Debate: Are autos or photos better for beginners?

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I’m growing photos as a first grow, and I’m glad I chose fem photos.
The only advantage I could see autos giving me, is using one room for everything. No need to have different lighting schedules.
well a stoner in politics is like a two drunks arguing over who’s gonna drive home
Actually you can train Any plant …. I remember once buying a caged shrub that grew like some guy holding a beer.
Shrub filled out frame , some trimming then add beer bottle to armature … topiary. You can grow bonzai … both cannabis and whatever. Bought mom some of those stupid upside down tomato bags ( should have kept them to play with. )

You can also make SINGLE COLA grows with SOG
Now I want to grow a plant in the shape of a fan leaf.

I think autos and sog have the potential to have a unique relationship due to speed. Never tried.
The plant is technically flexing towards the light. So I’d assume that would have be some type of energy spent re directing itself. But shit. Hardly any at all. Like tiny bit. Compared to other practices. Like fim and topping. Supercropping. Defoliation. Extensive pruning. That’s nothing.

however. I couldn imagine not low stress training a plant just for the tops alone. Not even including the triple in yield if not more.
Or grow cannabis and expect to learn.
Now that makes total sense.
But so many new people that post here have no experience at all and don’t know what the hell they’re doing.
Grow something. In a pot. Outside. Understand the process.
Makes it easier when you work with cannabis.
Cuz while it’s not hard, the Newbie thread is always active.
Id say photo strains for simplicity and there way more forgiving and more potent ime i can see total newbs fucking autos easier with too much water and overfeeding etc as there more sensitive vs photos that way
Lol. It is literally a weed that grows almost everywhere.
Real learning experience
yeah, it's a weed that grows everywhere, and most of the wild weed you find won't get you much higher than smoking leaves will....
if you want quality, and quantity, you have to know some shit...par levels, vpd, how to diagnose problems, and how to fix those problems, how to train without overstressing...if you want to go beyond the basics, you have to learn about cations, nutrient balance, the life cycle of the plant, the 20 macronutrients, the 6 micronutrients, how they all interact with each other (you add silica first for a reason, and calcium before sulfur for a reason...)....
i've spent the last ten years learning how to grow inside, and still have more to learn....but less than you, i think...
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