Tips for choosing weight

Wow, that's pretty impressive! For sure I have the benefit of being relatively young... not even a half century yet.
Wow, that's pretty impressive! For sure I have the benefit of being relatively young... not even a half century yet.

Well, it isn't easy. I wrote my version up years ago...and lost it in ac computer crash. But I'll bet some of the newer ketogenic diets are similar. If you've ever know the difficulty if getting through the first day. But like hunger at all. Takes 4 or five days for hunger to fade.
I'll be 64 in 3 months I started working out about 7 years ago My weight was 287 lbs . I was fortunate because I already had several pieces of equipment to use but as I began this process i soon found out that I couldn't take the pounding from using the treadmill . I also had some joint problems that kept me from using free weights but I had a nice exercise bike that allowed me to workout without adding to my discomfort from the physical exercise.
My current weight is 208 lbs. I workout 4 times a week for approximately one hour on an stationary bike. The most important thing for me was cutting sugar out of my diet. I eat more veggies now than before I eat more chicken and fish now but I do eat the occasional steak or hamburger. I stopped eating fast-food I dont eat bread or pasta anymore.
I'd like to get below 200 lbs but for now I'm happy with my results.
I feel great !
All I can say is get started with a routine be it dieting or exercising or both . You may be a person that weight loss is easy with just dieting but my experience was to include working out.
I had to change my routine a little over the years to keep myself enthusiastic about working out but now if I miss a day for whatever reason I try and make it up during the week.
I will say when I got around to eliminating sugar from my diet that's when I saw the biggest drop in my weight in the shortest time.
I've lost 66lb in the last 2yrs or so. Bad sleep pattern and work habits were ruining me. Starting work at 7pm and finishing at 8/9/10am then going home, drinking beer/port/wine to get to sleep for a while really fucked my body up. I wasn't eating much bad, but the energy drinks and sweet coffees to try and stay awake overnight caught up with me.

I quit the job, dropped sugar and alcohol and the weight has fallen off. Taking up CBD oil seems to have sped things up. Giving up sugar was hard man, I was not pleasurable to be around, but thank fuck I pushed through.

This is one of the videos I follow, I don't do it daily, but my core and legs have tightened up so much, been doing it on and off for the last 18months.

A very nicely balanced diet, void of any "triggers".

Talk to a dietician, you might be lactose intolerant or sensitive and not know it. Maybe you're sensitive to gluten. These simple tricks alone can shed easily 10 to 20 or more pounds depending on your size and mass.
I've lost 66lb in the last 2yrs or so. Bad sleep pattern and work habits were ruining me. Starting work at 7pm and finishing at 8/9/10am then going home, drinking beer/port/wine to get to sleep for a while really fucked my body up. I wasn't eating much bad, but the energy drinks and sweet coffees to try and stay awake overnight caught up with me.

I quit the job, dropped sugar and alcohol and the weight has fallen off. Taking up CBD oil seems to have sped things up. Giving up sugar was hard man, I was not pleasurable to be around, but thank fuck I pushed through.

This is one of the videos I follow, I don't do it daily, but my core and legs have tightened up so much, been doing it on and off for the last 18months.

I couldn’t bring myself to do those kind of exercises. I just lift and run eat clean.
my doctor said. No cannabis.causes munchies and chips is not good. Cut out bread, any type of pasta, no sodas. Guess I will just be fat and happy
See I don’t eat bread or pasta really any carb that not from a green veggie I don’t eat. Just meat and green veggies. No sweets or cokes. I eat like that and I feel like crap.
I went from 300lbs to 195lbs today. Took a couple tries. But what I did is go low carb, high fat, high fiber diet. It's variation of a Keto diet and that is how you start. For the first couple months you really need to nearly eliminate carbs, around 10% is the goal (300-350 is normal). But after that I just run about 50% a day or around 150 grams carbs a day. As it is now I can control my weight easily by either eating after 6pm or not.

First round was inadvertently as I quit drinking beer, usually 4 or 5 a day at the time for years. This cut off 45 lbs. But then my blood sugar got to be an issue so I went the Keto route and am quite happy.

#1 issues is you need to realize WHY you eat, and why you need to eat. Eat fat as your energy source and you will not be!

Healthy and keto food pyramid (2019_06_30 16_19_06 UTC).jpg
Cycling. Cycling is pretty much the best exercise there is for someone who wants to lose weight. It's easy on your body and you use the largest muscles to do it. Running burns loads of calories too, but it is much harder on your body.
Cycling. Cycling is pretty much the best exercise there is for someone who wants to lose weight. It's easy on your body and you use the largest muscles to do it. Running burns loads of calories too, but it is much harder on your body.
It’s full body though. Plus I slap on a 100 lbs weight vest and do my runs.
No added sugar. None.

Drink milk? --stop. It's possibly bloating you + tons of added sugar.

Fiber, fiber, fiber. Like at least 20-30gm a day depending on your size and mass. And believe me, that's WAY more than you're probably getting.

Green leafy vegetables. Lots of em. ALL of them.

Stop smoking cigarettes IMMEDIATELY if you do.
It’s full body though. Plus I slap on a 100 lbs weight vest and do my runs.

Yeah, what I'm saying is that cycling is the safer and easier option for an over weight beginner. Once you have some fitness and learn to run properly it is a good choice, but over weight and bad technique will be too hard and you may end up fucking your knees etc.
I still say reign in the diet and bad habits before adding something new like fitness.
When I went on the low carb I also started using a stationary bike for 20 minutes a day. This did help but was not needed. If you are fat train your body to use fat and you won't be.

I call it the cave man diet.