
All of them are potentially dangerous. They’re not as effective as they’re being touted unless they have lowered the standards of what an effective vaccine means. Antibody dependent enhancement is a significant risk with these new modified mRNA vaccines. These vaccines were rushed. According to Dr. Fauci in October of 2019 “a vaccine for a novel virus takes at LEAST 10 years to develop and that’s if everything goes perfect.” I’m paraphrasing. But yeah, I really don’t care if other people get the vaccines. People have the right to try any drugs they want imo. Just like they have the right to refuse any drugs. I just think people should not be mandated to be injected with an experimental drug that still hasn’t completed long-term safety trials and doesn’t sterilize the virus. People shouldn’t be mandated to take any drugs at all. It goes against human rights and human dignity. Vaccine rollouts have been stopped for less deaths than have been reported so far. I can’t remember the last time we’ve mass vaccinated during a pandemic. It seems a little sketchy. Especially using imperfect vaccines. There’s a reason flu shots we’re never mandated for the general population. Nothing is one size fits all. People are having bad reactions and dying as a result of mandates. Who will be held liable?

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Dr. Fauci October 2019
I might be wrong but I feel like you made your mind up about the risk of COVID vaccines and then hunted for info to support your feelings on this issue. I also believe that even if the vaccines took years to develop like Dr. Fauci believes in 2019 pre COVID you would still not support vaccination.
The harder humans are pushed the more we achieve and the faster we achieve it, good luck bro.
Kaiser Permanente suspends 2,200 unvaccinated employees
You cant work here with out been vaccinated. If someone can’t prove they have had the jab I send them home and I get fined myself if I don’t enforce this on my construction sites
I might be wrong but I feel like you made your mind up about the risk of COVID vaccines and then hunted for info to support your feelings on this issue. I also believe that even if the vaccines took years to develop like Dr. Fauci believes in 2019 pre COVID you would still not support vaccination.
The harder humans are pushed the more we achieve and the faster we achieve it, good luck bro.
When you have a child get injured from a vaccine it kind of changes your perspective on things. You are correct in stating that I do not support vaccinations at all. And it’s not to support my feelings. I actually look at all the data and real world evidence. Science isn’t just “follow the narrative” and disregard data and evidence contrary to that. Especially when you learn about how these vaccine ingredients migrate to other parts of the body like nanoaluminum particles penetrating the blood brain barrier and lipid nanoparticles carrying spike proteins into almost every major organ. We can tell ourselves that rushed vaccines were done thoroughly and safely due to “urgent need”. I’m pretty sure there was no major advancements from October 2019 to when they started developing these vaccines that would reduce the time needed to test for safety. The people taking these vaccines are the long-term safety trial. Best of luck to you also mate.
Apparently the jab starts waning after 2 months..

@hanimmal @mooray

Also we just had another covid death here, of a vaxxed person. That makes the last three deaths in my county among the vaccinated.
Apparently the jab starts waning after 2 months..

Fortunately the protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death remain strong.

@hanimmal @mooray

Also we just had another covid death here, of a vaxxed person. That makes the last three deaths in my county among the vaccinated.

How many deaths in your county among the unvaccinated?
How many unvaccinated?
Fortunately the protection against severe disease, hospitalization, and death remain strong.

How many deaths in your county among the unvaccinated?
Unfortunately my county does not provide that data. They only recently started reporting whether deaths were among the vaccinated or unvaccinated groups. We've had 215 deaths total in my county and that number was stagnant at 210 for a while until about a month ago. At that time it was announced that there were two new deaths in unvaccinated individuals who were in compromised health conditions are ready. Then a week ago it was announced that there were two new deaths among the vaccinated group, both individuals were over 60. Now today there is announcement of another death of a vaccinated person. That is all that I can tell you for certain.
Vaccinated people die all the time. Just because they are vaccinated doesn’t make them immortal . Lol. Good luck trying to prove this proven safe vaccine is the reason a person dies.
you fucktards are desperate for attention now that the pandemic is coming to an end and your kind are have no platform. Go stick a swab up your ass, dip shits.
“76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs

by Guy Page
Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases.”

It’s important to note that this is outlier data. Also important to note that 70% of Vermonters are fully vaccinated.
Vaccinated people die all the time. Just because they are vaccinated doesn’t make them immortal . Lol. Good luck trying to prove this proven safe vaccine is the reason a person dies.
you fucktards are desperate for attention now that the pandemic is coming to an end and your kind are have no platform. Go stick a swab up your ass, dip shits.
Ad hominem lol. Classic.
Nearly 50% of Uttar Pradesh Covid-free now:

Uttar Pradesh is a state in northern India. With over 200 million inhabitants, it is the most populated state in India as well as the most populous country subdivision in the world
“The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks only breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalization and death, which it does by gathering data from state health departments. Only 25 states report some data on breakthroughs, and only 15 of those states update it regularly, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state data. Encouragingly, this data suggests that breakthrough cases among the fully vaccinated are extremely rare – well below 1% in states collecting this information. (Note that undercounts are expected, since people with breakthrough infections may not know they are sick or bother to get tested.)”

Why are they reporting cases of unvaccinated that aren’t resulting in death or hospitalization? Something smells fishy.
When you have a child get injured from a vaccine it kind of changes your perspective on things. You are correct in stating that I do not support vaccinations at all. And it’s not to support my feelings. I actually look at all the data and real world evidence. Science isn’t just “follow the narrative” and disregard data and evidence contrary to that. Especially when you learn about how these vaccine ingredients migrate to other parts of the body like nanoaluminum particles penetrating the blood brain barrier and lipid nanoparticles carrying spike proteins into almost every major organ. We can tell ourselves that rushed vaccines were done thoroughly and safely due to “urgent need”. I’m pretty sure there was no major advancements from October 2019 to when they started developing these vaccines that would reduce the time needed to test for safety. The people taking these vaccines are the long-term safety trial. Best of luck to you also mate.
I get were your coming from with the kids thing but my ex’s son got meningococcal, she would of sold her soul for that vaccine to be available but it wasnt and it ended badly.
I get were your coming from with the kids thing but my ex’s son got meningococcal, she would of sold her soul for that vaccine to be available but it wasnt and it ended badly.
That’s understandable coming from her perspective. Like I said, everybody should make their own decisions on receiving drugs themselves or injecting their children with drugs.
“76% of September Covid-19 deaths are vax breakthroughs

by Guy Page
Just eight of the 33 Vermonters who died of Covid-19 in September were unvaccinated, the Vermont Department of Heath said Wednesday.
Health Department spokesperson Ben Truman said most of the vaccine ‘breakthrough’ Covid-19 fatalities were elderly. Because they were among the first vaccinated, Vermont’s elderly “have had more time to potentially become a vaccine breakthrough case,” he said.
Expressed in percentages, 76% of Vermont Covid-19 fatalities were breakthrough cases.”

It’s important to note that this is outlier data. Also important to note that 70% of Vermonters are fully vaccinated.

There's many areas that have less than 10 cases total.......many of those areas are not as rural as the places that have much higher covid numbers. A lot of the areas that have the lower numbers also are the highest vaccinated areas.
There's many areas that have less than 10 cases total.......many of those areas are not as rural as the places that have much higher covid numbers. A lot of the areas that have the lower numbers also are the highest vaccinated areas.
Did you look at the data analysis I posted?