Wow, that's pretty impressive! For sure I have the benefit of being relatively young... not even a half century yet.
hey, you don't mess with the classics....This thread is old but I will say now a days seems like meth is the most common way I see people losing weight
I couldn’t bring myself to do those kind of exercises. I just lift and run eat clean.I've lost 66lb in the last 2yrs or so. Bad sleep pattern and work habits were ruining me. Starting work at 7pm and finishing at 8/9/10am then going home, drinking beer/port/wine to get to sleep for a while really fucked my body up. I wasn't eating much bad, but the energy drinks and sweet coffees to try and stay awake overnight caught up with me.
I quit the job, dropped sugar and alcohol and the weight has fallen off. Taking up CBD oil seems to have sped things up. Giving up sugar was hard man, I was not pleasurable to be around, but thank fuck I pushed through.
This is one of the videos I follow, I don't do it daily, but my core and legs have tightened up so much, been doing it on and off for the last 18months.
my doctor said. No cannabis.causes munchies and chips is not good. Cut out bread, any type of pasta, no sodas. Guess I will just be fat and happyHii all,
I want to lose weight. Please share some tips.
I am doing regular exercise and follow the diet plan but can't reach the goal.
Any suggestion?
See I don’t eat bread or pasta really any carb that not from a green veggie I don’t eat. Just meat and green veggies. No sweets or cokes. I eat like that and I feel like doctor said. No cannabis.causes munchies and chips is not good. Cut out bread, any type of pasta, no sodas. Guess I will just be fat and happy
It’s full body though. Plus I slap on a 100 lbs weight vest and do my runs.Cycling. Cycling is pretty much the best exercise there is for someone who wants to lose weight. It's easy on your body and you use the largest muscles to do it. Running burns loads of calories too, but it is much harder on your body.
In the first paragraph [fit for life] .... walk......Oh and don't eat or drink anything at all at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Late snacking is a huge contributor to excess weight.
Notice NEITHER of my posts say to exercise?
It’s full body though. Plus I slap on a 100 lbs weight vest and do my runs.
When I went on the low carb I also started using a stationary bike for 20 minutes a day. This did help but was not needed. If you are fat train your body to use fat and you won't be.I still say reign in the diet and bad habits before adding something new like fitness.