Well-Known Member
There's a silver lining in every shitty situationYa I guess my pettiness is good at annoying the piss out of you. Lol

I'll be honest. When I managed retail I spent most of my time just dealing with everyone's bullshit. Customers. Employees. Corporate. Shit never ended man. You know what pissed me off more than a customer that got shitty with me at the counter? A customer that knocked shit off the fucking shelves or my favorite customer - the customer that decides they don't want all the shit in their basket and just abandons it. Thanks asshole. That's another 30 minutes of clock time after close. You rock. I was hourly salary though, so I didn't really give a fuck. While it definitely pissed me off it would make most customers (or people in general) puke to know what they paid me in overtime wages to put light bulbs back on a shelf for a shitty customer. Made a lot of extra money each pay period just cleaning up after shit bags when I locked the door stacking that overtime