has any one successfully gotten rid of a bad spider mite infestation?

Grandevo and venerate work, highly recommended.

The real key is persistence and rotation. The spider mite eggs gestate for 5 to 7 days. None of these organic controls will kill eggs, and none will persist on the plant at concentrations that will kill. At 3.5 days from a given spray, about half of the eggs that were present have hatched. In order to prevent them from maturity and propogation, it's time to spray again. Notice, however, that half the eggs are still unhatched, and are about to. And all the adults that survived the spray (some definitely did) are reproducing and laying eggs, and since they survived they may have resistance to that spray which they will pass on in their genes. So it's time to spray again, and again, and again, every 3 days. 6 weeks into this, you will have a clean room.

Other great products to rotate in include:

Neem oil / azadiractin (azamax)
bacillus thuringiensis (dipel)
Essential oil based products (trifecta)
Hyperpolar oil products (dynamite leaf sheen, green cleaner)
Pure erythritol (stevia powder, yes it works)
Spinosad based products (entrust for big ops)
Once again grandevo and venerate
Isolated enzymes (doctor zymes, requires refrigeration)
Salts of fatty acids (sns 217, Monterey garden insect spray)
Plus others

Once you feel you've reached an adequate level of control I suggest clipping a bag of predetory mites to each of your moms.
put your pot inside of a garbage bag wrap the top of the garbage bag around the base of the stock tight tight that way you don’t lose any of your substrate when you do this next step…….. fill the bathtub with Luke warm water and a shit ton of Dawn soap it’s got to be regular soap none of that scented shit….it’s gota be dawn…… pick up your plant turn it upside down dunk it. Inside of that solution gently rotating it and swishing it back-and-forth in the tub do that for about two minutes take it out turn the shower on again lukewarm water rinse it off thoroughly and I mean thoroughly if you do that every other day for a week you will get everybody off of that plan and every time the eggs hatch it doesn’t matter because you’re hitting them again before they get old enough to reproduce that’s a mistake a lot of people make they hit these things with all these dangerous chemicals but they forget that every three days a new generation is hatching that’s why you Gotta do it every other day for a week straight I’ve done this outside with potted pepper plants as well…. I had a horrible spider mite and brood mite infestation which are notoriously hard to kill off and it worked like a charm…… bugs don’t have lungs they have vents in the thorax. That literally absorb oxygen out of the air the Dawn dish soap clogs that vent…. Because they’re so small it only takes a few seconds for that vent to be clogged and they’re done……

I've had friends drown them without soap. Actually just used the nute solution in the reservoir, so it also served as a foliar feeding. :D
Just once. No need to do more

You can just spritz it a couple of times in a tent rather then locking the can and using it all. I usually only use 1 can per room.
Is that stuff gonna leave chemicals and odor all over my stuff? I have grow tents inside of a bed room
Safe on veggies and cannabis. Approved in California, Michigan and most legal states. They'll all be dead within 4 hrs with no resurgence of new ones.

Yeah, it is approved in those states, but just for Ornamental Crops, non-food use only! And the last EPA database update that I have is from 10/2020, and it still lists Chlorfenapyr approved usage status as limited to Ornamental Crops only.

US EPA - Pesticides - Fact Sheet for Chlorfenapy.jpg
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Yeah, it is approved in those states, but just for Ornamental Crops, non-food use only!

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That's a bit old it has been approved and it's used in many greenhouses for food and cannabis. It has been approved as long as it's used at a certain percentage and no more then so many Oz.


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That's a bit old it has been approved and it's used in many greenhouses for food and cannabis. It has been approved as long as it's used at a certain percentage and no more then so many Oz.
Ok but does it leave chemicals in the room its released in?? Like am I safe to use the room to take a nap or eat food in after? There's some dab stuff I. That room i don't wanna have chemicals all over
I haven't had to try it on spider mites, but my buddy started working for this company and sent me a sample. Got rid of the PM on my roses at least:

Screenshot - 2021-06-23T191658.451.png
Ok but does it leave chemicals in the room its released in?? Like am I safe to use the room to take a nap or eat food in after? There's some dab stuff I. That room i don't wanna have chemicals all over
I’d cover your dab rig or what not but no it won’t leave a residue. You’ll be safe to go back in to nap or whatever freaky stuff you do. As for green clean it does well at pm but a spider it’s infestation need treatment. Hardcore fancy like treatment. Green clean is not it.
I’d cover your dab rig or what not but no it won’t leave a residue. You’ll be safe to go back in to nap or whatever freaky stuff you do. As for green clean it does well at pm but a spider it’s infestation need treatment. Hardcore fancy like treatment. Green clean is not it.
Well the issue is its in a den in the house where theres a TV and couch along with some clothing+bedsheet storage where I smoke and store most of my stuff. I just dont wanna have to move all of it outta that room or leave it and have residue or having clothing be toxic or any sheets stored. thats why i havent been using any of that bug bomb kinda stuff and went for predator mites that mostly only appear in areas where there are pre existing mites. If i can be sure theres a way of getting rid of them ill do it just not trynna move all my shit into another bed room or living room is all
Well the issue is its in a den in the house where theres a TV and couch along with some clothing+bedsheet storage where I smoke and store most of my stuff. I just dont wanna have to move all of it outta that room or leave it and have residue or having clothing be toxic or any sheets stored. thats why i havent been using any of that bug bomb kinda stuff and went for predator mites that mostly only appear in areas where there are pre existing mites. If i can be sure theres a way of getting rid of them ill do it just not trynna move all my shit into another bed room or living room is all
Why not remove the plants instead