Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

His post was written in such a way to elicit a negative, strong emotional reaction. It seethed with a helpless rage that he tried to project onto us by his string of claims about how his "We" are causing massive destruction and damage. Mostly, the damage done has been through hostile foreign government psy ops, not roided right wingers who are struggling to make the rent here in the US. Maybe that's what he means by "We" but I think he means the guys who are getting the short end of the stick from the 1% in the US today.

Assuming he is not some paid troll working from a dingy warehouse in Belarus but an actual US right winger, what purpose could he have had by posting the following?

You desperate sap. We taking your party. We rippin up this place. We broke sports, fox, 2 of the largest social media platforms. We dont want to do it. But we have to. The only fix you have to this election is to blow shit up and burn it down. Release your antifas. We ready fatboy, we got millions of americans ready to fight for this country. Your communisms wont win..not now, not ever. Merica bitch

"You desperate sap"
Well, yeah, that's not exactly an invitation to debate.

"We rippin up this place. We broke sport, fox, 2 of the larges social media platforms" The only reasonable response can be;
  • That Covid is why sports are hurting, not anything Russia or the right wing propaganda effort did..
  • Fox hurt itself by tying itself to Trump's continued benevolence and they lost it when they refused to continue to support his baseless claims of a fraudulent election.
  • I don't even know why he thinks Facebook and Google are hurting. From what I've seen, their profits are up. Regulation to prevent wholesale delivery of propaganda is under consideration. I don't know why that would be considers something to brag about by the radical right.
"We dont want to do it. But we have to."
That's a line every mass murderer in history and used when they went on a rampage. It's a self serving appeal to emotion and not a valid justification for what happened today in Nashville.​

"The only fix you have to this election is to blow shit up and burn it down."
Actually, we don't need to fix the election. Biden won fair and square. Nobody. Not antifa, BLM, Progressives or the Democratic base are calling for "blowing shit up". That cry is coming from the radical right. Trump won in 2016 and "we" didn't go all crazy like they are.​
Release your antifas. We ready fatboy, we got millions of americans ready to fight for this country.
  • Antifa are local antifascist groups. Not something that is being held back, ready to be released. Mostly, they are young, skinny men and women dressed in fashionable black. They aren't anything like the paramilitary Oath Keepers or Proud Boys who celebrate and practice for the day when they are unleashed by right wing leaders. In any case, just looking at the Michigan boys who plotted to kidnap, torture and kill the governor, they aren't exactly ready to match up against the police, FBI and DHS. They gonna lose. I'm not even talking about the military. They gonna be rubbed out if the military comes to play.
  • Talk about fatboys, lulz:


"Your communisms wont win..not now, not ever. Merica bitch"
  • Biden is a communist? lulz 80 million people voted for him. We didn't vote for a communist. In fact, we chose him because we wanted to pick somebody that COULD attract 80 million votes by being centrist.
  • As far as the last bit where he boasts they will win. I think they could. I think they could if and only if they had the Presidency, both houses of congress, the SCOTUS, the military and a majority of police forces in this country ready to support the kind of insurrection that he's alluding to. That might have been possible if Trump had four more years, IDK. As it is, Trump's presidency will end Jan 20.
  • Murica, bitch, Yeah, I think I can agree with that. Murricans bitch a whole lot.
Hey the song" Baby its cold outside".. a 1950s song. Will be banned.. But Cardi B's Wet ass pussy is #1. If that isnt a weapon to make people retarded..idk what is. Good job lefty
Who banned it snowflake?

Salem woke trials of the 21st century..
Dont care about black people you weaponize the color of their skin for a vote. Only one opressing black folks is the democrats for trying to keep them on a plantation for their vote. " if you dont vote dem, you aint black" racist scumbags
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Only one party has been working towards representing 100% of our population, and that is defiantly not the Republican party.

You are so fkn racist. Those are people in those pics. Why is everything need a racist label for you?
Quit weaponizing the white man you cuck. " we hate you..but we love your taxes" " you couldnt afford college , but you must pay for my gender studies degree and critical race theory degree, where we are taught to hate the white man' - every scum of the left
Well, when it is racist shits burning and busting up minority neighborhoods using the cover of social justice protests. And other racists using this to push propaganda painting these protests as riots so their racist Dear Leader had any chance in hell of being re-eelcted.

Then yes it becomes about race.

It does suck, but the blame lies on the racists that did it, not the people pointing it out. The Trump game of branding people as being bias against him when they are just stating facts about his words and actions as, is bullshit. Just like what you have to say.
You desperate sap. We taking your party. We rippin up this place. We broke sports, fox, 2 of the largest social media platforms. We dont want to do it. But we have to. The only fix you have to this election is to blow shit up and burn it down. Release your antifas. We ready fatboy, we got millions of americans ready to fight for this country. Your communisms wont win..not now, not ever. Merica bitch
Blowing up gas, electric and telecoms. The storm is here.
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They're coming for poor Mrs. Butter-Worth next. Damn Syrup Nazi's.

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A private company changing it's own branding has you that upset I think you have issues.
I saw this yesterday and didn't get to post it til this morning. David is the king of 1st Amendment Auditors. His background is on the intel side of Federal Law Enforcement. So he has inside sources for this sort of thing. He called it yesterday that it was against a company, not political or religious in nature. And the perp was going to be found inside the RV.

I saw this yesterday and didn't get to post it til this morning. David is the king of 1st Amendment Auditors. His background is on the intel side of Federal Law Enforcement. So he has inside sources for this sort of thing. He called it yesterday that it was against a company, not political or religious in nature. And the perp was going to be found inside the RV.

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