Useful tips on how to lose weight. Also please share yours

Broaden your palate; one of the best things you can do for yourself not only health wise, but I personally believe there's cognitive benefit to simply "trying new things".

Don't like seafood? --i fucking GUARANTEE you haven't tried it all, or all ways prepared. You're a grown ass adult, everything can't be chicken nuggets forever.

Eat some gawddamn vegetables, try some roasted.

Go "meatless" or try a meat substitute, even just one day a week or month, to start. I mean think about it, when's the last time you went a SINGLE DAY without eating any meat/chicken, whatever?

Watch that sugar. They sneak it into EVERYTHING.

Drink some plain water.
Broaden your palate; one of the best things you can do for yourself not only health wise, but I personally believe there's cognitive benefit to simply "trying new things".

Don't like seafood? --i fucking GUARANTEE you haven't tried it all, or all ways prepared. You're a grown ass adult, everything can't be chicken nuggets forever.

Eat some gawddamn vegetables, try some roasted.

Go "meatless" or try a meat substitute, even just one day a week or month, to start. I mean think about it, when's the last time you went a SINGLE DAY without eating any meat/chicken, whatever?

Watch that sugar. They sneak it into EVERYTHING.

Drink some plain water.
Ewwww that meatless shit or beyond meat is so sad looking I never go a day without munching on some poor animals sweet meats.
Ewwww that meatless shit or beyond meat is so sad looking I never go a day without munching on some poor animals sweet meats.
"Meatless" doesn't mean Beyond, Impossible or any other churned out product. Could be a grilled mushroom cap for a patty, could be a slice of eggplant, etc. The fact that you immediately thought that, probably means you need to eat more vegetables, could be wrong but it's a fair assumption.
"Meatless" doesn't mean Beyond, Impossible or any other churned out product. Could be a grilled mushroom cap for a patty, could be a slice of eggplant, etc. The fact that you immediately thought that, probably means you need to eat more vegetables, could be wrong but it's a fair assumption.
meat and green veggies only. Mushrooms are hidden sources of useless carbs. Tbf you did say meat alternative. But still meat is my primary food group But always with some sort of green veggie. other than the ton of sarms I’m taking I don’t put a lot of junk in my body.
Discipline. The power of the mind over the body, and will over the mind. If you start thinking about food, busy yourself with something else.

Keto to minimize blood-sugar swings. Exercise.

Write down what you eat. Keep track of weight progress or lack thereof.

When weight loss is stalled, effect a dietary and/or exercise change.
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Discipline. The power of the mind over the body, and will over the mind. If you start thinking about food, busy yourself with something else.

Keto to minimize blood-sugar swings. Exercise.

Write down what you eat. Keep track of weight progress or lack thereof.

When weight loss is stalled, effect a dietary and/or exercise change.
This. Whatever you do, it will boil down to calories in<calories out, which requires discipline.
A lot of people are helped by the gym. But not me, I didn't know what could help me anymore. I found a special clinic that does weight loss surgery. Tonic offers a wide range of weight loss surgeries performed by leading bariatric surgeons in private clinics throughout the UK. Your options can be discussed with their experts to help you decide which procedure is best for you and your lifestyle.
A lot of people are helped by the gym. But not me, I didn't know what could help me anymore. I found a special clinic that does weight loss surgery. Tonic offers a wide range of weight loss surgeries performed by leading bariatric surgeons in private clinics throughout the UK. Your options can be discussed with their experts to help you decide which procedure is best for you and your lifestyle.
Weightloss is made in the kitchen the gym is merely a tool. If my wives can loose weight having ms and all sorts of issues anyone can unless they have a rare metabolic issue and those only affect .3% of the world. Weightloss surgery won't help if you haven't mastered your diet first.
Weightloss is made in the kitchen the gym is merely a tool. If my wives can loose weight having ms and all sorts of issues anyone can unless they have a rare metabolic issue and those only affect .3% of the world. Weightloss surgery won't help if you haven't mastered your diet first.
I'm just mastering a new diet.
Broaden your palate; one of the best things you can do for yourself not only health wise, but I personally believe there's cognitive benefit to simply "trying new things".

Don't like seafood? --i fucking GUARANTEE you haven't tried it all, or all ways prepared. You're a grown ass adult, everything can't be chicken nuggets forever.

Eat some gawddamn vegetables, try some roasted.

Go "meatless" or try a meat substitute, even just one day a week or month, to start. I mean think about it, when's the last time you went a SINGLE DAY without eating any meat/chicken, whatever?

Watch that sugar. They sneak it into EVERYTHING.

Drink some plain water.
cut back on meat? Sure cut out McDonalds burgers not a nice juicy ribeye that's full of all kinds of bio available proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Avoiding meat has nothing to do with health. The people with the longest life span in the world (Hong Kong) are also the biggest meat eaters per capita.

Animal proteins do more than just provide protein, they are more bio available, they performs many functions in the body including anabolic signalling which is really important especially as you get older.3562BC86-EE4A-4CA1-971E-E7361A0A54B2.pngEA6A65F7-5FED-46ED-A89D-CF7500143956.png
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Has anyone tried intermittent fasting? I am interested maybe I’ll try it
I've been intermittent fasting for about 7-8 years now. For the last 3 years I've been doing 1 meal a day. I think it's a fantastic way to eat. I basically go buckwild on whatever food I want for dinner don't have to bother prepping 3 meals a day.

About once a month I do 3-7 days of keto (still do IF same time) to help shred up and maintain leanness and metabolic flexibility. Also do keto in combination with IF right before beach vacations.

anyways I highly recommend IF. If you are starting out one of the easiest ways to get accustomed is just to skip breakfast eat your first meal at noon and cease all eating at 8pm.

studies have shown benefit even in fasting 12/12 with additional benefits at 14/10 and 16/8 eating windows. Most benefits can be attained within an 8h eating window. But if fat loss is your goal then the longer period of fasting will benefit you. I've done as long as 96h (4days) with no food.

the big benefit of fasting is lack of insulin in your blood stream As long as insulin is in your blood stream you don't release growth hormone and you won't burn fat since insulin will be busy shuttling the nutrients in your blood stream into your cells. Also there's other benefits including increase life span, increased testosterone, autophagy of shitty cells etc.
Eat less than you burn. Thermodynamics.

I'm still in awe as to how people can't wrap their head around this.
Certainly energy balance is a key aspect of weight loss and maintenance however the type, quality and frequency of the food will significantly determine body composition because different proteins and vitamins behave like hormones in our bodies driving anabolism and other important signalling.
Eat less at fixed times. Don't ever let yourself eat more than two times a day and only then, increase water intake. Consume some fiber between meals to make you less hungry. Decrease carbohydrates and sugar content in your diet.

Ever tried keto? If that works for you it's amazing in terms of loosing weight. Without insulin and blood sugar crashes every day there very little ghrelin release in the gut and blood sugars keep way more stable making you able to stay without food for longer and still be as functional. I love keto but I loose to much weight eating like that, tried it for 6 months a couple of years ago. Miss the mental focus and clear headiness on keto.
You guys nailed it.
Intermittent fasting works - and it’ll fix your heartburn.
Cut back on carbs, especially sugar, and seed oils like canola, cottonseed, etc.
Meat & dairy are fine (grassfed/free range is best)
And if you don’t like fruits & veggies, take a multivitamin. No biggie.
Just comes down to eating less than you burn or if just trying to maintain not eating more than you burn. Think the main reason a lot of dudes get fat is still eating like they’re playing/training for sports at a competitive level when they’ve been working a desk job, writing code or driving a truck for the last 10 years.