Sweetening agent

Wow you guys are so full of yourselves you can’t see past your overblown egos. Have fun fuckers. Lmfao. This coulda been helpful. But hey all you genius mfr’s got no need to discuss things. It’s better to try to attack someone in text on a site. Boy oh boy that sure does put your superior intellect on display!
In a round about way people are just trying to say you are wrong. Don't take it so personal, it's not an attack.
The red dye is attract hummingbirds, who (allegedly?) prefer red flowers for some reason.
I see that after a quick search but also they like all kinds of other colors too. Let me add that the containers are red lol. Idk about the red theory but I know that these lil flying ninjas come back every year for my ladies sweet nectar juices :hump::fire:
I disagree, not one of them said I was wrong. And one of them kinda agreed it was a thing. But to be real I wasn’t looking for any kinda acknowledgement as to rather they agreed.
I got it. You found the diamond in the rough. The one undiscovered secret of cannabis growing that no one even thought to try. Well done. Better apply for a patent now for your sweet juice. Design a colorful label for it too. You're going to be a millionaire.
Differences in opinion are how discoveries are made. So if you agree great. If not even better, then I can hear the what’s n why’s you don’t agree and use that in my own decision. Which in no way has ever been swayed by riu.
I got it. You found the diamond in the rough. The one undiscovered secret of cannabis growing that no one even thought to try. Well done. Better apply for a patent now for your sweet juice. Design a colorful label for it too. You're going to be a millionaire.
Right.... and you now have gone a ass clown route. Instead of trying to have a helpful or informative convo you result to insults. That’s funny. You think one of those PHD’s might wanna talk instead of the thick bunch.
I got it. You found the diamond in the rough. The one undiscovered secret of cannabis growing that no one even thought to try. Well done. Better apply for a patent now for your sweet juice. Design a colorful label for it too. You're going to be a millionaire.
To be fair, he wrote "sweetening agent" in the title. Then had his own secret sweetening agent, which was a little lame, but whatever. It's not like he's saying he discovered sweetening agents themselves. Unless he did. I didn't read much of this thread. I hate turkeys.