Don’t add silica to your concentrated mix, it will precipitate, add your favorite silica directly to the reservoir.

so far in my knowledge silica won’t mix in a concentrated mix with nitrates or sulphates.

Sorry for my English :D
Not the best idea to run silica in flower, it's really not needed either. Your buds will taste better without it.
Exactly it builds cell walls making them stronger. By the time flower comes you shouldn't need it and it's really just taking away from your buds potential smokeability..... Yup just made that word up lol

Can you link us to literature that proves that silica during bloom takes away from buds and/or smokability, or is this just your opinion?
Can you link us to literature that proves that silica during bloom takes away from buds and/or smokability, or is this just your opinion?
I'm sure I could find something for ya, but I'm not in the Google mood. Basically too much silica is going to make your buds burn funny and give you black ash. Try both if you want to see a comparison. I respect dr.who and his ways of horticulture enough that I wouldn't be in one of his threads taking shit out of my ass bro. He would call me on it in a hurry anyway lol
I'm sure I could find something for ya, but I'm not in the Google mood. Basically too much silica is going to make your buds burn funny and give you black ash. Try both if you want to see a comparison. I respect dr.who and his ways of horticulture enough that I wouldn't be in one of his threads taking shit out of my ass bro. He would call me on it in a hurry anyway lol

I leave this on the shelf as bro science. I think it's more of a problem with running to high total salts in the solution ie overfeeding in late flower.
I'm sure I could find something for ya, but I'm not in the Google mood. Basically too much silica is going to make your buds burn funny and give you black ash. Try both if you want to see a comparison. I respect dr.who and his ways of horticulture enough that I wouldn't be in one of his threads taking shit out of my ass bro. He would call me on it in a hurry anyway lol

So you have no links, that's cool. I've been using silica since 2013 and never once had black ash and my buds burn just right. I have grown w/o silica and see nothing but benefits from growing with it. Also, I've never heard of discontinuing after veg until just now. And since I make 100% of my own nutrient formulations from salt, I'm not being fooled by bottles with crafty language and pretty pictures. If interested in making your own nutes, I made a tutorial about it on 420, here's the link.
I run mid range ppm through flower. Call it what you want mahomie, facts are facts. Don't belive it, try a comparison yourself. If you still don't belive, you don't know what a cured bud is...... You want bro science? How about a company selling you silica for flower in a bottle with a logo that has cool graphics, BTW its mostly water lol. You belive the people stealing your money, it's not mine.

What is "mid range ppm"? I don't know who you're talking to but it doesn't sound to me like you're actually using silicate yourself? I don't know why you're bashing it to be honest, probably because you're not using it.

I've done a lot of comparisons, the only time I got black ash is from other people's smoke pushing nutrients in late flower.

One gallon of 33% water glass (saturated potassium silicate in solution) for 20 bucks will make me about 4 gallons of "Pro-tekt". It has color in the logo on the bottle, does that still count lol?

That being said I cut nutrient levels in late flower because that's what my plants are telling me to do, that includes silicate.

Honestly thought about making my own a couple years ago. I've been stuck between salts and organic for years. And currently moving back to living soil in SIP's. My salt days are behind me here shortly. But ya sorry bud, it's a thing. Don't know where you missed the boat and I'm sure you're a great grower, but there's always room for improvement buddy. Don't take it to heart and get defensive. Do some homework, read up on it some.

Well right back at you buddy. There's a lot of ways to the finish line but I think you're the one talking bro science without taking everything into consideration.

We shall have no pride in this, I do this for survival really. I have chronic issues and need to grow proper medicine to function in this world.


Honestly thought about making my own a couple years ago. I've been stuck between salts and organic for years. And currently moving back to living soil in SIP's. My salt days are behind me here shortly. But ya sorry bud, it's a thing. Don't know where you missed the boat and I'm sure you're a great grower, but there's always room for improvement buddy. Don't take it to heart and get defensive. Do some homework, read up on it some.

You sure schooled me!
Silica also aids a plant’s ability to withstand stress from temperature and drought.The strong cell walls are better able to expand and contract during extreme temperature changes so that the stress has less of an impact. This is especially helpful outdoors in the cooler seasons, when temperatures can drop drastically at night. It also helps a plant hold onto more water during transpiration, which is good during the hot, dry days of summer.

Pests and disease will have a harder time attacking your plants when silicon levels are up, too.Silicon builds up in plant tissues and bind together to make it harder for pests to eat through the tissue.All this hard work takes more of the pests’ energy and slows down their reproductive rates.

Ya it's not out there because it doesn't exist.....
K the both of you, tell me what benefits you're getting from running silica in flower? Seriously, hard facts here. We gotta get this over with, we're cluttering up this thread...... better find me some articles, facts, proven science...... Ya it's not out there because it doesn't exist..... Peace, much love. It's stupid getting mad at each other over something we all love. If it works for you, more power to ya :peace:

Now hows about you go get me some links that will tell me why I should NOT use silica during bloom?
Ya you nailed bro. That is exactly why you use silica huh? Your indoor buds need protection from high winds and freezing temps. You just learned a little about silica because I had you read some. Gotta keep those cell walls strong for the cold outdoor temps. I have some ocean front property you should think about buying in Az. Super cheap and views are amazing!...... Won't lie I carry most veg free into the third week from flip, is this your confusion lol. C'mon man, I wanted that good reason to believe you

ooooohhhh, now you wanted the good reason, my bad, because you said

Ya it's not out there because it doesn't exist.....

that you meant there is NO REASON, but now you want the good reason. I suppose you're also going to remind me about that one time I left the toilet seat up too. You asked for "A" reason, I gave you 2, and asked you for "A" reason why silica should "NOT" be used during bloom and you melted. You are 100% Bro Science. Why don't you tell us all about your method of spotting female seeds???
What happen when you mix silica? I run 125 gal DWC, if I switch to this at flower, do I have to get the whole works bone dry or 10 gallons leftover or so ok?
Funny that they'd include silica in so many plant nutrients if it's detrimental in flowering, 1 plant scientist Harley Smith talks a lot about how important it is for plants so I guess that's, Science: 1 - Bro science: 0