Another story that proves guns make people safer

You mean this one...I’m not seeing the 10:1 you claim. This says closer to 1:1

Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.
Yeah, but most offensive uses are against other gang members. They don't count for obvious reasons. Criminals aren't people. Also 3 mill over 300k is 10x.

Yeah, but most offensive uses are against other gang members. They don't count for obvious reasons. Criminals aren't people. Also 3 mill over 300k is 10x.

So criminals shouldn’t have to pay taxes?
Trump lifted 400,000 african americans above the poverty line, ten times more than obama did with two terms. He also pushed unemployment to a 50 year low. You might not like him, but his policies were sound.

Biden cut tens of thousands of jobs by EO in his first week, energy policies will see manufacturing leave and the jobs with it. Make no mistake THIS IS CLASS WARFARE, wake up. This hurts your children dummy.
This therad is about your party's dumb idea about guns making people safer.

Too funny that you resorted to another dumb bit of propaganda to deflect it.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
Yeah, but most offensive uses are against other gang members. They don't count for obvious reasons. Criminals aren't people. Also 3 mill over 300k is 10x.

Based on your standard "Criminals aren't people"
As Americans don't we need to imprison anyone who tried to attempt a coup on our elections ?
I support "criminals aren't people" so maybe we should just exterminate them
What the fuck are you talking about?
Im guessing this is some deep data driven statistical troll that is using the Great Recession that hit people right as Obama took office, while ignoring the pandemic and Trump's bullshit reporting of the actual job losses.
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Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell said Wednesday that the unemployment rate in January was “close to 10 percent,” significantly higher than the 6.3 percent rate reported by the Labor Department last week.

The discrepancy is partly due to many unemployed Americans being misclassified as employed, Powell said during a virtual speech at the Economic Club of New York. After accounting for people who have left the labor force since February 2020 and other factors, the unemployment rate is much higher than the official figure, he said.

“Correcting this misclassification and counting those who have left the labor force since last February as unemployed would boost the unemployment rate to close to 10 percent in January,” Powell said Wednesday.

The economy gained just 49,000 jobs in January as recovery sputters amid pressure from virus

The higher figure is another reflection of how the pandemic continues to constrain the labor market. The United States gained back a paltry 49,000 jobs in January. In December, the country lost 227,000 jobs.

The latest figures come as Congress debates President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus package, which would extend unemployment benefits, issue $1,400 in direct checks and set aside hundreds of billions of dollars to fight the pandemic.

Powell repeatedly has said that the economy’s future depends on controlling the virus. As the number of cases rose through the holiday season, the labor market’s recovery slowed. And for many service-sector workers, jobs that depend on person-to-person contact have yet to return.

Following Powell’s speech, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said the 10 percent unemployment rate cited by Powell reinforces “the need for the strongest possible benefits package in our COVID relief bill.”

“Federal Reserve Chair Powell’s assessment of joblessness in America is bleak,” Wyden said in a statement.

Powell noted that nearly 5 million people said the pandemic prevented them from looking for work in January. Some parents are providing full-time child care or have been forced to stay home with children during virtual schooling. Others have been deterred by fear of the virus, especially in jobs at restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues.

“We are still very far from a strong labor market whose benefits are broadly shared,” Powell said.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has flagged undercounts in the official unemployment rate before. In May — when the unemployment rate was a reported 13.3 percent — the agency noted a “misclassification error” that had lowered the overall rate by about 3 percentage points, meaning the May unemployment rate would have been about 16.3 percent.

Powell has spoken about the discrepancy before. After the official unemployment rate fell to 7.9 percent in September, Powell said a broader, more accurate measure that adjusts for “mistaken characterizations of job status, and for the decline in labor force participation since February” would put that month’s rate at around 11 percent.

Powell has repeatedly urged lawmakers to keep relief flowing, especially for the 10 million Americans whose jobs have not returned since the pandemic began. The Fed, in turn, has no plans to raise interest rates until the labor market heals substantially.

Democrats want to give parents $250 a month. Here’s who qualifies.

As congressional Democrats rush to pass Biden’s coronavirus package, some economists worry the full thrust of the bill could be too much for the economy to handle. Some economists have questioned whether the $1.9 trillion stimulus, combined with pent-up savings that Americans are expected to unleash once the pandemic ends, could suddenly overheat the economy, triggering a rise in inflation and forcing the Fed to respond by raising interest rates.

Powell dismissed those concerns. Inflation has been low or stable for decades, and the Fed is prepared to tolerate a temporary rise in inflation over its 2 percent target, he said.

It’s possible, Powell said, that aid from Congress plus a spike in consumer spending could cause “some upward pressure on prices.”
But “my expectation is that will be neither large nor sustained,” he said.
This therad is about your party's dumb idea about guns making people safer.

Too funny that you resorted to another dumb bit of propaganda to deflect it.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
If the uk were the size of the us, they would have 30,000 robberies at gunpoint each year. How are gun laws helping the citizens there, the criminals obviously still use guns.

Well the videos from the arena proving a white van did indeed drop off boxes of ballots in unsealed ups cartons, as reported by numerous eyewitnesses was released last week.

Are the two forensic audits into the voting machines not enough evidence? More are coming, see maricopa (who sued the state to prevent the audit, lmao). It just had to happen after the election for obvious reasons, but it will come out.

I bet you think building 7 was the first ever modern concrete and steel building to collapse from fire alone and that nist telling us how it happened would actually be a national security issue.

yeah you just keep waiting for 'it will come out'.

it was explained ad infinitum during the election how votes were going to be tallied. if you don't get math just say so..not everyone does.

building 7? you're too far gone.
If the uk were the size of the us, they would have 30,000 robberies at gunpoint each year. How are gun laws helping the citizens there, the criminals obviously still use guns.

it's not and they don''s stinkin' thinkin' math that you're citing.
Why would a woman “need guns the most”

enlighten us all

Because there's lots of men who can bench twice the body weight of some women, or kill with a single punch. and then there's the rape/kidnapping/trafficking aspect. Yes, you can die from a hard punch. With self awareness and a firearm at reach, ANYONE is safer.

what if some psycho is off their meds, out stabbing random people?

there's 101 reasons to have a gun.
Slowest economical recovery on record, why?

Green energy policies and offshoring of manufacturing jobs.
You are just spewing regurgitated propaganda.

The Great Recession absolutely destroyed our manufacturing, and that is on the Republicans for allowing their 'let them burn' mentality crush our economy right as Obama took office. Just like Trump has done to Biden.

And trolls pushing the same kind of nonsense you are now, pulled their 'Tea Party' bullshit troll to rewrite history as it being Obama/Democrats fault.

It's not really debatable at this point.
It is not, that is why the right wing propaganda machine just flat out lies.

It's not really even debatable that trump undid those changes and brought the jobs back. I thought that's what you were all complaining about anyways.
You can see in the above chart that you are full of shit. But if anyone needs anymore information, the link above the chart is where I went through the bullshit cut and paste talking points some earlier troll posted more thoroughly.
Do you really buy that it's a "danger to national security" to tell us how the only steel and concrete building to collapse from fire, in the history of all buildings everywhere, also collapsed into it's own footprint at freefall speeds? I gots a bridge ta sell ya boy.

really now..


You are just spewing regurgitated propaganda.

The Great Recession absolutely destroyed our manufacturing, and that is on the Republicans for allowing their 'let them burn' mentality crush our economy right as Obama took office. Just like Trump has done to Biden.

And trolls pushing the same kind of nonsense you are now, pulled their 'Tea Party' bullshit troll to rewrite history as it being Obama/Democrats fault.

It is not, that is why the right wing propaganda machine just flat out lies.

You can see in the above chart that you are full of shit. But if anyone needs anymore information, the link above the chart is where I went through the bullshit cut and paste talking points some earlier troll posted more thoroughly.

that pic gif freaked me the fvck out though i was going to see the Trump Casino implosion and up came that:shock: