Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

And the election was stolen.

And Trump's call to Ukraine was innocent

Quit whining. You got the verdict that you wanted.

You're speculating on what I am and you're wildly incorrect. I don't think the election was stolen. I can understand the concern with Trump's Ukraine call as I understand how Trump operates in negotiation. You seem to see people in black and white. It's possible to think Mr. Rittenhouse defended himself and that President Trump was not a good president. Is that shocking?
I have plenty of doubt about it. What do you mean "you guys are a fucking death cult"? Those of us who believe in the rule of law and equal justice? That's the group I am in.

Yeah, right. like these guys:


We see you. There is nothing you can say to change what we saw. Fucking death cult. Celebrate violence and talk endlessly about killing and death.
God, doesnt it get old man? one would think after a 76% loss in ratings... you would take a clue from CNN, not everything is white and black. Not everything is racist....he did not shoot any black people....He shot Criminals... and not in the sense of oh they were out robbing tvs and shoe under the guise of 'equal rights'...but exactly in the sense.... THEY TOUCHED LITTLE CHILDREN SEXUALLY AND BEAT WOMAN.... Get over it.

You're speculating on what I am and you're wildly incorrect. I don't think the election was stolen. I can understand the concern with Trump's Ukraine call as I understand how Trump operates in negotiation. You seem to see people in black and white. It's possible to think Mr. Rittenhouse defended himself and that President Trump was not a good president - shocking?
Bro you're a Trumptard and a racist because you disagree with the woke mob, dont even try to defend yourself. welcome to riu
God, doesnt it get old man? one would think after a 76% loss in ratings... you would take a clue from CNN, not everything is white and black. Not everything is racist....he did not shoot any black people....He shot Criminals... and not in the sense of oh they were out robbing tvs and shoe under the guise of 'equal rights'...but exactly in the sense.... THEY TOUCHED LITTLE CHILDREN SEXUALLY AND BEAT WOMAN.... Get over it.

Bro you're a Trumptard and a racist because you disagree with the woke mob, dont even try to defend yourself. welcome to riu
Wow. You're actually... stupid I guess...its okay to defend yourself from people, when they are burning and looting an entire city under the ruse of for black rights.....then you try to run from the situation with the gun you are carrying legally and they are not carrying legally, being criminals, one a child molester felon, They knock you down and verbally tell you..they mean to kill you, hit you with a skateboard. And pull a glock on you. .... yes correct... it is okay to defend yourself under those circumstances... Think anything I just said is false, feel free to watch it in real time. From multiple different angles....with sound in HD. Cheers.
Please think about what a gun does and why it would be a threat. Please try to understand that someone bringing a gun to a protest is a veiled threat. Please try to understand that the only one who killed anybody, was the person with the gun. That's because a gun is not a skateboard. And the only person creating conflict, was the person walking around with a weapon used to murder.
Please think about what a gun does and why it would be a threat. Please try to understand that someone bringing a gun to a protest is a veiled threat. Please try to understand that the only one who killed anybody, was the person with the gun. That's because a gun is not a skateboard. And the only person creating conflict, was the person walking around with a weapon used to murder.

It wasn't a protest. It was a riot. That is a fact. A critical distinction you chose to avoid. Your provocation argument is similar to "She was wearing a short skirt so she deserved to be raped". Carrying a firearm is not illegal nor a veiled threat. It is a natural human right. You're making up rules and using them as an excuse to assault people. The only people who broke the law that night were the individuals destroying, looting, and assaulting. Mr. Rittenhouse committed no crime.
According to the defense's own defense, the protesters were in the right to chase down rittenhouse. Because they were afraid some dumbass would shoot them, which is exactly what happened.
so, i said the little piece of verminous shit would get off because his judge was an ancient racist fucktard...and i was right. you all are way too optimistic about how things will turn out when you're dealing with evil fucking bastards...evil protects evil, now the fucks will feel justified marching while armed in more riots they should just stay the fuck away from. at least it looks like the fuckers in Charlottesville are going to get the assfucking they deserve
i hope killer kyle tries this shit again and gets his fucking face splattered on the ground, exactly what the murderous little fuck deserves
You're speculating on what I am and you're wildly incorrect. I don't think the election was stolen. I can understand the concern with Trump's Ukraine call as I understand how Trump operates in negotiation. You seem to see people in black and white. It's possible to think Mr. Rittenhouse defended himself and that President Trump was not a good president. Is that shocking?
It's possible to think Rittenhouse defended himself. When I look at the video, that's not what I conclude but I think it would be foolish to just look at the video because it's not the whole story. So, getting back to the facts of the matter. After he shot and killed three people, he walked right past the police, jumped into a getaway car and fled the scene. Later on, he lied to people about what happened. So, you can jump to whatever biased self serving conclusion you want. I'll stick to the facts that one can know.

Kyle's actions that night were those of a person who knew he committed murder and wanted to get away. And let's not forget the fake crying.
so, i said the little piece of verminous shit would get off because his judge was an ancient racist fucktard...and i was right. you all are way too optimistic about how things will turn out when you're dealing with evil fucking bastards...evil protects evil, now the fucks will feel justified marching while armed in more riots they should just stay the fuck away from. at least it looks like the fuckers in Charlottesville are going to get the assfucking they deserve
i hope killer kyle tries this shit again and gets his fucking face splattered on the ground, exactly what the murderous little fuck deserves

Any evidence the judge was a racist? Any evidence the jury that acquitted Mr. Rittenhouse was racist? That seems speculative and potentially racist.