Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I just lost my first job today not being vaxxed. This lady called me and went through her whole spiel of what she needed. Then at the end she asked if I had both of my jabs and continued on with her virtue signaling. I told her to lead with that question next time and stop wasting people’s time.
Cool story bro
May the majority continue to make ya'll miserable
@DoubleAtotheRON I hope so. I’m really anxious about it. My wife’s grand dad got the shots and had a heart attack like a week later. Not sure if from the vax or from being 83. Weird coincidence though.
It's questionable for sure. My dad is 74, had a pacemaker for 15 years. It's never gone off or made a noise, but since the vax, his pacemaker is beeping, and the transmitter is lighting up in the middle of the night waking him up. ... docs are looking into it. He seems zapped these days as well... he used to go all day long mowing, trimming trees, doing projects, etc, .. now he just sits in his chair watching old episodes of Gunsmoke. It's def changed him.
It's questionable for sure. My dad is 74, had a pacemaker for 15 years. It's never gone off or made a noise, but since the vax, his pacemaker is beeping, and the transmitter is lighting up in the middle of the night waking him up. ... docs are looking into it. He seems zapped these days as well... he used to go all day long mowing, trimming trees, doing projects, etc, .. now he just sits in his chair watching old episodes of Gunsmoke. It's def changed him.

Nah, he's just never seen so many Americans not care for fellow Americans.
He sounds depressed.
Not really... just no energy. He's heading up the Confederate Air Force this weekend for a fly in of FiFI, the only B29 bomber on the planet. He's always been active in the aviation community, but he's just not like he used to be. Last year the B25 lost an engine in MO, and he headed up the engine swap on the hot tarmac in Aug for days.. he was tired after that, but I don't think he could do that this year.

Lol. I mean he made it, though.

@DoubleAtotheRON my wife’s grand dad has described himself in the same way. Feeling zapped of energy after the second dose. It’s been months now.
I hear ya... and he's the same. I think his last (second shot) was about 3 months ago.... and I've never seen him so winded.
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Vaxxed here. Pfizer. Doing fine. I know more vaxxed people than unvaxxed. They are all fine. I know 4 dead (covid) people who didn't get their shots.These stories are known as anecdotal. They don't carry weight. They aren't reliable.
Now the hospitals are full of the unvaxxed. Almost everyone dying from Covid are unvaxxed. These stories have actual data attached. Proveable data.
If you don't want this version of the virus, get the vaccine. If you do want the virus, don't get the shot.
I don't care who all dies from this. Time to flush this toilet. Too many people and most of them suck.
Vaxxed here. Pfizer. Doing fine. I know more vaxxed people than unvaxxed. They are all fine. I know 4 dead (covid) people who didn't get their shots.These stories are known as anecdotal. They don't carry weight. They aren't reliable.
Now the hospitals are full of the unvaxxed. Almost everyone dying from Covid are unvaxxed. These stories have actual data attached. Proveable data.
If you don't want this version of the virus, get the vaccine. If you do want the virus, don't get the shot.
I don't care who all dies from this. Time to flush this toilet. Too many people and most of them suck.
Most people who are afraid of the vaccine and talk about tired relatives etc... don't realize that correlation is not causation. They no longer trust the educated in the scientific community. 96% of physicians are vaccinated but they listen to the wing nuts like Scott Atlas. They just don't know in a complex world how to vet and consume data, sad really because this is killing people, most of all them and they act as selfish vessels for this virus to replicate, mutate and possibly be even more lethal than it already is.
Everyone always talks about adverse reactions to the vaccines in the third person....if vaccines truly were harming people, hospitals would be full of people being treated for vaccine reactions instead of being full of nonvaccinated people.

How many more headlines do you need to read about a loudly outspoken vaccine critic landing in the hospital for covid and begging for the vaccine on their death bed?
Everyone always talks about adverse reactions to the vaccines in the third person....if vaccines truly were harming people, hospitals would be full of people being treated for vaccine reactions instead of being full of nonvaccinated people.

How many more headlines do you need to read about a loudly outspoken vaccine critic landing in the hospital for covid and begging for the vaccine on their death bed?
While looking at the Tide Pod challenge breed of folks out there nothing surprises me any more. Just keep this in mind.

Nope nanotechnology vaccine you know made by a computer like no other vaccine in human history. Guess what each bottle has a bar code im sure its safe ill be the guy saying i told those guys it wasnt safe or ill be the guy dying from a chinese produced virus to screw western economies i dunno which death is better lol. Imagine what that can put in those vaccines individual coding with a bar coded bottle and a record who took it? thats the next warfare nanotechnology just do a bit of research before you sheeple into the drs office.

Why would the Chinese want to screw Western economies? We are their biggest customers. I bet every piece of technology you use is made in China.

I have had a double dose of the vaccine.
Everyone always talks about adverse reactions to the vaccines in the third person....if vaccines truly were harming people, hospitals would be full of people being treated for vaccine reactions instead of being full of nonvaccinated people.

How many more headlines do you need to read about a loudly outspoken vaccine critic landing in the hospital for covid and begging for the vaccine on their death bed?

Well said.
Some people have bad reactions from taking Tylenol. Tylenol has been linked to kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, and other conditions. The people with their fake claims about side effects from the vaccine probably have several bottles of Tylenol in their medicine cabinets.
Anyone else feel better in general after getting the 2nd dose? Ever since getting really sick in Feb 2020 I have felt general tiredness and headaches, I thought it was allergies but after the vaccine I feel so much better. Apparently I'm not alone and Yale is studying these claims to see if it's a placebo affect or if the vaccine actually fights long Covid symptoms. I love telling anti vaxxers my experience, it really engages their cognitive dissonance.
Ive had full doses twice Pfizer first back in Feb/March. I skipped the booster and thought I'd just take the full vaccination of the Moderna so 6 weeks ago I got the first Moderna and finished the second a couple weeks ago. 4 shots no ill effects. People trip out and pass out over needles, they have for decades. This year Ive seen a couple hundred vaccinated with me. Didnt see any of them have heart attacks and not one adverse reaction during the waiting time after the shot. Im was a Trump voter but I dont see that has to do anything with the vaccine. Though most of the anti-vaxxers I know were (and still are) Trump supporters.
Ive had full doses twice Pfizer first back in Feb/March. I skipped the booster and thought I'd just take the full vaccination of the Moderna so 6 weeks ago I got the first Moderna and finished the second a couple weeks ago. 4 shots no ill effects. People trip out and pass out over needles, they have for decades. This year Ive seen a couple hundred vaccinated with me. Didnt see any of them have heart attacks and not one adverse reaction during the waiting time after the shot. Im was a Trump voter but I dont see that has to do anything with the vaccine. Though most of the anti-vaxxers I know were (and still are) Trump supporters.
Just got my third in the series Pfizer booster yesterday. My immune system is kicking like a mule and I'm very pleased. What most people don't understand is correlation is not causation. Also our bodies are very noisy. Immune reactions to foreign proteins are loud and unpleasant. Imagine if your immune system had to mount this same defense with the actual virus! :shock:

Many people are dead by the time their immune system kicks in and some immune systems can't save you related to viral load of exposure and health of the individual, not to even mention the morbidity associated with this coagulopathy.

Today will be a down day where I drink soup, Pepto Bismol and anti-pyretics. But by 9 PM tonight or possibly tomorrow morning this will be cleared from my system with zero sequelae. Try that with Covid.
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