Well-Known Member
That is “Q”Q send you?
He‘s fallen on tough times and is unable to face up to his supporters. Now he just wanders around random forums trying to find the spark that once made him famous.
That is “Q”Q send you?
Thanks for that report of “likely” events, TrippleDipShit.Also, what's with the slant guys, I mean two citizens stopped a murderer from leaving the scene and potentially killing more people, meanwhile no additional people got killed other than the shooter. Seems like a win from here.
If anyone else got shot you would definitely hear "critically injured", so they likely got hit by debris or twisted their ankle or something.
what riots? what fraud?You are talking about the current administration right? Now that trumps gone you see the infighting on the left; blm and antifa still rioting, real investigation into hunter biden, several voter fraud cases heard last friday, lots of anti-biden propaganda everywhere. Some think he's supposed to be the fall guy and take all the hate for the blatantly fraudulent elections.
Cool story, thief.No. Two different locations. The blacks robbed neighbors house, and marked mine for robbery. A black dude came in my yard the day before and turned on my spigot, I yelled "who the fuck!?" And saw a black guy fleeing. So anyone in the bike path was a suspect the next day....
the next day, I caught their spotter who was a black girl on a cellphone who looked scared shitless. I was in a legal houshold. Cops were already in the area for the alarm. This is in a wealthy suburb. Literally The wealthiest 1 mile radius in the state. NOT a trashy area at all.
The white guys, I was living with a roommate who sold pot. They were trying to rob him, or steal my motorcycles/tools. They didn't break in, they pulled up and starting circling my house, so I greeted them with a gun on my thigh. I wouldn't report that. I didn't brandish per se, I had it pointed down, and asked how I could help them. They were unarmed from what I could tell.
Some stretch to call me a racist. I think alot of people on this site don't call the police...
There are two black families in my block (former NFL guy, and a family that owns a construction business, rich people) but they don't dress like hoodrats, these people were obviously hoodrats.
the walking path behind my house is usually old people, or young parents... People who walk. It's private. When I see anyone who looks too young/poor to live here, it's incredibly obvious. The whole reason we moved to an uptight suburb....
Race is irrelevant in the suburbs, it's suburb culture. Lots of children and dog walkers, lawn care, all the mailboxes match, no unnatural paint colors...
child free people aged 20-33 aren't welcome.... Fighting aged men are suspicious as hell. I would call the cops on ME, if I saw myself walking down the path... Outsiders always stand out, that's the point of the suburbs. The nearest gas station is 6 miles, Walgreens is a mile... No commuters on foot.. No excuse. Soliciting is also illegal. When a salesman comes to my door, I wait for him to leave while I'm still outside.
then I might light up a smoke and wait for him to leave the cul-de-sac. My neighbors do the same thing. No excuse for ANY strangers to be here.
When I was 14, on Halloween night. My friends and I were "garage hopping" for beer in our neighborhood. There was an open garage, and as I was pulling a case of corona and a case of an Sam Adams out of this fridge, my friends yell "gun gun gun gun!!!!" As I bolt with the beer in hand, the homeowner in the doorway grunts "aghh!" in frustration as he lowered his shotgun. He knew better than to shoot kids stealing his beer, and retreating.
For that night, I was officially the coolest freshman... Got like 30+ excellent beers. No sambuca or 2 bottles of Miller 100 lol
i can see why your own family hates youNo. Two different locations. The blacks robbed neighbors house, and marked mine for robbery. A black dude came in my yard the day before and turned on my spigot, I yelled "who the fuck!?" And saw a black guy fleeing. So anyone in the bike path was a suspect the next day....
the next day, I caught their spotter who was a black girl on a cellphone who looked scared shitless. I was in a legal houshold. Cops were already in the area for the alarm. This is in a wealthy suburb. Literally The wealthiest 1 mile radius in the state. NOT a trashy area at all.
The white guys, I was living with a roommate who sold pot. They were trying to rob him, or steal my motorcycles/tools. They didn't break in, they pulled up and starting circling my house, so I greeted them with a gun on my thigh. I wouldn't report that. I didn't brandish per se, I had it pointed down, and asked how I could help them. They were unarmed from what I could tell.
Some stretch to call me a racist. I think alot of people on this site don't call the police...
There are two black families in my block (former NFL guy, and a family that owns a construction business, rich people) but they don't dress like hoodrats, these people were obviously hoodrats.
the walking path behind my house is usually old people, or young parents... People who walk. It's private. When I see anyone who looks too young/poor to live here, it's incredibly obvious. The whole reason we moved to an uptight suburb....
Race is irrelevant in the suburbs, it's suburb culture. Lots of children and dog walkers, lawn care, all the mailboxes match, no unnatural paint colors...
child free people aged 20-33 aren't welcome.... Fighting aged men are suspicious as hell. I would call the cops on ME, if I saw myself walking down the path... Outsiders always stand out, that's the point of the suburbs. The nearest gas station is 6 miles, Walgreens is a mile... No commuters on foot.. No excuse. Soliciting is also illegal. When a salesman comes to my door, I wait for him to leave while I'm still outside.
then I might light up a smoke and wait for him to leave the cul-de-sac. My neighbors do the same thing. No excuse for ANY strangers to be here.
When I was 14, on Halloween night. My friends and I were "garage hopping" for beer in our neighborhood. There was an open garage, and as I was pulling a case of corona and a case of an Sam Adams out of this fridge, my friends yell "gun gun gun gun!!!!" As I bolt with the beer in hand, the homeowner in the doorway grunts "aghh!" in frustration as he lowered his shotgun. He knew better than to shoot kids stealing his beer, and retreating.
For that night, I was officially the coolest freshman... Got like 30+ excellent beers. No sambuca or 2 bottles of Miller 100 lol
Yeah, living with mom helping her dying husband in hospice...i can see why your own family hates you
ha ha haYou are talking about the current administration right? Now that trumps gone you see the infighting on the left; blm and antifa still rioting, real investigation into hunter biden, several voter fraud cases heard last friday, lots of anti-biden propaganda everywhere. Some think he's supposed to be the fall guy and take all the hate for the blatantly fraudulent elections.
burdening my taxpayer dollars with his self inflicted shitty health habits, no doubtYeah, living with mom helping her dying husband in hospice...
Exactly the point of this therad.I understand it was a gun range too, so lot's of armed "citizens" around, at least they picked on their peers!
This therad is all about your kind's idiotic claim that guns make people safer. So, the scene is: gun shop and shooting range filled with 2A macho men who practice to kill people. This guy shows up WHILE the range is filled with people armed, and loaded. He manages to kill two and wound two more before he's turned into Swiss Cheese by the 2A cowards who had to have their guns "for protection".
"It's a good thing people with guns were around or more would have died"Watched a news story, but they didn't clarify if any unarmed people were shot. The two injured were both shot
Multiple customers and employees engaged the shooter. Again, they didn't clarify if people who weren't shooting were shot by ricochets. Sounds like a huge gunfight, at a gun shop.
Bad guy shot first, everyone jumped in to help.
This incident proves how dumb your post of the injured was a woman iirc. Women are the one's who need a gun the most imho.
I'm not thrilled about Medicare trust me. No, I'm not a financial burden, quite the opposite. I save her a shitload of money by being free.burdening my taxpayer dollars with his self inflicted shitty health habits, no doubt
To use on people with this of the injured was a woman iirc. Women are the one's who need a gun the most imho.
You mean this one...I’m not seeing the 10:1 you claim. This says closer to 1:1Oh yeah: REMEMBER WHEN THE CDC PROVED DEFENSIVE GUN USE OUTNUMBERED SHOOTINGS 10:1? 500,000 PEOPLE HELPED YEARLY BY OWNING A GUN!!!
What the fuck are you talking about?Trump lifted 400,000 african americans above the poverty line, ten times more than obama did with two terms. He also pushed unemployment to a 50 year low. You might not like him, but his policies were sound.
Biden cut tens of thousands of jobs by EO in his first week, energy policies will see manufacturing leave and the jobs with it. Make no mistake THIS IS CLASS WARFARE, wake up. This hurts your children dummy.