Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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So many millionaires here. We should form an investment club.
thats doge heres etherium

you cant really lose if you just hold. i might not be a millionaire but im making more off coins i hardly understand than my job and i make a pretty decent living. download coinbase on your phone. do the rewards, its a free 35 bucks. convert it from whatever coin it gives you right to one that you like the gains on.
Oh come on, you've taken medicine and you'd happily take any medicine that you felt you needed. Don't take the PJ Diaz angle of flat out lying in order to give the appearance of being consistent.

other than non-prescription meds (which would really only be advil, tylenol, for the occasional headache or whatever else, or maybe like pepcid for the occasional heartburn) ive only taken a few antibiotics, and im never happy about it because they always fucked me up before i learned to take a pro-biotic at the same...i hate opioids and they gave me some when i had an appendectomy, but i only took a couple and got rid of the rest - i don't like them at all - everytime i took one, it felt like i had a whole turkey in my stomach...slows your digestion right? so yea that's probably what i was feeling....but yea, im cool on the opioids....fuck your pain meds, they're crap

idk why you don't believe me at times and why you try to discredit me on most every statement i make.....but i guess that's what you do to make your side seem more compelling, even tho the facts are, that these shots are still experimental and a lot of people don't want to be part of the experiment and you guys are just jumping up and down about it, making it seem like everybody who chooses not to be a part of the experiment, is an idiot....and that's just not cool - i don't know what else to tell ya there
Just make sure have a plan. Set your marks and take your profits. Someday people will kill themselves over it, try not to be one of them.
when i first started i kept pulling out profits just to keep myself safe. did it enough that im comfy now and just letting it ride. i cant lose on it at this point. its more of a game on my phone than anything at this point. did you read about the bitcoin dude losing his physical wallet and thought it was in the dump but they wouldnt let him look? insane lol
im also lightly just following elon musk pumping everything up. like gamestop. i got in for a few shares at 40 and sold at like 300. once robinhood shut down buying on it that day i sold because i knew it was over. elon musk is a joke and has way too much power over the market for no damn reason
other than non-prescription meds (which would really only be advil, tylenol, for the occasional headache or whatever else, or maybe like pepcid for the occasional heartburn) ive only taken a few antibiotics, and im never happy about it because they always fucked me up before i learned to take a pro-biotic at the same...i hate opioids and they gave me some when i had an appendectomy, but i only took a couple and got rid of the rest - i don't like them at all - everytime i took one, it felt like i had a whole turkey in my stomach...slows your digestion right? so yea that's probably what i was feeling....but yea, im cool on the opioids....fuck your pain meds, they're crap

Like I said, you take plenty of medicine. Things change all the time with medicine, especially with manufacturers and whatnot. If you take any medicine, you're technically part of the research, so I'm merely pointing out that your super scurry "YOU ARE THE RESEARCH" was hyperbole and an invalid angle to argue and the way you know that, is because you can't argue it consistently. For example, when discuss gun stuff in the house, the wife sometimes says, "why you do you need...." which I then point out how "need" is an invalid angle to argue, because we don't "need" an extra car, we don't "need" a television, etc. I'm just pointing out that the basis for your argument, about being part of the research, is an invalid angle.

idk why you don't believe me at times and why you try to discredit me on most every statement i make.....but i guess that's what you do to make your side seem more compelling, even tho the facts are, that these shots are still experimental and a lot of people don't want to be part of the experiment and you guys are just jumping up and down about it, making it seem like everybody who chooses not to be a part of the experiment, is an idiot....and that's just not cool - i don't know what else to tell ya there

I didn't believe you because you said you didn't take any prescription medicine and everyone has, and everyone probably will in the future, so I knew that what you were saying wasn't true. That's why. It has nothing to do with the club and the way you know that is because I spoke to the content of your words and didn't ad-hom by introducing tribalism angles, like you are doing now.
  • Haha
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And I have spent many hours in an ICU. I have seen nurses and doctors fight to keep people alive. I have seen families morn the ones that have not. I have lived with a painful neurological disease for the past ten years as a result of my working in the hospital. My work in the hospital had me working with Infectious Controls, dealing with ICU's, Isolation rooms, we had over 100, the hospital converted entire floors as isolation wings to care for the patients. I know my way around medical papers, read thousands in relation to the pain and immune system. So I know many sides to the story. I know I can not convince such as yourself. Not my point. But when you proclaim falsehoods that some may take away and endanger our all, well I have to speak up.

I would rather just ignore you.

yea and i don't know what to tell you on that when i worked at a Level 1 trauma center for years....so we both worked in a hospital - so what....you know what i caught when i worked there? i caught myself too many problems by dipping my pen in the company ink

do you know how many times i was the one who x-rayed the patient that they later found out, had tuberculosis? idk somewhere between 5 and 10 times...never once positive....do you know how many times i had to gown up and wear a papper to xray the infectious patient? so stop with all that...ive been on the same front lines as you but just probably in a different capacity

but yea - by all means go ahead and ignore me so we can stop going back and forth if that makes you happy....i didn't proclaim any falsehoods but go ahead and keep claiming that i did, printer
I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not but it wouldn’t be a bad idea, someone has to watch out for us. I’m far from a millionaire
Yeah, I'm being sarcastic.

It's not just here but like people who talk about their week in Las Vegas, everyone is a winner!!!

In your posts, were you commenting about pharma profits from making the vaccine as if it were a bad thing?
Yeah, I'm being sarcastic.

It's not just here but like people who talk about their week in Las Vegas, everyone is a winner!!!

In your posts, were you commenting about pharma profits from making the vaccine as if it were a bad thing?
Nope I actually made a transfer to buy moderna stock and it was Saturday and didn’t go through and I just left it alone.
I’m not sure. Tough call for me. I’m fine living as a hermit for now. Groceries placed in my trunk. I was my groceries. Don’t go into stores. Work with one other person. Wear masks in the office. No I’m person meetings. We stay in our own offices.
But you have to think of all the people that touched your food / products from start! Then it went to your trunk then into your house.
Up to 24hrs on cardboard. Not that long really. People talk about the concentrations on masks, but it's bs, since you can't really have more than a single day of concentration.
Since it's not possible to test every medicine on every person, they sample tens of thousands and review the effects, just like they did with the Covid vaccines. After those tens of thousands are evaluated and, if thought to be safe, they still monitor reactions from the public. Technically speaking, we are ongoing research for every medicine. You may as well be saying all-caps-bold "MILK COMES FROM COWS" (it'd be a mic drop moment, except everyone knew that already).
Harold is impervious to facts and reason and I believe he has another agenda other than his own fear of needles. I don't take him too seriously because his impact on other's decisions is non existent. Harold seems determined to kill as many Americans as he can and I suspect he's vaccinated himself. Wonder how he feels about masks and lockdowns, Harold seems to be antilife in a prolife sea, along with a couple of others and socks supporting the stupidity. In the end 20 -25% will remain unvaccinated and a significant portion of those will have had a previous infection and are thus immune.

The biggest concern is children, the Brazilian variant is a kid killer and adults have a responsibility to take the vaccine in order to protect the kids who are unvaccinated, 1200 infants died of the new variant in Brazil. Of course there are those who think only of themselves and their safety, even if the risks are astronomically small, they are generally the same ones who don't wear masks either. Health concerns are one thing and dealt with through one's doctor, believing bullshit in the face of facts is quite another. It might be awhile until children are protected, teens should be vaccinated by school season, pending FDA approval.
View attachment 4881224
thats doge heres etherium
View attachment 4881225

you cant really lose if you just hold. i might not be a millionaire but im making more off coins i hardly understand than my job and i make a pretty decent living. download coinbase on your phone. do the rewards, its a free 35 bucks. convert it from whatever coin it gives you right to one that you like the gains on.
Until someone mines crypto currency with a quantum computer and crashes the cost of energy per floating point calculation. I sure as shit wouldn't tell anybody either, it would be the first project at MIT and secret. They would be set forever. I wouldn't bet too much on the long term stability of crypto currencies, just because the banks like the idea, they could be looking at short term market gains. This market is vulnerable to disruptive technologies IMHO.

Kinda like the enigma encryption of WW2, the Germans thought they had the world by the nuts with the immense probabilities. They never figured on Turing and Gordon Welshman, theoretical mathematics and machine based decryption.
Harold is impervious to facts and reason and I believe he has another agenda other than his own fear of needles. I don't take him too seriously because his impact on other's decisions is non existent. Harold seems determined to kill as many Americans as he can and I suspect he's vaccinated himself. Wonder how he feels about masks and lockdowns, Harold seems to be antilife in a prolife sea, along with a couple of others and socks supporting the stupidity. In the end 20 -25% will remain unvaccinated and a significant portion of those will have had a previous infection and are thus immune.

The biggest concern is children, the Brazilian variant is a kid killer and adults have a responsibility to take the vaccine in order to protect the kids who are unvaccinated, 1200 infants died of the new variant in Brazil. Of course there are those who think only of themselves and their safety, even if the risks are astronomically small, they are generally the same ones who don't wear masks either. Health concerns are one thing and dealt with through one's doctor, believing bullshit in the face of facts is quite another. It might be awhile until children are protected, teens should be vaccinated by school season, pending FDA approval.

I think many people just have irrational and unfounded concerns because they don't take the time to recognize their inconsistency and realizing that inconsistency forces one to reconcile, which would either cause you to stop driving cars or doing pretty much anything fun(because anything fun has risk), or rethink the aversion to vaccines.

They could also idolize someone out there that dislikes vaccines. Occam's Razor would say that's what the most likely answer is.
yea and i don't know what to tell you on that when i worked at a Level 1 trauma center for years....so we both worked in a hospital - so what....you know what i caught when i worked there? i caught myself too many problems by dipping my pen in the company ink

do you know how many times i was the one who x-rayed the patient that they later found out, had tuberculosis? idk somewhere between 5 and 10 times...never once positive....do you know how many times i had to gown up and wear a papper to xray the infectious patient? so stop with all that...ive been on the same front lines as you but just probably in a different capacity

but yea - by all means go ahead and ignore me so we can stop going back and forth if that makes you happy....i didn't proclaim any falsehoods but go ahead and keep claiming that i did, printer

"A lot of people have died within 24 hours of vaccination according to VAERS database for unknown reasons. "
