Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

The fact that people think you have to walk on egg shells to avoid being murdered on the side of the road
No, it makes perfect sense when you realize there's this thing called criminals. People who would kill the cop if they could. You are being disingenous pretending that cops can't get hurt or experience danger.

As long as there are criminals that would kill the cop on the side of the road if they could, then cops have the right to kill anyone acting in a manner dangerous to the cop (such as reaching where they can't see). Such is life, but continue to live in fairytale la la land where everyone is a model citizen and criminals don't exist.
People who would kill the cop if they could.
50 officers a year die on average. That's a far cry from the 1,100 people that police kill on average.

Especially given that a good many officer deaths are high speed crashes and have nothing to do with guns.
Once again, fascism means large centrally controlled nationalistic government. Ie, the modern left.

Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.
Except 1000 of the 1100 were armed and thus the shooting was justified. Of the remaining 100 most are justified, that's why you see only a couple cop trials a year.
Nope. Of the 11,000 killed on average, less than 700 were armed. Most armed were not guns but sticks, knives or other objects.
Anyone know why the people of Columbus are upset about the teen girl getting shot that was literally in the process of trying to kill someone with a knife?
Because it is a 15 year old girl and there is literally thousands of ways to disarm her that wouldn't have meant her death?
But this is just not true. Police kill about a hundred unarmed people of any race yearly. People kill 16000% more, it's fact.
Chauvin was convicted of murder for good reason.

Up next is a federal investigation into the department he worked for.

At the same time, cities around the country are enacting changes to their system to reduce the use of armed police in situations where they aren't needed.

Legislation is underway to remove some of the protections that armed officers have when they kill people for no good reason.

It's all good. Relax.
Once again, fascism means large centrally controlled nationalistic government. Ie, the modern left.

Weimerica is here, this time the jews are white people. In Germany jews were opressed pimarily not by the government but by their fellow citizens (who, like you, actually thought they were doing good). My hope is that when this is all over, even normal citizens get put on trial for the crimes against other citizens. You are the nazi here by all objective metrics, hence your obsession with race, censorship, etc.
"white people are actually more oppressed than jews who were tortured, experimented on and systematically murdered by the millions!"

Once again, fascism means large centrally controlled nationalistic government. Ie, the modern left.

Weimerica is here, this time the jews are white people. In Germany jews were opressed pimarily not by the government but by their fellow citizens (who, like you, actually thought they were doing good). My hope is that when this is all over, even normal citizens get put on trial for the crimes against other citizens. You are the nazi here by all objective metrics, hence your obsession with race, censorship, etc.

The racist's mask just slipped. Dang, man. You ugly.
far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy
Since when does the right support any of those things? The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets lol. That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation.
Since when does the right support any of those things? The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets lol. That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation.
Donald J. Trump was a carbon copy of Adolf Hitler.

He race baited everything. He claimed "complete authority". He claimed "absolute power". He claimed he "has no responsibility whatsoever". He used the government to suit his own ends. He stuck only to Fox News with his baseless claims with no foundation in reality. He tried to overthrow the very government he swore to protect in a cheap beer hall putsch on January 6th.

So tell me, where exactly has Biden done any of those things?
Chauvin's moves being state approved and part of training were proven to be untrue.
Except where they were literally on the state website lol, not to mention that neck restraint is explicitly mentioned in their training, and even the defence said it's regularly used. Guess you didn't watch the trial?
Since when does the right support any of those things? The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets lol. That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation.
end each sentence with "for white men" and you'd be correct in that there post.

As in:

"The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets for white men. lol"

"That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation for white men."
Once again, fascism means large centrally controlled nationalistic government. Ie, the modern left.

Weimerica is here, this time the jews are white people. In Germany jews were opressed pimarily not by the government but by their fellow citizens (who, like you, actually thought they were doing good). My hope is that when this is all over, even normal citizens get put on trial for the crimes against other citizens. You are the nazi here by all objective metrics, hence your obsession with race, censorship, etc.
Gee if that was the case then Hitler wasted a lot of resources ginning up hate for just .07% of the German population. Sure antisemitism was endemic in Germany, but they never mass murdered them or even discriminated much and went back to civilized behavior pretty quick after the war.

Sounds like Trump to me and you had your head up his ass. Racism and white nationalism along with trying to overthrow an honest democratic election fits the bill. The people who sacked the US capital are Trump fascists, no way around it tripleshit.
Definition of fascism

Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Except where they were literally on the state website lol, not to mention that neck restraint is explicitly mentioned in their training, and even the defence said it's regularly used. Guess you didn't watch the trial?
Post a link.

Because everybody working for the Minneapolis Police has said that isn't true. Their training videos and manuals were evidence in court that is and was never taught.
Since when does the right support any of those things? The right is about personal responsibility and freedoms, free speech, and free markets lol. That is the opposite of authoritarian, supression, and regimentation.

If your people are shit and your corporations have well established a desire to extract as much soylent green as possible from every minion, then "free markets!!!" is exactly the cry of an authoritarian, because fewer constraints are the exact path to further oppress. Your statements only hold true if you live in a decent country, but are definitely not in the US.
So tell me, where exactly has Biden done any of those things?
You mean where biden decided to govern be executive order to the point where states had to pass laws saying he didn't have the power, eg the border? You mean when biden put the execs of twitter and fa ebook on his transition team to censor speech? When 600 women stormed the capitol only 2 years earlier in 2018 and held congresswomen hostage to make their demands?
You mean where biden decided to govern be executive order to the point where states had to pass laws saying he didn't have the power, eg the border? You mean when biden put the execs of twitter and fa ebook on his transition team to censor speech? When 600 women stormed the capitol only 2 years earlier in 2018 and held congresswomen hostage to make their demands?
Yeah them pink pussy hats were sure intimating. How many cops were killed then?