Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Wouldn’t it be nice if there would be no need to discuss this and it was/is just accepted and not worthy of discussion. Great job for being proud and loving parents. My stepdaughter brings joy to my heart knowing she has found a soul mate that makes her happy, when I see them together it’s amazing seeing the happiness (something that was missing for years). The sad thing is her birth father is an asshole and is no longer part of her life because what brings her love is somehow affecting him. Also I put his head through a car window 15 years ago so he doesn’t like to socialize with me lol. Great job! and I hope she stays strong!
Wouldn’t it be nice if there would be no need to discuss this and it was/is just accepted and not worthy of discussion. Great job for being proud and loving parents. My stepdaughter brings joy to my heart knowing she has found a soul mate that makes her happy, when I see them together it’s amazing seeing the happiness (something that was missing for years). The sad thing is her birth father is an asshole and is no longer part of her life because what brings her love is somehow affecting him. Also I put his head through a car window 15 years ago so he doesn’t like to socialize with me lol. Great job! and I hope she stays strong!
She is pretty fragile. I try to teach her that love is brave because it puts your heart at risk and that hatred is cowardice. But it is too easy for the spawn of cowards to hurt her. I hope she'll catch on.
She is pretty fragile. I try to teach her that love is brave because it puts your heart at risk and that hatred is cowardice. But it is too easy for the spawn of cowards to hurt her. I hope she'll catch on.
With support and love she will yes, but your right it will be tough and that’s the thing....it shouldn’t be and hopefully someday it won’t be anything at all....That's my hope!!!! I won’t see it but I hope!
Good morning Baldrick, my sister is trans. After hiding for years, contemplating suicide and a lot of counseling she was able to tell my parents and transitioned at sixteen. My parents have been very supportive of her decisions and aren't deplorable in any sense of the word, nor religious, yet it was still hard for her to be honest with them sooner. I think you have nurtured a very bright and brave young soul. You're good person, I wish great things for you and her's future.
I never realized how much oprobrium we would receive as parents by "allowing" this. Lost most of my already strained family over it. My own sister has turned me into a Facebook story of liberal indulgence and excess to her semi-moron militia friends.

Republicans are assholes and bullies.
Give the kid a break, just love them, they are our most precious gift. Dont try to change the child support is what they need and deserve. I hope the biggots find another innocent to pick on. That kid is special no matter what. This coming from homophobe wiyh gay daughter. Dont put boundries up. Just love them for their differences.
If you could allow me to fall into the, "just have honest questions" category, I do have a couple...

Six being very young, most often too young to make such a definitive determination imo, how have you been able to differentiate between kids-being-kids, showing signs of being transgender, and being definitively transgender?

Whatever the signs were that has brought you to today, I'm curious to know about your response, as well as the response of your SO. I feel like the best response would be to not overreact, not give the impression of being for/against anything, but kind of ride this line of being neutral, yet supportive. How would you describe your response throughout?
I knew my oldest was gay when she was six. Good parenting, cudos to you.
No, it is very dangerous here. We are planning on moving. I am less worried about her getting beaten up than I am about her getting sexually molested by one of the fine christians around.

Nah, we shall bail. Fuck these people. My wife was from here. I am from a city. This is my in-laws only grandchild and my wife is the youngest of five. Being near the grandparents and establishing a sense of family was our goal. We have pretty much fulfilled that desire. We have no other roots here and I will likely never return after we leave. Frankly, I hope to see a small meteorite hit it from my rear view mirror.

Contrary to my expectations, her parents have adapted. Her father was a tough nut and I know he is not sincere. Her mother is more accepting. They had a choice of having a grandchild or not. There was no halfway. My daughter will not allow anybody to call her a boy - ever.
Cut the old man some slack, he will see how special she he is. He comes from harder times than you do. It was taboo for most over 40. You didnt live then. Please give him a chance, you might find hes not a hard nut to crack.
You seem very triggered by this.
No. Now I'm just rubbing salt in lol. I don't care what this clown does. I'm just laughing at him.

Keep saying I'm triggered like the stooges ya are idgaf lol

It just shows how pathetic your comebacks are.

I like how y'all omit the points you can't refute when you quote me either, bitchezzzz.
No. Now I'm just rubbing salt in lol. I don't care what this clown does. I'm just laughing at him.

Keep saying I'm triggered like the stooges ya are idgaf lol

It just shows how pathetic your comebacks are.

I like how y'all omit the points you can't refute when you quote me either, bitchezzzz.

Just come out of the closet, you will be accepted.