Toronto / Cobourg Growers


Well-Known Member
Any growers in Toronto quit as soon as there were enough legal pot outlets and as for Cobourg the nuns at the St. James Hospital grow some fire down in the sub-sub-sub basement. ;)



North of Toronto here... why do you ask? You doing outdoors or something?
Yes I am.... Well, I was but it was my first time and unfortunately it didn't end well. White powder mildew sent me on a big research adventure and ended up basically killing my plant with a bad ratio. I can only assume it was that anyway.

Just curious if you or anyone was having issues because of the humidity over the last month and any advice for buying good outdoor seeds for next year ect...


Well-Known Member
Yes I am.... Well, I was but it was my first time and unfortunately it didn't end well. White powder mildew sent me on a big research adventure and ended up basically killing my plant with a bad ratio. I can only assume it was that anyway.

Just curious if you or anyone was having issues because of the humidity over the last month and any advice for buying good outdoor seeds for next year ect...
Yeah, watch out for the mildew man. Where I live, there's plants that get the mildew every year on schedule, it doesn't kill them but their leaves get coated. Last time I grew outdoors, I got the mildew on a few leaves, but nothing major. Outdoors has a way of harnessing the bad things that can happen. But when you bring the outdoors indoors, things spread quickly. I got mildew on all my indoor ladies and had to abort! Not even bothering with outdoors after that. I love me my indoors! Yeah, I burned a few plants with baking soda when I did have the pm. Is that what you used to treat the infected areas? Never any issues with humidity personally, but it has been rather hot and humid lately indeed. Shouldn't affect outdoors that much since there's so much airflow. Are you getting bud rot or anything?