Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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But the outcomes rating better each day and each new day it's "the lowest mortality rate" ever.

When you hear some scientist stating this or that mutation is more "danger", they never mean the fatality... but the SPREAD.
World-wide we're on the peak of the 3rd wave... just at the moment peaking again "highest active cases counts" maybe topping them this time.

But the daily death cases world-wide is lowering and might go down under 5k, lowest daily-death count ever.

So WHY you claim it is getting more danger, while obviously the exact opposite is happening. Stop spreading false information.

Stop forcing people into vaccination risks, that are NOT at high risk with Covid, like fucking chilren. If you fear it that much, get an the vaccination and stfu... you dont need to convice others to take medicines! It's THEIR OWN CHOICE

Things that Putin says
But the outcomes rating better each day and each new day it's "the lowest mortality rate" ever.

When you hear some scientist stating this or that mutation is more "danger", they never mean the fatality... but the SPREAD.
World-wide we're on the peak of the 3rd wave... just at the moment peaking again "highest active cases counts" maybe topping them this time.

But the daily death cases world-wide is lowering and might go down under 5k, lowest daily-death count ever.

So WHY you claim it is getting more danger, while obviously the exact opposite is happening. Stop spreading false information.

Stop forcing people into vaccination risks, that are NOT at high risk with Covid, like fucking chilren. If you fear it that much, get an the vaccination and stfu... you dont need to convice others to take medicines! It's THEIR OWN CHOICE

death counts are decreasing because vaccinations have been increasing, globally. The way we treat covid patients has also improved, i.e. monoclonal antibody treatment is being used more often, new medications being developed to lower the chances of hospitalization, etc. The virus is not getting less deadly on its own, its because people are working their asses off to make it that way.
Seriously, those two mRNA-based vaccines are so similar, and there is absolutely no solid science right now about any discernable difference. Breakthroughs are normal, look at the relative numbers and not at the absolute numbers.

These vaccines are extremely advanced, and very effective and accurate. We should be grateful that the technology existed when it was time to apply it.

In a few years mRNA meds will be commonplace, possibly save a lot of lives, and we will laugh at our 2021 selves for being so concerned.

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But the outcomes rating better each day and each new day it's "the lowest mortality rate" ever.

When you hear some scientist stating this or that mutation is more "danger", they never mean the fatality... but the SPREAD.
World-wide we're on the peak of the 3rd wave... just at the moment peaking again "highest active cases counts" maybe topping them this time.

But the daily death cases world-wide is lowering and might go down under 5k, lowest daily-death count ever.

So WHY you claim it is getting more danger, while obviously the exact opposite is happening. Stop spreading false information.

Stop forcing people into vaccination risks, that are NOT at high risk with Covid, like fucking chilren. If you fear it that much, get an the vaccination and stfu... you dont need to convice others to take medicines! It's THEIR OWN CHOICE
"Getting better everyday ", jeez, if everybody died the mortality rate would be even better....did you ever notice that this pandemic is on a roller coaster? No one can predict what may happen.

I'm stopping here. I keep reading your post ( scratching and shaking my head) then saw the next post of yours addressing my comments. I have no time to piss away on some pinhead, Che Guevara wanna-be. Useto like Che but he "went off his rocker " too. Good luck finishing up that Doctorate in virology and infectious diseases.
Cauhing and Sneezing does spread it. Even breathing spreads it. Touching does not spread it through the skin.
A dead body does not caugh, does not sneeze... it does not even breath anymore, it does not spread.
Patients with severe symptoms get isolated/hospitalised/quarantined.... those spread low. If they die, the spread is over.
The virus don't profit from killing or severe damage, in fact killing the host, lowers his chances to spread.
Any mutation that reduces severe symptoms, increases the spread.
Any mutation that increases the mortality, decreases the spread.
The spread of today are the patients of tomorrow.
There is no need to worry about "deadlier variants", there is no such.
SARS-CoV2 is exactly that: a lower deadlier mutation of SARS, which had 10% mortality, in the first place.
5 of 6 people over 80 years SURVIVE intensive care with Covid, having positive outcome... thats VERY good chances btw.
The hole process is just adoption.
We adopt, it adops, on and on.

We only say that it is DANGER in terms of spread because high counts patients of the elderly at the same time can overcharge the medical-system, and then we can't manage them to survive, because of not having the right equipement at place and not enough personal. Thats the only reason... spend more on medical care..... SPENT! Take care your homeless... get them health insurence... get them a HOME!

Americas fuckedup health care system and the long distance from the place of living to the hospital with adequate equipment makes it easy for the can get the vaccine for free... but if you catch vaccination-damage, whats your insurance? Your masses of homeless people without health insurance spread covid in the streets.

USA pop 300mio... yesterday: +94,811 new cases / +1,811 dead = 1,91%
Germany 80mio... yesterday: +7,768 new cases / + 77 dead = 0,99%

4 Times the population you have..... but 12 times the daily new cases and on that double the mortality rate.

50% of americans got vaccinated.... :wall: Look how great it works :D
Thats 150millions.... within each million there is people having DAMAGE from the vaccination! PLENTY!
You dont care them... "get a fucking job!", "now why dont you have a job".. you disvalue live that has no job... like the fucking nazis! "Oh thats just useless human junk"

Maybe you should find a vaccination against "Stupidity" :D

EDIT: Not that Im not grateful.... I thank the russians for THEIR millions of losses stopping us, 80s ago, i wasn't even born. Im really grateful for this Grundgesetz for the Bundesrepublik Germany... i accept it as MY CONSTITUTION! You did great work on that ... we function.... now what about you? Your "we the people"... you suck IMHO! Your country is stuck in the "dark middle age" .. and the same goes for the UK.... its fact! YOu have the "wild west" the same time... meaning "dark middle age" with guns everywhere and shootings instead of swordfights! But you got the plaques now.... it's getting more and more "dark middle age" at your place! The rest of the world... skyrocketing and outperforming you in any demands exapt military-industrial-complex... :rolleyes: Your stuck founding an empire that already fall apart... you dont know how else to proceed... it's so funny. Yay, me little Adolph, a fucking small democratic PEASANT. Snickers for the Left-handed! "...aaaaand you're fed up"

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death counts are decreasing because vaccinations have been increasing, globally. The way we treat covid patients has also improved, i.e. monoclonal antibody treatment is being used more often, new medications being developed to lower the chances of hospitalization, etc. The virus is not getting less deadly on its own, its because people are working their asses off to make it that way.
The crux of success in a sea of haters
Cauhing and Sneezing does spread it. Even breathing spreads it. Touching does not spread it through the skin.
A dead body does not caugh, does not sneeze... it does not even breath anymore, it does not spread.
Patients with severe symptoms get isolated/hospitalised/quarantined.... those spread low. If they die, the spread is over.
The virus don't profit from killing or severe damage, in fact killing the host, lowers his chances to spread.
Any mutation that reduces severe symptoms, increases the spread.
Any mutation that increases the mortality, decreases the spread.
The spread of today are the patients of tomorrow.
There is no need to worry about "deadlier variants", there is no such.
SARS-CoV2 is exactly that: a lower deadlier mutation of SARS, which had 10% mortality, in the first place.
5 of 6 people over 80 years SURVIVE intensive care with Covid, having positive outcome... thats VERY good chances btw.
The hole process is just adoption.
We adopt, it adops, on and on.

We only say that it is DANGER in terms of spread because high counts patients of the elderly at the same time can overcharge the medical-system, and then we can't manage them to survive, because of not having the right equipement at place and not enough personal. Thats the only reason... spend more on medical care..... SPENT! Take care your homeless... get them health insurence... get them a HOME!

Americas fuckedup health care system and the long distance from the place of living to the hospital with adequate equipment makes it easy for the can get the vaccine for free... but if you catch vaccination-damage, whats your insurance? Your masses of homeless people without health insurance spread covid in the streets.

USA pop 300mio... yesterday: +94,811 new cases / +1,811 dead = 1,91%
Germany 80mio... yesterday: +7,768 new cases / + 77 dead = 0,99%

4 Times the population you have..... but 12 times the daily new cases and on that double the mortality rate.

50% of americans got vaccinated.... :wall: Look how great it works :D
Thats 150millions.... within each million there is people having DAMAGE from the vaccination! PLENTY!
You dont care them... "get a fucking job!", "now why dont you have a job".. you disvalue live that has no job... like the fucking nazis! "Oh thats just useless human junk"

Maybe you should find a vaccination against "Stupidity" :D

EDIT: Not that Im not grateful.... I thank the russians for THEIR millions of losses stopping us, 80s ago, i wasn't even born. Im really grateful for this Grundgesetz for the Bundesrepublik Germany... i accept it as MY CONSTITUTION! You did great work on that ... we function.... now what about you? Your "we the people"... you suck IMHO! Your country is stuck in the "dark middle age" .. and the same goes for the UK.... its fact! YOu have the "wild west" the same time... meaning "dark middle age" with guns everywhere and shootings instead of swordfights! But you got the plaques now.... it's getting more and more "dark middle age" at your place! The rest of the world... skyrocketing and outperforming you in any demands exapt military-industrial-complex... :rolleyes: Your stuck founding an empire that already fall apart... you dont know how else to proceed... it's so funny. Yay, me little Adolph, a fucking small democratic PEASANT. Snickers for the Left-handed! "...aaaaand you're fed up"

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Try this:
I guess YouTube missed taking down that antivaxxer disinformation, oh well, that's why they have ways of reporting it. They are taking ALL antivaxxer disinformation down. If you want to post bullshit, you should at the least learn how to write English. Was there a point to your BTW?
Yay, take vaccine only if YOU are at risk..... if you are not at risk, dont feel pushed into taking something that puts you at risk to protect those who refuse themselves while THEY are at high risk. Do you have a samaritan complex?

Im not anti-vaxxer... im pro vaxxer.

I just say.... take ALL risks into account... do YOU for YOURSELF need it? What is the higher risk? The vaccine or the virus... whats your chance catching it? Can you prevent catching it differently? Yes. Masks! Im pro masks in public! This is what the doctor should find out with YOU analyzing YOUR individual RISKS.

Vaccines is never to protect OTHERS.... you take it to protect yourself only!

Theres the old people in the retirement homes saying... i refuse, leave it to theyounger... then COVID gets in... and there's your deaths counts! Those are the maniacs you must convice,not vaccinate millions your newborns against covid.... this just runs into complicatioins that you want to AVOID! It's ridiculous vaccinating EVERYONE to seek hope in "herd immunity" making it vanish.... it does not vanish.... but it's getting less of a problem if the elderly go fucking take their shots!

SO WHAT? Im pro vaxx...

You want the homeless stop spreadin covid, fine... give them a fucking home so they dont sleep in the cold.... the vaccine does not help them, no matter you force them! They struggle the cold, not covid, but that makes them easy to catch covid and have severe case. Vaccine does NOT help them! Only a warm place helps!

If you dont change yourhealth care... and if you dont change your homeless problem... you stuck with the problem getting worse! It's not the virus... it's your "weakness". You are a weak social-system! Check how many people shit in the streets because they dont have a toilet! Thats america! And you wonder? YOu aree hardcore-capitalists... and that what you earn for it! Plaques, homeless, crumbling down economy, trillion dollar holes, wasting energy like a maniac, gunfights everywhere.... sing with me:
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Yay, take vaccine only if YOU are at risk..... if you are not at risk, dont feel pushed into taking something that puts you at risk to protect those who refuse themselves while THEY are at high risk. Do you have a samaritan complex?

Im not anti-vaxxer... im pro vaxxer.

I just say.... take ALL risks into account... do YOU for YOURSELF need it? What is the higher risk? The vaccine or the virus... whats your chance catching it? Can you prevent catching it differently? Yes. Masks! Im pro masks in public! This is what the doctor should find out with YOU analyzing YOUR individual RISKS.

Vaccines is never to protect OTHERS.... you take it to protect yourself only!

Theres the old people in the retirement homes saying... i refuse, leave it to theyounger... then COVID gets in... and there's your deaths counts! Those are the maniacs you must convice,not vaccinate millions your newborns against covid.... this just runs into complicatioins that you want to AVOID! It's ridiculous vaccinating EVERYONE to seek hope in "herd immunity" making it vanish.... it does not vanish.... but it's getting less of a problem if the elderly go fucking take their shots!

Vaccines is never to protect OTHERS.... you take it to protect yourself only!

Vaccinated people are less likely to spread Covid, new research finds
British scientists examined how the Pfizer-BioNTech and the AstraZeneca vaccines affected the spread of the virus if a person had a breakthrough infection.
You cannot protect the people that have disabled imune system by taking shots against ANYTHING... they must protect their intake air whatever... you are just false with these heroic false statements. There is no rational reason.... you dont help, but causing collateral extra damage!

Its your hollywood feeling... yeah lets help others, were such a great community helping each other, wohoo - that fuels the pharmas interests -, lets take the risk of an unneccesary vaccination.... you are just stupid doing so.

Every vaccination must take your individual risks into account... if the doctor does not give you proper indiviidual advice and analyze your risks propperly... just says "take it for the sake of anyone" and handle you through likeclearing through customs, with thte goal to vaccinate as many people as possible... you make a mistake, because the doctor doesn't look... he just handles you through and has no reason to say, it might be problematic to take it, he doesn't even have the time at all to check you propperly,.... but YOU UNDERSIGN THAT just by taking it and accepting it, you must undersign papers that say exactly that there's RISKS so the doctor is not fault! YOUR FAULT ALONE ACCEPTING THEM! It could have been your last and it could leave you with a sickness that never goes away for the rest of your life SAME THAN COVID CAN

If you vaccinate everyone you end up with lots of collateral damage.

You must take that into account and choose wisely whats the lower damage... or YOU MAKE IT WORSE for no reason.

Try giving everyone free healthcare provide them warm home and food... dont leave them a "choice" beeing homeless and hungry without access to doctors... then less people die from covid and less people spread in the streets.... dont you get it?
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You cannot protect the people that have disabled imune system by taking shots against ANYTHING... they must protect their intake air whatever... you are just false with these heroic false statements.

Its your hollywood feeling... yeah lets help others, were such a great community helping each other, wohoo, lets take the risk of an unneccesary vaccination.... you are just stupid doing so.

Every vaccination must take your individual risks into account... if the doctor does not give you proper indiviidual advice and analyze your risks propperly... just says "take it for the sake of anyone" and handle you through likeclearing through customs, with thte goal to vaccinate as many people as possible... you make a mistake, because the doctor doesn't look... he just handles you through and has no reason to say, it might be problematic to take it.... but YOU UNDERSIGN THAT just by taking it and accepting it. It could have been your last and it could leave you with a sickness that never goes away for the rest of your life!

If you vaccinate everyone you end up with lots of collateral damage.

You must take that into account and choose wisely whats the lower damage... or YOU MAKE IT WORSE for no reason.
Thanks but I prefer my doctors advice
Bonus he is American :clap:
:clap: im done here. Im not offending americans, but im offending the processes happening in america. A lot of americans share my opinions. Like your president. Now having a white democratic you might finally find your way to "change". Sure you can ;) I hope you do! I support him! Bonus, he is not from kenia, conspiracy-wise ;)

... just take a look at Alex Jones.... :wall: Personification of your problems! Pure moronism! Is it a bioweapon of the socialists or the bilderbergs depopulation weapon, or just a fart from Pelosi, the evil shapeshifting queen of the hive? :D ... one day he going to find out :D
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