Pandemic 2020

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B.C. CEO says life-saving COVID-19 treatment is 'sitting on the shelf'

The CEO of a Vancouver-based biotech firm says the company's coronavirus antibody treatment could be saving lives, but is sitting in storage. Canada purchased 26,000 doses of the treatment last year.
14 players for the Canucks have the Brazil variant and some of them are very ill.
I was just reading some post from a Canadian on my forum talking about that. Ontario had 3000 new cases on Saturday and a good many are that Brazilian variant.

That thing is dynamite.
I was just reading some post from a Canadian on my forum talking about that. Ontario had 3000 new cases on Saturday and a good many are that Brazilian variant.

That thing is dynamite.

they have a major airport and welcome diversity from other countries. you have a forum? where would this be located?
Variants are driving rise in younger, sicker patients needing specialized care to receive oxygen: doctors
A disturbing trend is gaining ground in Ontario — more COVID-19 patients in the ICU who are younger and sicker than before, with the new variants blamed for these infections.

“Our ICU is already full today,” he said. “As are most of the ICU around the GTA. I think we're all quite concerned about what's going to happen in the next few weeks.”

“Now it's this wall of people who are all in their 30s,” she said. “It's not a novelty anymore.”
She wants the public to know that, “Yes, this is a young person’s illness too.”
Most worrisome is that these younger patients are becoming very sick fast.
“Seems that variants of concern are now the dominant COVID-19 that's circulating in Ontario,” Ferguson said.

Because the variants are much more transmissible, “more patients and people who will get infected with variants are more likely to have severe disease,” he explained, “progressing much more quickly from being well [to] being extremely sick, over the course of just a few days.”
Variants are driving rise in younger, sicker patients needing specialized care to receive oxygen: doctors
A disturbing trend is gaining ground in Ontario — more COVID-19 patients in the ICU who are younger and sicker than before, with the new variants blamed for these infections.

“Our ICU is already full today,” he said. “As are most of the ICU around the GTA. I think we're all quite concerned about what's going to happen in the next few weeks.”

“Now it's this wall of people who are all in their 30s,” she said. “It's not a novelty anymore.”
She wants the public to know that, “Yes, this is a young person’s illness too.”
Most worrisome is that these younger patients are becoming very sick fast.
“Seems that variants of concern are now the dominant COVID-19 that's circulating in Ontario,” Ferguson said.

Because the variants are much more transmissible, “more patients and people who will get infected with variants are more likely to have severe disease,” he explained, “progressing much more quickly from being well [to] being extremely sick, over the course of just a few days.”
More scary shit indeed,I remember earlier in this Pandemic that epidemiologists were saying coronaviruses in general do not mutate like the influenza virus does, you know how they base the seasonal flu shot on whatever strain shows up in Australia where the yearly influenzaseason begins. Yet influenza mutates so quickly that 6 mos. later the shot has only been less than 50% effective in some years.WELL it sure is beginning to look like they missed on their assumption that coronaviruses don't mutate as much because this particular coronavirus has been jumping through hoops the last 6-8 months changing itself quickly and frequently. Another miss on their part just like very early on when they said healthy people didn't need to mask up and also the surface transmission was pretty off base also as this coroavirus is being transmitted predominently by aerosol spray.ccguns
Idiots are what's driving this, everywhere I go less people are wearing masks, some businesses I'm the only one.

and you'll be the one to survive in your area without CovidCloud too..this is circulatory and crosses blood/brain.

i maintain with SD mask get my deliveries in; fuck everyone else let those morons be sick for the rest of their lives like with permanent concuss.

apparently, Bouldeer and Denver are going to start dispensary delivery but for some reason not here but they'll fix that FC has CSU main campus.

Drizly what a unique concept.:lol: back in the 60s you could get anything delivered.

often i'm the only one but this way i get to stay away from people that i hate

if i'm on your ignore then you can ignore this post; just let others read this.
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Michigan is full of morons and wack jobs, anti-vaccine to anti-government, we have way more than most states.
Apparently, my gf's aunt lives there, her husband looks sickly and pale with the dark rings under his eyes. Fortunately I think they only fall into the moron category.
Masks are mandated in businesses in Manitoba or everywhere really. We did go for a month long shut down to get our infection rate down to a quarter now, even with the new variants. Other that a few pockets of crazies most people here understand the science of it. Still at least two weeks or more for my shot here. Not so bad, warmer weather is here now and at least I can get out a little.
Draw a straight line on a map from Michigan to Florida and that tells you everything you need to know. It's the migratory route of wack jobs and the mentally ill, most people in that line move north and south for seasonal vacations. Michigan,Ohio,Kentucky,Tennessee,Georgia,Florida, need I say more.
Draw a straight line on a map from Michigan to Florida and that tells you everything you need to know. It's the migratory route of wack jobs and the mentally ill, most people in that line move north and south for seasonal vacations. Michigan,Ohio,Kentucky,Tennessee,Georgia,Florida, need I say more.

i've noticed an uptick with the unhoused now that the weather is getting warmer and the weed opportunity flows more here than those places except michigan. this is why they make it real hard to get your mule and 7 acres here.
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