the great thing about politics forums is we can argue our points in a public spectical without someone ending up trying to throw fists
cuz in reality you cant really agrue like this in front of somones face cuz it would be too harsh in person
I garantee if we all got together to hang out it would be much more cordial
Honestly, I find it to be the opposite. I find much more vitriolic rantings online than in real life. Maybe our social gatherings are different, but I can usually talk all night about politics without raising my voice or saying something in anger. It is the anonymity and web lag that let's everyone say what they wouldn't dare say in a public gathering.
Everyone gets their say in forums. No one cuts you off, no one corrects you ad hoc as you are speaking.
Posting is sort of like being at a Halloween party. Everyone is in costume, or avatar if you like.
As with all yin and yang, there are compromises and gains. The key is to recognize who uses the compromises and gains in a fair and respectful manner between those that don't.
Just to finish it off, don't get all caught up in atomic explosions. the weapon of choice will be an EMP bomb and it will take only ONE to be completely successful. Russia, China, Iran have working EMP bomb programs. I give the EMP bomb high probability, it's very attractive in its simplicity and SHORT flight time (only a half arc is required).