Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

this is how you get lawmakers to vote away your gun rights.....
Naw, just take the guns away from the "right" people with a terrorist watch list banning ownership for crazies and assholes. They can take the bus too, legislation needs to be focused on those who are the problem and there will be less of a problem for everybody else. Take the guns from some, to prevent them from being taken from everybody, you need a license, registration and insurance to drive a car FFS! I think a terrorist watch list will bring these fuckers around pretty quick and protect your rights as well.
Fun Gun.
Sold it.
Larger cal next.
If I need to "kill" someone there is no way I am going to shoot them, I want eye contact.

All kids should learn to hunt or at least see where meat comes from.

Guns are just tools, people need to calm down.

I truly believe More Gun is the solution.

This is not bait and I hope you all are very kind and understanding.

Most people I know have 5-10 guns and a few pounds of Tannerite.

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Fun Gun.
Sold it.
Larger cal next.
If I need to "kill" someone there is no way I am going to shoot them, I want eye contact.

All kids should learn to hunt or at least see where meat comes from.

Guns are just tools, people need to calm down.

I truly believe More Gun is the solution.

This is not bait and I hope you all are very kind and understanding.

Most people I know have 5-10 guns and a few pounds of Tannerite.

Why are more guns the solution?