Another story that proves guns make people safer


Three people killed, two injured, in shooting at gun store in Louisiana

Three people were killed and two were injured in a shooting at a gun store in Louisiana on Saturday.
Deputies were called to the scene at the Jefferson Gun Outlet in Metairie just before 3 p.m., Jefferson Parish Sheriff Joseph Lopinto III said during a press briefing.
Metairie is just a few miles northwest of New Orleans.
One initial shooter fatally shot two people inside the store, according to Lopinto. Both victims were both pronounced dead at the scene.

Several people then engaged the original suspect inside and outside the store, leaving two more people injured with gunshot wounds, the sheriff said.
A press release from the sheriff's office said the third person killed was the original shooter.

Would this be classified as a suicide or a mass murder? Asking gunfighter nation for guidance.
Your missing something, without guns none of those people would be dead or injured.

So it could be argued that guns make people more dangerous (in the wrong hands)

The UK and Europe in general has 250/400 deaths or injuries from guns annually America 11,000+ the last I checked.
Your missing something, without guns none of those people would be dead or injured.

So it could be argued that guns make people more dangerous (in the wrong hands)

The UK and Europe in general has 250/400 deaths or injuries from guns annually America 11,000+ the last I checked.
Look at the stats with Canada.
Your missing something, without guns none of those people would be dead or injured.

So it could be argued that guns make people more dangerous (in the wrong hands)

The UK and Europe in general has 250/400 deaths or injuries from guns annually America 11,000+ the last I checked.
Hey guy, we're good. I completely agree with you.

The first word in the post was "not"

As in:

"Another story that proves guns make people safer NOT"

It was late, I was high and saw that headline. I thought the same thing as you. Damn, here is this effing roided out crowd, at a gun shop that has a practice range and people popping off at their targets. A guy shows up and before they can do anything four are down. We keep hearing these dickless wonders keep droning on about how "more guns make more safe". It's utter nonsense and right there is the perfect example why they are full of it.

So I figured I'd write a troll post and fish for some gun nut carp.

It was a poorly written troll in that it caught a few non-target species. I was high. So, it's all good.
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You mean this one...I’m not seeing the 10:1 you claim. This says closer to 1:1

Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.
@TrippleDip doesn't bother to fact check what he says. He doesn't go with his gut when he spouts his nonsense, he goes with his bowels. Pulls it from his ass.
Yeah, but most offensive uses are against other gang members. They don't count for obvious reasons. Criminals aren't people. Also 3 mill over 300k is 10x.

It is a well known fact that Republicans do not value human life other than their own cowardly asses.
Walmart no longer displays guns. Catch up boomer

I thought they rescinded that and went back to displaying them this past fall.
I was just in Walmart recently looking for fishing gear and wandered past the ammo section. Nada, zilch, bare ammo shelves.
It's reasonable to assume a Biden administration has benefitted gun and ammo sales.

Boomer? Don't make me tell you about bringing shotguns to school in high school (left them in the car) to use for hunting after school and nobody freaked out. Guess we were more mature than the punks of today.

I was just trolling you I think they only did that because your dictator was saying to cause problems if he lost. Which he did so technically he’s a loser.