Plants sat in runoff


Well-Known Member
It's just confusing a lil bit because I thought this was caused by overwatering and then being told to water again...
You made multiple changes all at once. That makes it impossible to tell the exact cause of the drooping.

You said they definitely aren't wet. What I'd do is water them to runoff and leave them alone until they are dry.

Learn to figure out when they are dry based on the pots weight.

If you have a spare pot (of the size they are in now) fill it with soil.
Pick up the entire pot and get a feeling for how much that weighs.
Now pick up the pot with the plant and get a feel for how much that one weighs.
When the pot with the plant feels about the same weight as the pot with just the soil then it's time to water your plant.


Active Member
Ok let's start from the top

2 and half days ago they looked fine I watered and did not empty the runoff like normal

....I woke up the plants were drooping and all the run off was gone so the plants sucked it back up...I transplanted in a bigger with dry soil to try and dry them out

Next day the plants were drooping the soil was very very dry from the transplant so I add worm castings for moisture

Day after that the plants are what you see now

I believe what looks like nitro toxicity is from the overwatering...


Active Member
I jus tested waters ph its between 6.0-6.5
I jus watered one plant till runoff and it is considerably heavier than the rest

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I split up a gallon between 3 sound right or jus untill I see runn off because the fabrics pots leak out the side not the bottom
They are letting the water thru quickly because they are to dry
Water wait 20 minutes water again
A half gallon per pot total sounds about right
then remember how they feel fully watered and wait till they are too light


Active Member
They are letting the water thru quickly because they are to dry
Water wait 20 minutes water again
A half gallon per pot total sounds about right
then remember how they feel fully watered and wait till they are too light
Thank you I'll report back with results in the next week or untill I see improvement

Any ETA on when they might could be


Well-Known Member
alittle droopyness the same day isent anything to worry about, A plant that size will quickly take the worst of it. And yes its weed, it will bounce back i believe
With decent drainage you should be able to soak your medium. And then patiently wait
Go easy on the fert is it gets dark green
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Well-Known Member
It's just confusing a lil bit because I thought this was caused by overwatering and then being told to water again...
I water from the bottom on almost everything. They sit in said water for a day to a few days never have adverse effects. fill the trays with water let them soak that up and then leave 1/4“ of water in the trays After. They look thirsty to me. My soil never really dries out at home everything is kept moist via blumats. At my big grow I flood tables as soon as the back of my tables get a bit light. Even if the front plants have some moisture to them.


Active Member
alittle droopyness the same day isent anything to worry about, A plant that size will quickly take the worst of it. And yes its weed, it will bounce back i believe
With decent drainage you should be able to soak your medium. And then patiently wait
Go easy on the fert is it gets dark green
Its fox farms man lol im doin 4 teaspoons per gallon....but honestly I do think I've went a little hard on the nutes


Active Member
I water from the bottom on almost everything. They sit in said water for a day to a few days never have adverse effects. fill the trays with water let them soak that up and then leave 1/4“ of water in the trays After. They look thirsty to me. My soil never really dries out at home everything is kept moist via blumats. At my big grow I flood tables as soon as the back of my tables get a bit light. Even if the front plants have some moisture to them.
What pots do you use fabric or platsic?