to the 1981 Brink’s robbery, the 1979 Shakur prison escape, or other armed robberies.