So I'm pretty sure I'm banned from Target stores for life after today's transaction

Ya I guess my pettiness is good at annoying the piss out of you. Lol
There's a silver lining in every shitty situation :)

I'll be honest. When I managed retail I spent most of my time just dealing with everyone's bullshit. Customers. Employees. Corporate. Shit never ended man. You know what pissed me off more than a customer that got shitty with me at the counter? A customer that knocked shit off the fucking shelves or my favorite customer - the customer that decides they don't want all the shit in their basket and just abandons it. Thanks asshole. That's another 30 minutes of clock time after close. You rock. I was hourly salary though, so I didn't really give a fuck. While it definitely pissed me off it would make most customers (or people in general) puke to know what they paid me in overtime wages to put light bulbs back on a shelf for a shitty customer. Made a lot of extra money each pay period just cleaning up after shit bags when I locked the door stacking that overtime :)
There's a silver lining in every shitty situation :)

I'll be honest. When I managed retail I spent most of my time just dealing with everyone's bullshit. Customers. Employees. Corporate. Shit never ended man. You know what pissed me off more than a customer that got shitty with me at the counter? A customer that knocked shit off the fucking shelves or my favorite customer - the customer that decides they don't want all the shit in their basket and just abandons it. Thanks asshole. That's another 30 minutes of clock time after close. You rock. I was hourly salary though, so I didn't really give a fuck. While it definitely pissed me off it would make most customers (or people in general) puke to know what they paid me in overtime wages to put light bulbs back on a shelf for a shitty customer. Made a lot of extra money each pay period just cleaning up after shit bags when I locked the door stacking that overtime :)
Retail and fast food sucked. I worked both when I was younger. Shit will suck the life out of you. The jobs themselves aren't hard but entitled customers and lazy coworkers make everything so much harder than it needs to be. We always had hours cut so no one would get overtime. I learned good work ethic out of all the BS at least.
Retail and fast food sucked. I worked both when I was younger. Shit will suck the life out of you. The jobs themselves aren't hard but entitled customers and lazy coworkers make everything so much harder than it needs to be. We always had hours cut so no one would get overtime. I learned good work ethic out of all the BS at least.
You know I just had an introspective look at my actions today thinking back to my low pay customer service working days, and I'm very regretful. If you're unhappy with someone's customer service you simply leave and go elsewhere. This is America and there are endless places to shop for things. If someone acts like an a-hole you just leave. It's not worth getting upset about or giving them any more of your time. And I could have been more empathetic to what those employees deal with. I know how shitty customers are and how much crap they must deal with on a daily basis. I should have reminded myself of that fact this morning. More than anything the other shoppers had no involvement in my transaction or the conversation between myself and the manager, and I really had no right to get them involved by shouting obscenities. It would be unfortunate if any children were present and heard those words. I just realized today I'm pushing myself too hard and losing sight of good judgment. Jonny thinks maybe it's time for a change. I need to relax more. This pandemic has gotten me stressed to the max over the last 12 months. Being an asshole that shouts obscenities in a target is not cool. Justified or not :)
We’re you wearing your rebel flag shirt with your crocs when you walked in to target?
I wish I was that classy. You just made me realize I was wearing a cartoon one piece tshirt I got on clearance from gamestonk. That bitch never even saw it coming ;)
Why didn't you just buy the one in your hand and cancel the one you ordered?
Fair question. I am married. My wife keeps the target card very close to her at all times. She may be buried with it in the end. What I'm trying to say is I didn't have it with me :) I offered to pay cash if they would match the price I actually paid with my target card with the 5% discount. The manager all but told me to go fuck myself. I still should have just walked away and canceled the order. What's stupid is I had already left the house with the intent of buying my unit from home depot for $240w/tax. It was the same model and I recently bought and I wanted it to match because I'm familiar with it's operation. For some stupid reason I went price shopping and down the target rabbit hole I went. A lesson can be learned here. Stick to the plan. If not you risk shouting obscenities at strangers working at your local target :)
Could have just waited for the confirmation email that your item was ready for pickup, but old people and technology right?
Your local Target store and are somehow separate entities. Next time go to customer service and ask them to price match the online price. You can always cancel your order later. It's fkn annoying, but you have to work within their bureaucracy.
The lesson here, is go back home. Wal-Mart is always waiting with open arms. I don't trust a store if I can't buy crickets and a set of tires there.
Don't worry man, that lady had it coming. I had a friggin supervisor from Sprint (now Tmobile!) hang up on me. I am still livid. Customer service these days is garbage. And for some reason when I criticize the company and the service I get, that is a personal insult to whomever it is I am talking to. Fuck these people. I already decided I'm not paying the last 4 months of my service, so that they can't cut off my service early, and I'm not sending them their piece of shit phone back, either. They can send bills until the end of time, and they'll get nothing until they take it out of my ass.
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Your local Target store and are somehow separate entities. Next time go to customer service and ask them to price match the online price. You can always cancel your order later. It's fkn annoying, but you have to work within their bureaucracy.
My wife explained this to me yesterday. I think in a nutshell the bitch was just like, "mothafucka, this ain't my problem. it's an online problem and you can either wait or fuck off." I failed to read between the lines :)
Don't worry man, that lady had it coming. I had a friggin supervisor from Sprint (now Tmobile!) hang up on me. I am still livid. Customer service these days is garbage. And for some reason when I criticize the company and the service I get, that is a personal insult to whomever it is I am talking to. Fuck these people. I already decided I'm not paying the last 4 months of my service, so that they can't cut off my service early, and I'm not sending them their piece of shit phone back, either. They can send bills until the end of time, and they'll get nothing until they take it out of my ass.
The last time I called comcast I thought I was gonna lose my shit after being transferred 2 or 3 times, waiting on hold for 20 minute intervals, and ultimately not solving the problem I actually called to fix. Between cellular phone companies and cable companies I think they're both in a race to the bottom on customer service and I can never really tell who's winning. They both suck fairly equally. Next time they call about the bill you tell them, "You know I thought about paying your bullshit bill, but I decided a better use of my time and money is to just let the account fall of my credit report in 7 years, then spend the money I was going to pay you on a few cases of beer and a new fishing pole. Eat shit and have a great day!" You have to deliver the message in a cheery voice otherwise it loses it's effect ;)
The last time I called comcast I thought I was gonna lose my shit after being transferred 2 or 3 times, waiting on hold for 20 minute intervals, and ultimately not solving the problem I actually called to fix. Between cellular phone companies and cable companies I think they're both in a race to the bottom on customer service and I can never really tell who's winning. They both suck fairly equally. Next time they call about the bill you tell them, "You know I thought about paying your bullshit bill, but I decided a better use of my time and money is to just let the account fall of my credit report in 7 years, then spend the money I was going to pay you on a few cases of beer and a new fishing pole. Eat shit and have a great day!" You have to deliver the message in a cheery voice otherwise it loses it's effect ;)
Be careful, those 7-years can turn into 10-years if they sell the bill to a collection agency who starts communicating with you. You will pay more in increased credit rates over those years to make it worth while. Just pay them, and ask them to remove the late payment report. Maybe you should have your wife call them lol.

I know what you mean though. I was super annoyed with my home warranty company recently who was trying to charge modification fees and stuff. They kept saying shit like "based on the contract..", so I decided to read the contract for myself, found a few loopholes in my favor and called them back. I totally blindsided the service rep, by quoting the contractual clauses to her. Her head began to spin and she put me on hold while talking to her manager. I swear to god, within 2-weeks that company had sent me a check for $700 to fix my broken heater myself, while before they were trying to charge me $3k to replace it. I had it fixed for $500, and pocketed the rest.
Be careful, those 7-years can turn into 10-years if they sell the bill to a collection agency who starts communicating with you. You will pay more in increased credit rates over those years to make it worth while. Just pay them, and ask them to remove the late payment report. Maybe you should have your wife call them lol.

I know what you mean though. I was super annoyed with my home warranty company recently who was trying to charge modification fees and stuff. They kept saying shit like "based on the contract..", so I decided to read the contract for myself, found a few loopholes in my favor and called them back. I totally blindsided the service rep, by quoting the contractual clauses to her. Her head began to spin and she put me on hold while talking to her manager. I swear to god, within 2-weeks that company had sent me a check for $700 to fix my broken heater myself, while before they were trying to charge me $3k to replace it. I had it fixed for $500, and pocketed the rest.
I like how your warranty reimbursement got sorted out. I hear those companies are real assholes to deal with. The call centers are designed to subvert issuing payouts. Then a guy like you calls who actually read the contract (almost nobody does), and gets things quickly sorted out. I love hearing about a consumer success story with an extended warranty company after hearing so many bad ones over the years. That had to feel satisfying cashing that check :)

You're correct about the collection agencies. By the time a junk debt collector buys the debt they won't have the original contract or any supporting documentation anymore, so you have some options to fight it and will most likely be successful if you pursue those options. Most will not, and will just have a dingle berry hanging on their credit report. In my 20's when I was very bad with money and credit I had around 30k in medical bills and credit card debt that I had no way of paying back. I fought several of them with debt validation letters sent certified with signature delivery demanding a copy of the original contract bearing my signature otherwise I would sue them for reporting false information on my credit report. Got half of them knocked out that way. Medical bills are another animal. Those motherfuckers will go to the ends of the earth to rake you through the coals. Eventually had to file bankruptcy and brother let me tell ya - washing away about $30k in debt between my wife and I was un-fucking-believably satisfying. The trustee looked at us like we were complete pieces of shit of course. I basically said sorry. My wife almost losing her life from cancer was very expensive and we aren't wealthy people. We had an attorney representing us that had such a bad cocaine problem that he was sniffling so badly at the trustee hearing it was drawing attention from others in the room. Dude was like 95# in a full suit. Nice guy. Got the bankruptcy handled cheaply and efficiently. I'd never hire him again for anything. Probably has great rates on cocaine though :)
I like how your warranty reimbursement got sorted out. I hear those companies are real assholes to deal with. The call centers are designed to subvert issuing payouts. Then a guy like you calls who actually read the contract (almost nobody does), and gets things quickly sorted out. I love hearing about a consumer success story with an extended warranty company after hearing so many bad ones over the years. That had to feel satisfying cashing that check :)

You're correct about the collection agencies. By the time a junk debt collector buys the debt they won't have the original contract or any supporting documentation anymore, so you have some options to fight it and will most likely be successful if you pursue those options. Most will not, and will just have a dingle berry hanging on their credit report. In my 20's when I was very bad with money and credit I had around 30k in medical bills and credit card debt that I had no way of paying back. I fought several of them with debt validation letters sent certified with signature delivery demanding a copy of the original contract bearing my signature otherwise I would sue them for reporting false information on my credit report. Got half of them knocked out that way. Medical bills are another animal. Those motherfuckers will go to the ends of the earth to rake you through the coals. Eventually had to file bankruptcy and brother let me tell ya - washing away about $30k in debt between my wife and I was un-fucking-believably satisfying. The trustee looked at us like we were complete pieces of shit of course. I basically said sorry. My wife almost losing her life from cancer was very expensive and we aren't wealthy people. We had an attorney representing us that had such a bad cocaine problem that he was sniffling so badly at the trustee hearing it was drawing attention from others in the room. Dude was like 95# in a full suit. Nice guy. Got the bankruptcy handled cheaply and efficiently. I'd never hire him again for anything. Probably has great rates on cocaine though :)
Yeah it felt real good cashing the check. Funny thing is I told the contractor over and over that I just wanted the broken part fixed, but they insisted that even if they fixed the broken part that my heater was so old that it wouldn't work anymore, and I really needed a new heater. Nice way for them to try to leverage my ignorance for $3k in their pockets. When I started asking what the extra modification charges were for, I remember them telling me $250 for gas shut off. I was like, well I can just shut the gas off before you arrive, so you can take that charge off, but they weren't budging. I found a local dude who found the broken fan assembly for $300, and charged one hour of labor for replacement. Heater is now working better than ever.

I had a similar situation in my 20's but is was for a much lower amount. I even started a debt consolidation payment plan to fix it, but life got in the way half-way through the payment plan and I had to bail out, which basically renewed my 7-year credit cutoff. Fast forward 5 years later, and I'm prepared to pay it off in full, but a credit consultant told me that if I do pay it off, it will again re-trigger the 7-year thing, even after it's been paid off. So I just said funk it, and waited another 2-years to fall off my credit report. The next month, my credit score suddenly blasted up like 80-points. Glad that is finally behind me now.
@jonnynobody I had the same sort of thing recently. I live in the middle of armpit america around an hour east of palm springs. I drove the hour and a half to the nearest target and got the same bullshit speech. They jerked me around between 3 different targets Saying that the order was separated, ultimately only getting half of what i ordered even though i placed the order 2 days before hand.... 3 hours round trip, another 2 hours driving between the targets, and 4 yelling kids in the car, what a fantastic time. I havent ordered from target again.