My Re-vegging Journal - any input is welcome


Active Member
Update, Just wanted to show off my (Revegged) ladies in finishing they're 5th or so week of flowering. They're smelling awful scrumpous, I just about ready to eat one. LOL. I'm so ready for the next few weeks to be over. The pictures were done w/my cellphone, not the best, but u get the idea. These girls are totally frosted, they might look distorted because of the frost. They're in tight quarters right now, but 2-3 more weeks, and I'll be doing my Master Kush female who is 2-2 1/2ft. I can't leave her outside, she'll be too big come fall, and she'll have outgrown the enclosure I got her in, as u can see she's the largest of the group, she the one closest to the fence on the end.



Well-Known Member
I would check the roots structure and see how it looks, If shes fine then leave her, if she's getting excessive roots, trim them. U could also trim them anyway and put her into a smaller pot, if that's what u want. U'll need to take more trimmings once u do and watch her (she'll be kicking ass then). U'r welcome for the heads-up! Oh yeah:hump:
Thanks for that, I checked out her roots and sure enough she was getting close to being root bound even AFTER I trimmed away a massive amount at the begining of this journal.

I ended up trimming away about half of the rootball and I put her into a smaller container.

I didnt cut anything else off of her tho, but at this point Ive trimmed about 10-12 clones off of her (alll except the 'yellow-bud one', thats from the other plant that I was growing. Say Hello to plant D. I took that clone about 11 weeks into flowering, and Im both glad and suprised I got it to root.)

I figured I'd just give her a feeding and leave her alone for a week or so.

And as you can see, my babies are doing excellent! I noticed a little bit of "Tacoing" on the top leaves so I fixed the exhaust fans, and gave them a nice spray down, hopefully they will bounce back in a few hours.

It hasnt even been a week of 12/12 yet and Im already seeing preflowers..hopefully they will shoot out a couple hairs within the next week.

This is absolutley amazing. Spittn4cash, you are really teaching us a lot here, more members here need to see this! I threw away a "stump" Sunday after Harvesting, but I have 2 left to harvest and I am going to try and re-veg one like you did, except I will do Hydro instead of soil.
some of those leaves don't even look like pot!
amazing, absolutely amazing!
More people need to see this,
Thanks, and jump right in and join the party. Revegging is pretty cool. Its like I thought I was never gonna be able to smoke this strain again since my access to the seedbank has been temporarily put on hold..but seeing this plant come back to life just feels soo good!

Thanks for stopping by and the compliments Roseman:peace:

Update, Just wanted to show off my (Revegged) ladies in finishing they're 5th or so week of flowering. They're smelling awful scrumpous, I just about ready to eat one. LOL. I'm so ready for the next few weeks to be over. The pictures were done w/my cellphone, not the best, but u get the idea. These girls are totally frosted, they might look distorted because of the frost. They're in tight quarters right now, but 2-3 more weeks, and I'll be doing my Master Kush female who is 2-2 1/2ft. I can't leave her outside, she'll be too big come fall, and she'll have outgrown the enclosure I got her in, as u can see she's the largest of the group, she the one closest to the fence on the end.
Ur growing some bushes these days huh?

I still have to see my plant turn into what yours looks like in order to believe that I can grow some bushes like that after revegging.
Thanks for the love man.


Well-Known Member
Oh and
Anyone else who has any re-vegg photos or any re-veg related photos can feel free to post them. I'd love to have this journal as a reference for myself and any growers in the future who hope to re-vegg.


Well-Known Member
Isnt it amazing the growth you get from a "bud" thats revegged..Its almost like theres a break in possible yeild development...Same time when you do this, I want you to realize every single time Ive done this its been completely unstable,,,,maybe its me..mine was an autoflower I tortured in to veg state,, mainly because someone told me I couldn't..proved them wrong but both clones maffed in the final results...kick ass smoke but beans from hell


Well-Known Member
D-D-D-DAYUM Spittn, your kids be lookin healthy man! Glad to know you're repin C-Town with these babies. I was born in Cleveland, lived in Parma for my younger years.. but moved around cuz of parents in the Navy. All my family on my pops side live in Parma, Broadview Heights and Strongsville.

Anyway bro, lookin damn good! keep doin what your doin.


Active Member
Thanks for that, I checked out her roots and sure enough she was getting close to being root bound even AFTER I trimmed away a massive amount at the begining of this journal.

I ended up trimming away about half of the rootball and I put her into a smaller container.

I didnt cut anything else off of her tho, but at this point Ive trimmed about 10-12 clones off of her (alll except the 'yellow-bud one', thats from the other plant that I was growing. Say Hello to plant D. I took that clone about 11 weeks into flowering, and Im both glad and suprised I got it to root.)

I figured I'd just give her a feeding and leave her alone for a week or so.

And as you can see, my babies are doing excellent! I noticed a little bit of "Tacoing" on the top leaves so I fixed the exhaust fans, and gave them a nice spray down, hopefully they will bounce back in a few hours.

It hasnt even been a week of 12/12 yet and Im already seeing preflowers..hopefully they will shoot out a couple hairs within the next week.

Thanks, and jump right in and join the party. Revegging is pretty cool. Its like I thought I was never gonna be able to smoke this strain again since my access to the seedbank has been temporarily put on hold..but seeing this plant come back to life just feels soo good!

Thanks for stopping by and the compliments Roseman:peace:

Ur growing some bushes these days huh?

I still have to see my plant turn into what yours looks like in order to believe that I can grow some bushes like that after revegging.
Thanks for the love man.
:peace:]I appreciate your compliment, Yeah, I grow some real massive bushes, its the environment, they simply thrive, not to mention Superthrive helps, U might want to use it while your revegging the first 2-3 weeks, along w/prunning and boy will u see some bush growth. All my plants look like that, in about 3-4 weeks they're huge, I had to pull my MK from outside cuz she got too high too quick, she's been under 12/12 since saturday, I post a picture later. Try Superthrive w/your feeding and you'll see a HUGHE difference. I AM WOMAN HERE ME ROAR... Hey fellas, Yeah I'm a lady grower, not a man! Anyways here she is my Master Kush female, she's around 6-7 weeks old.



Well-Known Member
Major_Nuggz said:
Isnt it amazing the growth you get from a "bud" thats revegged..Its almost like theres a break in possible yeild development...Same time when you do this, I want you to realize every single time Ive done this its been completely unstable,,,,maybe its me..mine was an autoflower I tortured in to veg state,, mainly because someone told me I couldn't..proved them wrong but both clones maffed in the final results...kick ass smoke but beans from hell
Thanks for the heads up Major_N, I'll look out for any ballz. I hope this strain takes it well. U tortured ur plant? thats never good lol..

Hey Major_N one thing I wondered was: are the seeds viable from that revegg? I read that when U reveg and the plant grows balls that the seeds from it will be sterile, just wondering if U could shed some light on that for me.:blsmoke:

D-D-D-DAYUM Spittn, your kids be lookin healthy man! Glad to know you're repin C-Town with these babies. I was born in Cleveland, lived in Parma for my younger years.. but moved around cuz of parents in the Navy. All my family on my pops side live in Parma, Broadview Heights and Strongsville.

Anyway bro, lookin damn good! keep doin what your doin.
thats wassup...
U know I gotta hold it down for us out here lol

vb said:
Try Superthrive w/your feeding and you'll see a HUGHE difference. I AM WOMAN HERE ME ROAR... Hey fellas, Yeah I'm a lady grower, not a man! Anyways here she is my Master Kush female, she's around 6-7 weeks old.
superthrive..hmm..superthrive..hmm..I remember reading something about using that for germination, transplants, and clones in rockwool but I've never heard about anyone feeding that to their plants. I just might have to try that, does it have a NPK or is it just a vitamin type supplement? (like rooting hormone is vitamin B1 and doesnt really have a NPK) would it be alright to floiar feed that to my plants? (I dont like too much stuff clogging up my soil)

So ur a lady huh? Thats pretty cool, honestly I dont really care what sex u are, U've been a great big help and a super person to go to for answers, and very helpful in this experience

thank you all for stopping by


Well-Known Member
Today is day 33 of the Reveg experience, Im kinda upset I dont have a giant bush yet, but Im grateful to have anything at this point, if it werent for all of you none of this would be possible.

Here she is today day 33, not much has changed since the last update, but heres the latest development.

In this pic you can see how her nodes are alternating like crazy, also you can see how large the growth is coming from that bud. that bud is about the size of a half-dollar coin (old school)

Here are my seedlings, who have done some major stretching and growing over the past few days. They're 33 Days old total, and have only been flowering for 1 week and 1 day and I have already confirmed 2 females!:hump:

Here are my two females. This is my Mr.NicexCrystal plant and her preflowers

Here is my White Widow and her preflowers

Thats all I got for right now. I'll be back in a couple days for more updates on the grow.

Thank you all for stopping by, feel free to comment, ask questions, post pics of your grow, show off some nice bud shots (I love close-ups) or whatever in here.
make sure U hit the bong or the spliff before U leave tho! :joint:bongsmilie



Active Member
Cool, I don't care what sex u'r either. LOL, I'm just glad to help, its been a truly awesome experience w/this reveggin stuff. Its cool. Now on that superthrive
it is a B1 vitamin/supplement, u use minimal in u'r watering, and it goes a long way, you won't overdose the girls by using 1/4 tsp. I've experimented in 2 ways, 1)while vegging state only results, massive leafiness. 2) during my flowering nutes schedule. which is 3 weeks of Biobizz/Bloom & Topp Maxx & Superthrive rest of time straight WATER . BOY OH BOY-Hear me now, do you get LARGE FLOWERS... My last harvest 3 plants I harvested 1/2lb. easy.. Try it!


Well-Known Member
I personally think some are males, but some people on another forum have said that its too early to tell and its just new growth....

now I dont mean to insult their intelligence, but I think I know a male preflower when I see one...

plants are 34 Days old and 9 days into 12/12..

so waddya think? males for sure??


Well-Known Member
I was thinking in pic 1&2 maybe, 3 definitely and 4 I've never seen a preflower that looked like that before so I really dunno


Well-Known Member
Reveg Day 47; Seedlings Day 47/Flowering Day 23

Sorry for the short intermission, but I had quite a few things to do that pulled me away from the grow, but now Im back.

Im kicking myself right now bcuz I kinda stunted her growth. When I transplanted her into the smaller pot I took her out of Miracle Gro potting mix, and put her into "hyponex soil mix" by scotts. (my post on 6/08/07)

About a week after that, I noticed a little bit of nute burn begining after I transplanted so I gave her a flush (on 6/15/07) but it didnt work...All it did was turn the "Soil Mix" into a "swampy/muddy" texture and burned my plant even more.

Pic taken on 6/17/07

So I decided not to waste time worrying about her and I planted her outside to continue growing and hopefully make a recovery out there. So far Ive noticed a lot of stretching going on, and a lot more of the nute burn but I know shes not done fighting the fight yet and probably has a lot left in her. I cant blame anybody but myself for buying the cheap stuff and not remedying it earlier.

Here she is today Reveg day 47.

Any advice on what I should do is welcome. Im not too worried about her bcuz I'v pulled plenty of clones off of her and Im sure at least one of them will make a great new mother.

part 2 to come in a few minutes


Well-Known Member
Reveg Day 47;Seedlings Day 47/Flowering Day 23

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I've pulled so many clones off of her that Im running out of space. I have a temporary setup for the clones, it includes: a rubbermaid bin, 1-26W CFL, and a couple of PC fans.

All of the clones have rooted, even the ones I cut from my seedlings have roots so I feel pretty good about a 100% success rate with my first attempt at cloning.

They're about 30 days old and I couldnt be happier. They seem to be growing fine under the CFL, eventually Im gonna add more lights towards the end of my flowering cycle on the seedlings, but for now I think they're ok. The light isnt too intense so they're growing a little bit slower but by me having the light so close to them I limit the amount of stretching I see from them.

once again any advice is welcome

part 3 on the way...


Well-Known Member
very nice spitt. if you didnt tell the sex by now. i would say it looks to me to be a male. or even a hermy? good luck with it outside.


Well-Known Member
Reveg Day 47; Seedlings Day 47/Flowering Day 23

So far the seedlings are doing excellent besides from a few deficiencies that they are showing - all of which I believe are normal for flowering plants. One major Def is Nitrogen, but since I gave the soil a nice watering w/ molasses a couple days ago I'll have to wait until sometime later this week to feed them with Veg nutes.

I topped 2 of them and Lst'd all of them to restrict the height, so they wouldnt grow right into my lights, so far so good.

(XBOX Controller left in there for size reference.)

My girlfriend brought her Pomeranian Puppy over last week and that thing got into EVERYTHING! She messed up my timer so the light schedule was all crazy and one of my plants ended up hermie'ing. By the time I noticed it, a couple pollen sacks had already split and pollen was everywhere! I saw it on the soil, but I didnt think much of it when I first noticed it, i thought maybe it was some sand bcuz my girlfriend and I went to the beach last week and sand was in our hair, shoes, blankets towels, clothes - literally everywhere. I saw a few balls last night and decided to just cut them off and let it continue flowering along with the rest of them...better luck next time I guess, I made it this far and a couple of seeds arent gonna stop me from finishing this grow.

Here's the Hermie (WW)

You can notice in the pics there are small speckles smaller than the perlite that almost looks like sand..thats the pollen. And the green dots in the soil is the Balls I cut off, I didnt feel like throwing them away bcuz I was a little stressed out last night so I just let them fall on the soil

They're only on day 23 of flowering, so they have about 40 more days till I plan on harvesting them..this time I decided to be a little more patient - no sample buds, no quick-dry smokes after harvest, and Im not gonna rush the clones nor these to finish up. I think they look pretty good, like I said - Im gonna give them some veg nutes (24-8-16) the next couple feedings until the yellowing slows down or stops in addition to the molasses and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
I was thinking in pic 1&2 maybe, 3 definitely and 4 I've never seen a preflower that looked like that before so I really dunno
very nice spitt. if you didnt tell the sex by now. i would say it looks to me to be a male. or even a hermy? good luck with it outside.
thanks, I was actually right. pics 1-3 ended up being male and 4 was a female after all! thanks for stoppin by insanity!

make sure U hit the bongbongsmilie before U leave :peace: