Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

A preview of January 6th.

tallest building they're sending the message; surprised it was ATT and not a bank that has the tallest building there- they're like penises and tallest is almost always financial.

nice that they stayed in their own state and destroyed too bad it wasn't Kentucky.

oh okay 'intentional act' you mean Act of Domestic Terrorism?

another distraction imo for something bigger..don't look at my hand look at the shells round and round they go..

seems like a Declaration of War tbh..tallest building in the state? it's like a 'kickoff'.

one of our new sock/trolls mentioned three dates which i questioned him on..gonna give it up @SaltyCracker? because i believe one of those dates was the 25th which means you had prior knowledge and you posted it here. that post can no longer be deleted. expect a call from the FBI because someone here will report it.

hell i'll be looking for it later today- i hope for your sake it doesn't say the 25th, 6th and 7th which is what my memory is telling me this moment before i go looking for it..see how close i was..if i was paying attention. i was.
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Update on Washington Post story:
Police say an explosion in downtown Nashville early Christmas morning that shattered storefronts and left at least three people hospitalized with noncritical injuries appears to have been "an intentional act.”

Supervisory Special Agent Joel E. Siskovic said that the FBI is leading the investigation, working with state and local authorities. He declined to say if there were any suspects.

“The main thing right now is public safety to make sure that everyone in the surrounding area is accounted for and, at the same time, ensuring that the city itself is safe from any other potential incident,” said Michael Knight, a spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Nashville, which is also probing the incident.

Investigators are working to create a timeline of events both before and after the explosion, Knight said.

Authorities were called to the area around 6 a.m. local time to respond to a report of “shots fired” on 2nd Avenue North, Metro Nashville Police Department spokesperson Don Aaron said at a morning news briefing.

When they arrived, Aaron said, they didn’t see immediate evidence of gunshots but encountered a “suspicious” RV parked near an AT&T building and called a bomb squad to assist.

Officers went door to door, telling residents to evacuate, even turning around one man who was out walking his dog, Aaron said. Moments later, around 6:30 a.m., the RV detonated near the intersection of 2nd Avenue N and Commerce Street, smashing windows, signs and garage doors in the city’s Arts District and sending a ball of bright orange flames into the sky.

The police department’s hazardous devices unit was en route when the explosion occurred, Aaron said. One officer was knocked to the ground by the blast, he said.

“We do believe the explosion was an intentional act,” Aaron said. "This investigation will be taking place throughout the day.”

Three people were transported to local hospitals, Nashville Fire Department spokesperson Joseph Pleasant said in a news conference.

“None of those transports at this point are critical," he said. “We don’t have any significant injuries to report.”

Photos from the scene showed tree branches, shattered glass and other debris littering the street, which is home to office buildings and a strip of bars, restaurants and nightclubs. The explosion destroyed windows on several blocks, and a plume of black smoke could be seen rising from the scene from miles away.

Aaron said the area had been sealed off by law enforcement and that explosive detection dogs had been called in to search for “secondary devices.

“We have no indication there are secondary devices however out of an abundance of caution we have number of dogs that are conducting sweeps of that immediate downtown area at present,” he said. He added that police would search downtown buildings, focusing structures along 2nd Avenue, to make sure nobody was hurt inside.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper said he had toured the destruction, describing broken glass and insulation having been blown into the trees.

“It looks like a bomb went off on 2nd Avenue,” he said, while cautioning people against drawing conclusions prematurely.

“This is not how anybody wanted to spend Christmas morning,” he told reporters. “We are very lucky that there were not more injuries."

“One more event in Nashville’s 2020,” he added.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said in a tweet that he would “supply all of the resources needed to determine what happened and who was responsible.” He thanked first responders and called on Tennesseans to join him and his wife “in praying for those who were injured."

The Justice Department said in a statement that Acting Attorney General Jeff Rosen had been briefed on the incident and “directed that all DOJ resources be made available to assist in the investigation.”

White House spokesman Judd Deere told the Post in an email that President Trump has been briefed and is continuing to receive updates. “The President is grateful for the incredible first responders and praying for those who were injured,” he wrote.
Lmfao..why do you blame trump for nashville? Really sickening behaviour from ppl that dont understand simple logic.
How did trump go to nashville and blow up an rv? You ppl are dumb as fk lmao
You really try hard to point the blame without any evidence. Id be embarrassed as hell to say something so stupid. Yall are reaching hard making asses of yourselves.
Every major act of domestic terrorism over the past 30 years has been perpetrated by the far right, and now that Trump has lost the election and convinced the shallow end of the gene pool that it was's a VERY good guess this was done by Trump supporters.
The reason righties are so angry with everyone and everything is their tiny dicks. That's why the proud boys are only allowed to touch their dicks once a month. If they were allowed to continue with their nonstop jerking off to videos of minorities being abused it would be a reminder of their short comings so to speak.
Its you who deny black owned businesses were burned down by the left. Also that 35 ppl have been killed in the bame of BLM.
But use ppls emotions and stir the pot with false accusations by crying trump did it. You are a really disgusting person trying to fit a narritive thats poses always wrong. It makes more sense BLM or antifa did this if anything 1st.
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1A sorry..have you checked that that meme is even America? trolls have their way..


this nazi is happy..what i don't understand is, i thought is was jews but now you're telling me it's minorities- just who do you like?

we're not allowed to buy tiki torches anymore because of Charlottesville.
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Its fake. Get ready for more fake bs about to happen. This is from the left playbook. They are in panic.
Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 1.21.22 PM.png

Yep its america. Kenosha burned, portland for more than 100 nights straight, NY burned, PA, Cali, etc
But your cnn said it didnt happen. But we all know including you that they did burn loot and murder.
Because you say so?
Of course it was far right white supremacists with tiny dicks that worship their tiny dicked orange god.
They are the unhappy people, the liberals won, they are happy about the election, not angry. Who has the extensive record of domestic terrorism? That's right, the right wingnuts, every time for the past 2 years and that's when their guy Trump was on the throne too, guess ya can't please some assholes. If I were a betting man I'd give good odds that this was a right wingnut bombing and only one person was probably involved. It appears propane tanks were used and not too much high explosive, or there would have been more physical damage, but there was a lot of fire apparently.

I got it figured as a Timothy McVey copycat attack with the same motives, to trigger a fantasy "race war". They targeted cops and hoped to kill large numbers of first responders, but they fucked up. I guess the hope was Trump would declare marshal law or something. It has all the hallmarks of rightwing terrorism, the target was not the location (though that was symbolic), the target was first responders. I'm also pretty sure they thought the explosion would have the same effect as in Oklahoma on the building, but they didn't know shit about what they were doing. Lot's of people abandon RVs these days and many people are living in old RVs in America, they can't afford anything else, I figure that's where this one came from.

I also figure that they will catch the person(s) responsible, they don't appear to be that smart, none of the Trumpers are, or they wouldn't be Trumpers. Nobody but a fucking fool could buy into that shit, it takes a sucker and loser for that.
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Look at the troll now using women of color to scare people into not realizing that this violence is being done by white nazi's trying to use the protests over the summer as cover.
Most of their memes are made in Russia.