Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

The morons who show up at Trump rally's carrying rifles and wearing fatigues just make the law abiding gun owner feel embarrassed. I don't know what the point is. 25% percent of firearms are owned by Democrats and I don't see them waving them around.
The big issue is they are allowed. They would be charged with unsafe use of a firearm if here and I would say good, there is no reason to do what they do.
I love firearms, always have & always will.
I went on a mission when I was 24 to learn to hunt, because I felt that I needed to connect dots, that if I liked too eat meat/fish, therefore I should be responsible for they're acquisition.
Fuck going to the grocery store & simply buying the meat you crave (I am a proud carnivore), I want to go into the woods & earn my right to exist.
I hunted for 2 years using bow & rifle before I killed my 1st deer with a shotgun on a farm that my friends Uncle owned.
It was a life changing experience, watching the light go out of that bucks eyes as it passed.
But the cycle of life continued with me dressing the deer and feeding my family with it's bounty.
I have no problem at all with guns, they are a necessary tool
But the need for assault weapons of mass destruction is another story altogether.
They should be banned, there is no logical need or purpose for them besides killing humans & that is a fact.
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 should definitely be revisited & when the Congress & the WH shift Democratic come November I think then it will be time for a serious discussion of gun control, no more lockstep with the NRA shit that's going down now.
I used to hunt a lot as a kid now with Aussie gun laws it just makes it so much harder unless u have property yourself to shoot on the deny a gun license sux but what can u do
I used to hunt a lot as a kid now with Aussie gun laws it just makes it so much harder unless u have property yourself to shoot on the deny a gun license sux but what can u do
You guys can’t hunt on crown (not owned privately) land? We have millions of acres that are open to hunting and most waterways.
Nope has to be privately owned there is designated deer shooting places but as for rabbit or kangaroo no
Wow and I thought Australia still had lots of wild untouched country. It is getting hard to find private property to get permission in eastern Ontario. I don’t do much hunting anymore but we used to drive 500 KM’s to bow hunt for moose and camp out for 10 days, fun times :).
So, in light of all the crap that's happened.

Do gun advocates still claim that more guns makes a society safer?
Yes, I do think guns make society safer. I’d really like to talk about your position though. Do you think making even a certain type of gun illegal will make American society safer? I really think that making an enormous population of law abiding individuals outlaws will in fact make us less safe. Think of drug or alcohol prohibition but with more guns. If you force those citizens to make a choice between their guns and their government; I guarantee some will make the choice our founding fathers intended.

Try to think less about what you are against and more about what you are for. It will make your life and attitude towards others better. I stand for your right to defend your pot patch with your gun, while your same sex spouse snorts coke in the living room. People should be free. More government regulation on any of our rights is bad for everyone.
Yes, I do think guns make society safer. I’d really like to talk about your position though. Do you think making even a certain type of gun illegal will make American society safer? I really think that making an enormous population of law abiding individuals outlaws will in fact make us less safe. Think of drug or alcohol prohibition but with more guns. If you force those citizens to make a choice between their guns and their government; I guarantee some will make the choice our founding fathers intended.

Try to think less about what you are against and more about what you are for. It will make your life and attitude towards others better. I stand for your right to defend your pot patch with your gun, while your same sex spouse snorts coke in the living room. People should be free. More government regulation on any of our rights is bad for everyone.
I don't own a gun and I don't care if you do. You asked what I'm for. What I'm "for" is that the US have the same rate of gun homicides that Canada does. Is that too much to ask? If so, why?
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I don't own a gun and I don't care if you do. You asked what I'm for. What I'm "for" is that the US have the same rate of gun homicides as Canada does. Is that too much to ask? If so, why?
It may be too much to ask I don’t know. In contrast I am sure that i am glad that we are protected by the bill of rights here. You said it yourself a killer will find a way. I’ll be glad to be packing if they try.
It may be too much to ask I don’t know. In contrast I am sure that i am glad that we are protected by the bill of rights here. You said it yourself a killer will find a way. I’ll be glad to be packing if they try.
You asked and I answered. I asked for an explanation. Why is it too much to ask from our government and its people. Why can't we have the same rate of gun homicides that Canada has?

So how about gun owners get together and come up with a plan?
You asked and I answered. I asked for an explanation. Why is it too much to ask from our government and its people. Why can't we have the same rate of gun homicides that Canada has?

So how about gun owners get together and come up with a plan?
Let’s say we shoot for homicides. Not gun homicides. Murdered is murdered right? Doesn’t matter if it was a gun, a knife or even a car that did the deed. We have around 3 times the homicide rate as Canada. If you make all drugs cheap and legal there goes a huge chunk of the gang related homicides once you eliminate that black market. The big concern for me is the domestic violence, gotta start with better access to mental healthcare. It’s not a plan but it’s a start (thankfully I’m not in charge of a senate committee or anything.)
25% percent of firearms are owned by Democrats and I don't see them waving them around.
I'm one of them.

I've owned several guns over the years. At present I'm getting by with a Smith & Wesson 45.

I don't feel the need to put on camo and body armor and go wave it around in public. Only conspiracy theory, sleeping with their sister, living on government cheese, taking their house off its wheels, drinking Early Times, looking out for UFO's, lean forward in the car while it goes up hill idiots do that sort of thing.
Let’s say we shoot for homicides. Not gun homicides. Murdered is murdered right? Doesn’t matter if it was a gun, a knife or even a car that did the deed. We have around 3 times the homicide rate as Canada. If you make all drugs cheap and legal there goes a huge chunk of the gang related homicides once you eliminate that black market. The big concern for me is the domestic violence, gotta start with better access to mental healthcare. It’s not a plan but it’s a start (thankfully I’m not in charge of a senate committee or anything.)
If successful, would your plan drive the gun homicide rate below that of Canada? How about showing us some analysis of what your plan could do?

from wikipedia:

Canada gun homicide rate = 0.72 per 100,000
US gun homicide rate = 4.46 per 100,000 (6 times that of Canada)

population of US = 328 million. If US reduced gun homicide rate to that of Canada's, saves 12,000 lives each year not to mention saving the many times more people who are critically injured in criminal shootings. Is that too much to ask?

per CDC,

Number of homicides in 2019: 19,000
Number of gun homicides in 2019: 14,000
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If successful, would your plan drive the gun homicide rate below that of Canada? How about showing us some analysis of what your plan could do?

from wikipedia:

Canada gun homicide rate = 0.72 per 100,000
US gun homicide rate = 4.46 per 100,000 (6 times that of Canada)

population of US = 328 million. If US reduced gun homicide rate to that of Canada's, saves 12,000 lives each year not to mention saving the many times more people who are critically injured in criminal shootings. Is that too much to ask?

per CDC,

Number of homicides in 2019: 19,000
Number of gun homicides in 2019: 14,000
Tell ya what. Read my post instead of waiting your turn to talk. Start from the beginning. Take some time to really comprehend. Mull it over, then we can have a discussion instead of rattling off our script. I think that’s more productive. You want me to change the world, that’s a big ask. I don’t even want you to change your mind. I’m just trying to get you to think.

Ps. I’m not trying to be an asshole. I realize it might come off that way. I just would like it if you read and responded to it instead of popping the top on your canned response. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I can share my thoughts on the matter.
Tell ya what. Read my post instead of waiting your turn to talk. Start from the beginning. Take some time to really comprehend. Mull it over, then we can have a discussion instead of rattling off our script. I think that’s more productive. You want me to change the world, that’s a big ask. I don’t even want you to change your mind. I’m just trying to get you to think.

Ps. I’m not trying to be an asshole. I realize it might come off that way. I just would like it if you read and responded to it instead of popping the top on your canned response. I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I can share my thoughts on the matter.
I read it. I'm asking a follow up question. If successful will your "not a plan" plan reduce the gun homicide rate to that of Canada's? Show analysis please.

You told me that I needed to tell you what I am for. I am for the US gun homicide rate to drop from 4.7 per hundred thousand to 0.72 per hundred thousand. It would save 12,000 lives every year. Is there something wrong with asking why we can't have that?

I don't own a gun, so I'm not part of the problem. Gun owners complain about anybody even talking about this issue by accusing people who see value people's lives of wanting to take away their guns. They jump to some authoritarian fantasy about "take mah gunz apocalypse" as if that's the ask. It is not. Canadians can have guns too. They are just regulated better.

I'm not trying to troll or be an asshole to you either. This is a real issue in the US. To put it in a provocative way (but not directed at you), gun owners are telling the families of the 12,000 people killed by gun homicide each year that their loved one's life was not worth trying to change our gun regulations.