Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours

Get my bike fixed. Been putting on weight since the crank broke. Nothing under $1000 for a bike in the city. I was doing an hour a day at a good clip. The hot days do not help, above 24C (75 F) I can't stay out long. If I get my body going to the point that I sweat my skin burns for hours to days. I have a screwed up nervous system due to a reaction from a chemical. Clothing rubbing on my skin causes the same reaction, after my ride I would take a cold shower to freeze my skin. Being 60 doesn't help either.

So I have issues that make it tougher. I need to get a couple of things off my plate and I'll work some of this excess off.
Portion control is important.

Go easy on the bread, pasta, and sugar.

Always have something on hand that's filling & healthy for when you are hungry between meals.

This is my current favorite:
Screenshot_2020-09-30 KIND Bars, Caramel Almond Sea Salt, 12 Bars, Gluten Free - Walmart com.png

Ice cream & donuts make people fat.
Lay off that shit for sure...

Intermittent Fasting.

Watch WHEN you eat:

By limiting the time you eat from 10 am until 6 pm your body goes into .... during the 18 hour fast.

Works great, without changing what I eat I've dropped from 223 to 193 with a goal of 170.


Intermittent Fasting.

Watch WHEN you eat:

By limiting the time you eat from 10 am until 6 pm your body goes into .... during the 18 hour fast.

Works great, without changing what I eat I've dropped from 223 to 193 with a goal of 170.

Wouldn't it be a 16 hour fast?
Thing to keep in mind, our tummy sends a delayed signal when it is full. I am a bad one for this. Rather than eat till you feel full eat a bit then wait. In five minutes your stomach may be telling your brain you are full. Also hunger can sometimes be a calling out for water. Have a glass then wait again. In five minutes you may find you are not hungry.
I haven't read the thread so this stuff may be covered. I used to own three supplement stores so I'm familiar with a lot of different methods I learned over the years. It's nothing for me to shave 30lbs in 3 months, besides effort. I've done it more than a few times to prove a point.

Keys are:

1. Cut out sugar. So basically no candy, pop, or sweet coffee.
2. Drink nothing but water. No milk, no gatorade or "sports drinks", no sweet coffee.... NOTHING but water. You don't know how many people I've seen fail because they think juice, milk or beer isn't going to add up. It does. It will kill your gains.
3. Download the app "myfitnesspal" from the apps store. It's free. Use it, and log EVERYTHING. This serves two purposes:
a) You can see how many calories you are consuming. (Calories in/calories out - don't let anyone try to tell you different. They're coping fools if they do.)
b) It teaches you alot about diet, and puts into perspective just how crappy you were eating to begin with. Because, let's face it... you are. Period.
c)It allows you to make sure you're not exceeding your TDEE. Google this and calculate it. You should be about 500 calories under your TDEE, except on day per week.
4. No rice. No potatoes. Meat and vegetables. Yup, meat and vegetables. Cut carbs as much as you can. (Did I tell you this would be easy? No, I told you you'd lose 30 lbs in 3 months.)
5. Cardio Cardio Cardio. 4-5 times a week. More if you want, but take one day to relax and recoup. My method:
a) Get a log book. Your going to progressively make your cardio harder.
b)Start at say 10 - 15 minutes at a rate that you can make it through with a good sweat. You have to sweat and your heart has to beat fast. If not, you're not doing it right.
c) Record the distance, tension/resistance and time.
d) Each day add 5 minutes to this. Record the above.
e)Over time you will get to 45minutes to an hour. (Do cardio in front of your favorite show.. that's what I do. Passes the time)
f)Once you hit 45 - 60 minutes, start to increase the tension/resistance so that you're increasing difficulty from now on instead of time.
g)Eventually you'll be doing cardio for 45-60 minutes 4-5 times weekly at a real good fat burning pace. Make sure you're dripping sweat by the time you're done.
6. Don't cheat except one day. And don't exceed your TDEE by more than 500 calories or your wasting your time.
7, You will be tired. You won't be as strong. But you will lose weight and gain cardio. Your wife/girlfriend will thank you in bed later.
8.Intermittent fasting.. this is great, but get the above in line first. I use intermittent fasting for maintenance. It's super effective. My number one weapon for keeping a six pack year round at 45 years old. I looooove intermittent fasting, super simple.

Anyways, that's what I got for you and what works for me.

I didn't include weight training in the above. I do that as well, but I'm assuming most of you fella's haven't been into fitness for the last 30 years.

You can throw that in 1-3 days a week.. you'll be extra tired. Tired is good. Exhausted is good. Hungry is good. Maybe I'm a masochist.. idk.
Oh, and I didn't mention supplements for a reason... most of those products are FUCKING SNAKE OIL. I know. I hung around that industry for many years, and met all the big players.

Get a simple protein powder/meal replacement for the odd time usage. Correct your diet first. Powders and pills don't do shit.

And if you're 35+, talk to your doctor about HRT.. game changer when your my age. Your wife/girlfriend will thank you for that as well.

HRT kills ANY supplement. Diet kills any supplement for that matter. Proper diet.
Being unfit = death.
~134lbs, 5'5.5" 13.3% body fat. I am obsessed with my body, I think my genetics are outstanding. Training (no, not weed) is what holds everything in my life together. I will kill myself if I ever am unable to exercise.

If you want to lose weight: STFU, forget everything you think you know and stop listening to anyone until you search Greg Doucette on youtube. He has the correct answer to any fitness-related question you have. If you're serious about losing weight, I just saved your life. Go to youtube now.
He'll tell you when and how you can have your poutine.

(I had to search for the definition of that, btw, i just learned sumthin new)
The most important thing is to make the choice, that you want this. Then, be consistent in whatever method you start with.

Its not going to be easy. It will be work.

You don't have to quit everything and completely change your life overnight, it takes time, a long time. This is why its a life choice, not something you "try."

Also... You don't want to lose weight, you want to burn fat. Think about that way, it changes everything.

For me I started at age 40. I am 5'10" and was 245 lbs, size 36 waist and my belly still hung over my pants, lol...... I had literally no muscle mass. Up to this point was a heavy gamer and drinking two 2L of coke every day, and pigging out on 5000 calorie dinners of deep fried chicken, fries and gravy.....

I started with biking, (as I didn't exercise at all) and I lost 30 lbs in a year, and vhanged my diet by eating less. While it helped, it wasn't until I changed my diet cutting out milk, sugar, salt, and all processed food, and stopped drinking alcohol that I was able to burn the fat.

Then comes the disappointment.... seeing my body at 40 years old, skinny and no muscle mass... but it was short lived because no longer carrying around 60 pounds of extra weight, I had tons of energy.... so I started weight training. I was down to 174 and now gained up 188, and I have a six pack now!

It took me 3 years, of 5 times a week gym and cardio to fix 40 years of abusing my body.

I really recommend Hi Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for cardio and weight training for building strength and muscle mass. No you don't have to go big either.

This is what is eat for dinner 5 days a week
Don't need anyone telling me when I can have poutine or not, I know that already. It is the getting through the day that is the tough part.
Also, if you don't already, steam your veggies. Not only does it taste better, you won't lose all the nutrients like you do when boiling or frying.

11 minutes for carrots
6 minutes for broccoli, Asparagus and Mushrooms

Add a little butter and seasoning and your golden.
I really recommend intermittent fasting combined with some exercises or activity. Only eat lunch and dinner, lunch at around 1, dinner at around 7 or whatever hours, just the spam should be of around 6 hours. And no calories in between. I lost 7kg in one month like this.
Also if you can't seem to control your food intake, you can keep that the same but just be more active. Calories in calories out. Also, keep a high protein diet. Don't wanna lose muscle just because you want to lose fat :).