Pet got into my stash stories


Well-Known Member
While I would never give me pet weed or any animal weed I once had a dog eat a 5 gal butter fail. What happened is I was cleaning out my freezer and took all the larf and sugar leaf that I used to make bubble hash with and threw it into a 5 gal canning pot. I put an entire pound of butter into it but because there was so much plant matter it soaked up the butter and later it wouldn’t separate. Frustrated I walked out into our field and dumped the green mess. Fast forward about a week the old lady tells me our dog is sick and she think he has been poisoned. She explained she saw him out in the field where I dumped the weed “ Eating something.” Now this is a dog kept in a fenced back yard so it wasn’t that I was being careless. The dog got out and just happened to wander out where I dumped it. I ran out to see how much he ate and the entire fucking amount was gone. The old lady mentioned he puked a green mess but the amount no doubt was A LOT! Well to make a long story short the poor dog slept and was barely able to move for 3 days. I felt terrible. Luckily he snapped back like nothing happened and now seems to go crazy when he smells weed like he wants some more.
Yes, i had a jack russle rterrior who ate an 1/8 of squidgy black or pakistani black as it was sold as, didn,t do him any harm, but shut him up for a good while lol. He just lay on the sofa looking at everyone for about 8 hrs, teach me to leave my hash out on the floor with my rolling gear lol
While I would never give me pet weed or any animal weed I once had a dog eat a 5 gal butter fail. What happened is I was cleaning out my freezer and took all the larf and sugar leaf that I used to make bubble hash with and threw it into a 5 gal canning pot. I put an entire pound of butter into it but because there was so much plant matter it soaked up the butter and later it wouldn’t separate. Frustrated I walked out into our field and dumped the green mess. Fast forward about a week the old lady tells me our dog is sick and she think he has been poisoned. She explained she saw him out in the field where I dumped the weed “ Eating something.” Now this is a dog kept in a fenced back yard so it wasn’t that I was being careless. The dog got out and just happened to wander out where I dumped it. I ran out to see how much he ate and the entire fucking amount was gone. The old lady mentioned he puked a green mess but the amount no doubt was A LOT! Well to make a long story short the poor dog slept and was barely able to move for 3 days. I felt terrible. Luckily he snapped back like nothing happened and now seems to go crazy when he smells weed like he wants some more.
When I was a kid I moved out into my first flat, me and the girlfriend were in bed one night a stray cat startled us, it had climbed in trough the bathroom window and was making its self comfortable on the top of my canvas wardrobe, I fell in with him and he became my pet. I do believe Bubblegum was on the menu a lot back in them days and the cat would sit on the arm of my chair and actively inhale the smoke but we also used to smoke dirt bar quite a lot, being kids with not much money back in the 90s, and as soon as that very low quality hash was ablaze the cat was gone, he would leave every time. So as much as I’d never give an animal weed how could I deny sharing my smoke with a cat with such exemplary taste, I miss that cat man!
When I was a kid I moved out into my first flat, me and the girlfriend were in bed one night a stray cat startled us, it had climbed in trough the bathroom window and was making its self comfortable on the top of my canvas wardrobe, I fell in with him and he became my pet. I do believe Bubblegum was on the menu a lot back in them days and the cat would sit on the arm of my chair and actively inhale the smoke but we also used to smoke dirt bar quite a lot, being kids with not much money back in the 90s, and as soon as that very low quality hash was ablaze the cat was gone, he would leave every time. So as much as I’d never give an animal weed how could I deny sharing my smoke with a cat with such exemplary taste, I miss that cat man!
Here's my buddy. He came to me when he was a kitten. He's like 18 years old now.

I was in South Dakota at the time and it was like 20 degrees F below zero. I was smoking a cig in the entryway and heard him. Opened the entryway door and he came out from under the house meowing. I let him in right away and hooked him up. He loves everyone.


He doesn't mess with my weed because I don't let animals in my grow rooms. He has his own catnip plant.

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If one of my dogs got into a large amount processed cannabis we'd be on our way to the vet. It can drop their BP to the floor and they'll often have trouble regulating their body temp due to the effects it has on their hypothalamus.

This isnt meant as a dig and I hope its not taken that way.
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When my dog was a puppy he got ahold of my wallet and shredded $500. I came home to a very expensive pile of confetti.
With the help of the cat my new puppy shredded an entire tray of fresh cut clones. And I'm on my third debit card. I have a habit of leaving it out and for some reason he likes to chew til its unrecognizable.
If one of my dogs got into a large amount processed cannabis we'd be on our way to the vet. It can drop their BP to the floor and they'll often have trouble regulating their body temp due to the effects it has on their hypothalamus.

This isnt meant as a dig and I hope its not taken that way.

Not taken that way at all. The fact is he was like that for a day before I made the connection. I knew he wasn’t feeling well and was sleeping a lot so we were watching to see if it was just a passing thing or if he was genuinely sick. When I heard he was eating something out in the field and puked green I was like Chong in Up In Smoke where he accidentally fed Cheech acid. I was like Ohohohohoh! Wow man!! You just ate the most weed I ever seen anybody eat in my entire life! Hope you aren’t busy for about a month man!” The thing is he’s a total dick to the other dog and I know he probably wouldn’t let him eat any. So he ate it all alone. I went to check were I spilled it and it was gone and there was A LOT!! But he was ok after a few days of sleeping it off. He was like in super slow mo though and even turning his head took forever. But he was eating and drinking ok so I didn’t feel the need to take him in only to get hosed by the vet and have them run some useless but very expensive “ Tests”
The thing is he’s a total dick to the other dog and I know he probably wouldn’t let him eat any. So he ate it all alone.
I've got one of those. Good dog but he can be a total dink when it comes to his toys. He'll eat them all before sharing.

I probably would've disposed of old butter and trim the same way. If that ever happens I'll be sure to bury it, lol.
Glad the pups OK.
I was harvesting a tub of mushrooms and saw my chihuahua poke her head in out of the corner of my eye and run off.

luckily I caught her right away but she still horked down 2/3s of a huge shroom.

the vet said it’s fine just give her a bone or something to distract her. The first hour or so she was crazy bouncing all over playing and then after that spent like five hours under her blanket occasionally making weird noises.

I figured she’d learned her lesson but she still tries to snag some on harvest days when she thinks I’m not looking.
I made infused coconut oil with a 1/4 lb of trim in a magic butter machine. I dumped all the remnants in our brush pile which is fenced in behind our garage. Sky, our pitbull, could smell the coconut oil so she jumped the fence (in 6 years, she has never jumped a fence before this). She ate all the ground up trim, and a bunch of dirt and leaves that were around it. I didn’t know until I found her on our couch an hour or two later, passed out in a puddle of urine. The next 12 hours was just staying right next to her so I could hold her up to vomit (she must have vomited up several lbs of leaves and mud). She was half passed out or totally out of her mind for the first 12, the next 12 hours she could barely walk, but her face was all contorted and she was responding to non existent stimuli. She came down over the final 12, so 36 hours of a messed up dog. Learned my lesson, I double bag it and put it in a closed outside trash can now.
Shoot, if bk78 is going to put up cat in the grow photos, I may as well do it too.
(His cat and grow are obviously a bit more premium than mine)

I’m not sure if I am more horrified or amused by this thread though.

I once left about an eighth of weed in a small glass jar in the night stand of my room at my folks house when I went back to college. It was tucked behind a book and was for my brother, we figured our parents were less likely to find it in my vacant room.

Our cat found it, knocked it over and was apparently batting the buds around in the carpet when our mom went in to investigate.

My brother called me to tell me what had happened and to let me know I needed to call our mom to discuss. She had utterly freaked out and steam cleaned then vacuumed the carpet obsessively.

I called her and found out she was afraid it was going to sprout in the carpet, hence the obsessive cleaning. She thought it grew like a fungus. For a smart lady, she was pretty uninformed about cannabis.

My brother also told me he immediately could tell that the cat had ingested some of it too. He sequestered the cat in his room and said his eyes were fully dilated for about 6 hours. He kept making low growling noises and pouncing on things that were not there. He then slept it off for about 8 hours.

Our mom was pissed, my brother cracked under questioning and shared that we’d smoked pot together pretty much every night that summer. She probably would have taken the cat in to get his stomach pumped if she’d realized he’d eaten it. My brother kept that part to himself at least.