Another Murder Of An African American Because of Fucked Up Laws At The Hands Of A Cop!

Can you explain or elaborate on what changed your mind? I mean sure when all we had was cell video for the last 7 minutes it DID look like a murder, but everything presented in court pushed it the opposite way, eg) floyd saying he can't breathe long before he gets on the ground and even before he was put in the car, floyd saying "i took too many drugs", chauvin calling him an ambulance less than a minute after he went to the ground and less than 15s after he called for his momma. The side footage that clearly shows he's on the shoulderblade/back and not neck.

What trial evidence made it look more like a murder than the cherry picked final 7 minutes? Also what part of the trial convinced you of the pre-meditation requirement for a murder charge?

You've long since proven that you are not very smart.

There's no need to continue.

You've long since proven that you are not very smart.

There's no need to continue.

Oh gee, nothing to say or not smart enough to say it. Better insult the guy.

t. rolli

Edit: also, why feel the need to prevent someone else from responding to a post directed to them. Surely you aren't scared of what they have to say right? Gotta protect your sheep from thinking or smth?
I'd like to know what the sheep perspective is and what the non-sheep perspective is.

I guess the non-sheep perspective would have to be an original thought that isn't shared with any significant portion of a group?

Sheep seems to be meritless, right? Because there's no information in there relevant to vaccines.

Wait, would that then be complaining about ad-hom while simultaneously saying something ad-hom...?
I guess the non-sheep perspective would have to be an original thought that isn't shared with any significant portion of a group?

Sheep seems to be meritless, right? Because there's no information in there relevant to vaccines
Sheep is the person who re-bleats what they were told and what they think their friends want them to say so they can hopefully remain their "friends". Do it, raise the fist/wear the mask/say sorry - not because it helps someone or is the right thing to do, but because it's expected of you and people will say mean things if you don't lol.

I hope you all find the freedom to speak candidly with your "friends" without being turned on one day. What's the saying? The left eats it's own.
I see.

Do you have anything to support the claim that people here are parroting without really having any thoughts of their own?

How does it work when a common thought is also aligned with an informed belief? Because we've all been told that 1+1=2 a million times, but how do you differentiate parroting from an informed belief?
You've long since proven that you are not very smart.

There's no need to continue.

You know, we would actually be interested in your opinions too even though I do respect your mostly hands off style. Just as I respect the right for everyone to have their own beliefs - I don't feel I have attacked anyone personally or called them stupid (maybe UB..) over their beliefs, even where we might disagree. Being able to voice disagreement and still have a rational discussion is the realm of adults not children.. Join the adults here?
Can you explain or elaborate on what changed your mind? I mean sure when all we had was cell video for the last 7 minutes it DID look like a murder, but everything presented in court pushed it the opposite way, eg) floyd saying he can't breathe long before he gets on the ground and even before he was put in the car, floyd saying "i took too many drugs", chauvin calling him an ambulance less than a minute after he went to the ground and less than 15s after he called for his momma. The side footage that clearly shows he's on the shoulderblade/back and not neck.

What trial evidence made it look *more* like a murder than the cherry picked final 7 minutes? Also what part of the trial convinced you of the pre-meditation requirement for a murder charge?

Chauvin had to balance himself against the squad car because he had his whole body kneeling on Floyd back and neck.

every time Chauvin was called a 'bum' by the mma dude Chauvin's toe lifted off the ground while his knee dug into Floyds neck..'you just did it'toe lift..'you did it again' toe lift. 'you did it again' toe lift.

camera doesn't lie.
By @TrippleDip 's own definition Republicans are sheep:


I'd call Republicans sheep for their blind obedience to Trump but really their depiction in the cartoon is accurate. Republicans aren't sheep, they are a herd of swine.
Do you have anything to support the claim that people here are parroting without really having any thoughts of their own?
Well irrational beliefs are one, amd any belief that goes against occams razor. Eg hannnimal believing that there is some vast conspiracy of white people with huge power rather than it being individuals acting in their best interest. He once posted that white people have a conspiracy causing invalids to bypass the towns to settle in the cities yet immigrants bypassing valid countries to claim refugee status in forbthe ones with the most benefits is just personal choice. Clearly both are caused by the actions of individuals acting in their best interest. This is cognitave dissonance at it's finest (or paid shilling, who can tell these days).
By @TrippleDip 's own definition Republicans are sheep
Yeah, most people just do what is expected of them without thinking about it. Political affiliation doesn't come into play. The vast majority of people today are cowards.

Refusal to acknowledge both sides of the political spectrum as human to gain points with your "friends" is sheep behaviour.
Irrational belief like being worried about one in a million blot clot and then hopping on a mountain bike?

For what it's worth, I don't think there's any significant widespread conspiracy and corporate thieving is most likely as you describe, plain old individual greed and selfishness. Small circles of conspiracy maybe, but the bigger it gets, the more unlikely it gets(same with the election fraud claims).
Sheep is the person who re-bleats what they were told and what they think their friends want them to say so they can hopefully remain their "friends". Do it, raise the fist/wear the mask/say sorry - not because it helps someone or is the right thing to do, but because it's expected of you and people will say mean things if you don't lol.

I hope you all find the freedom to speak candidly with your "friends" without being turned on one day. What's the saying? The left eats it's own.
Maybe because we understand the issues and care about others, there is such a thing as a consensus of expert opinion based on knowledge and science, somethings are known. Those who are influenced by propaganda and lies unsupported by facts such as yourself are easily predicted, you are Trump supporting anti public health, anti mask and antivaccine, you believe bullshit and spout whatever foxnews or other propagandist who prey on the stupid tells you. But more importantly you are an antisocial personality driven by ego to abase and humiliate yourself by constantly saying stupid shit for malicious purposes.
Yeah, most people just do what is expected of them without thinking about it. Political affiliation doesn't come into play. The vast majority of people today are cowards.

Refusal to acknowledge both sides of the political spectrum as human to gain points with your "friends" is sheep behavior (FIFY).
Get vaccinated and STFU original thinker, the mind that feeds on itself soon starves and yours is rather emaciated. A shit attitude narrows the perception and you are operating through a keyhole to reality.
Trump supporting anti public health, anti mask and antivaccine, you believe bullshit and spout whatever
This is a good example of nonsensical beliefs. The only explanation is that they are told what to think and say not look at what's right in front of them.

Trump said to wear masks in Feb of 2020 and never changed the govt's position. It was the left that called him racist for closing the borders. It was cuomo that said in March not to worry but to "get out on the town" Pelosi too with here "go see a movie" bit. doctors and public officials alike supporting mass gatherings to go burn law abiding citizens property. Yet you blame the man saying wear masks since Feb and to close the border instead of the liberals saying open the border, go out in large groups, etc.
Thought you spoke English over here lol.

At best he's given mixed messages about masks.
Somewhat fair. Gotta separate opinion from official positon. He should have separated his tweets between potus and realdonaldtrump imo. That would have helped a lot.
the final 7 minutes is de facto not cherry picked, its reality with no oxygen
Definition of cherry picked is to show *only part* or *only one angle* (the part or angle which supports your argument while cutting off the rest). That video did both.
This is a good example of nonsensical beliefs. The only explanation is that they are told what to think and say not look at what's right in front of them.

Trump said to wear masks in Feb of 2020 and never changed the govt's position. It was the left that called him racist for closing the borders. It was cuomo that said in March not to worry but to "get out on the town" Pelosi too with here "go see a movie" bit. doctors and public officials alike supporting mass gatherings to go burn law abiding citizens property. Yet you blame the man saying wear masks since Feb and to close the border instead of the liberals saying open the border, go out in large groups, etc.
See how being a racist asshole narrows and distorts your perception of reality? When we practice aversion or avoidance it starts right at the doorway to reality, our perceptions, by filtering and distorting them. Frist come feelings, then emotions based on them, next come rationalizations to make them fit into the egoic framework of our sense of self that must be defended. What ends up in consciousness is what we present to the world as a consistent self that can be predicted by others.