Random Jabber Jibber thread

Indeed. I grew up at airports. When I was 3 and 4 my dad would bet his buddies I could name a plane by the sound of the engines and he generally won(these were prop planes). I loved airports. I felt the airport authority got screwed: it was known that the planes would take off over the neighborhood, it was a development, nice homes at a discounted price due to airport proximity. But as the norm, eventually the homeowners always win even when they bought with the "annoyance factor" known. A nearby100 yr old livestock auction yard had to close 7 yrs ago for the same reason
Because odor I’m guessing

sigh, the sound of freedom and the smell of USDA prime
If you mix it with tobacco and batshit, it might stay lit. Not sure.

I was rolling with Colorado brown weed. 1000 seeds in an ounce.
I bought that album in a record store with the paper intact in 1984. I tried to use it, but it ripped instantly because it was too old.

Fortunately there were plenty of soda cans laying about in those days.

You sound like a nasty guy.

Are you going to continue to pretend you’re something you’re not?

Have you been banned from Grasscity?

Do you think you’re better than women?

Are you gay?

Do you parlez francais or did you google translate that cheese statement?

Where are you from?

Do you grow weed?


Coffee is up and hot......bacon and egg taco's at the ready....

45F and a wakey bakey........be about 77F this afternoon looks like we got a misty rain coming in tonight and tomorrow morning

dunno for some reason think my name changed last night.....hmmm.......heck I can't remember...little to much beer and tomatoes...

and why is that gay rabbit still poking around....