Is it common?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, hope you are all well. just 3-4 of the new leaves grow like this, anyone knows what's happening?267146613_629119098229932_3670077282017807666_n.jpg265380253_1134523233959221_6452560320826987828_n.jpg267146613_629119098229932_3670077282017807666_n.jpg264375923_3011741059075486_1683407863971700072_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
Let me be the 1st to tell you they're going to want to know a lot more info at minimum feeding lighting&watering. Post this and help should be on the way
Thanks, I am using a 100W LED light, and now is on 20/4 cycle. I feed water every 3 days, for nutrients, I had used some fish and Kelp 1 week ago. It is now 4weeks old, it growing very fast after using fish and kelp. it from a bag of mixed seeds from my friend, so i don't know what kind of weeds is it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I am using a 100W LED light, and now is on 20/4 cycle. I feed water every 3 days, for nutrients, I had used some fish and Kelp 1 week ago. It is now 4weeks old, it growing very fast after using fish and kelp. it from a bag of mixed seeds from my friend, so i don't know what kind of weeds is it.
Where'd you get the soil, and what is it?