Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
From the news reports it looks like it's gonna be a Helluva winter. One way of looking at it we are having a fast natural vaccination and boosting program! The unvaxxed are gonna be vaxxed the hard way by spring and if you ain't boosted, you will most likely be the natural way, thought the ride shouldn't be too rough. Covid is gonna burn through the unvaxxed and vulnerable in North America pretty quickly and we could even see cases start to drop as early as February. The hospitals are already overwhelmed in many places and it will likely get much worse. However I figure that by next summer things should look up and hopefully it will be mostly behind us by election season in America.

Virologist still believe this virus has a limited mutagenic potential when compared to other viruses, but it's thrown us some curveballs. It's endemic and will be with us until we get better vaccines, which they are working on and better treatments will continue to blunt it's impact and reduce mortality rates to acceptable levels. Another thing is happening too, pandemic response is moving up in priority to military level as governments globally realize how much damage they can do. We are gonna see more international cooperation on this front, it's everybody's problem and a global issue. We are also gonna see a lot more science, progress and vaccine manufacturing in more countries, we won't soon forget this lesson.


Well-Known Member
The Hospitals are Hell all over in America, more so in the low vaxx areas, things are breaking down and mortality rates should go up as treatment quality and resources go down.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine had a heart attack this afternoon. He's now parked in a ER hallway awaiting tests to see how bad, surrounded by covid patients. He survived covid about a year ago but it damaged him.
It's a bad time to get regularly sick or injured, those can be added to the toll too. I think covid is gonna give us one last viscous kick to the nuts and be largely gone by summer, having burned through most potential victims by spring. It is endemic, but increasingly manageable, though it might keep giving the unvaxxed and boosted lumps into the future.


Well-Known Member
So we are currently being ripped at work. Six cases this week. More certain to follow. Maybe a lot more.

My optimistic side says that Omicron is going to burn out quicker than previous versions. In a week or two the worst of this pandemic might be behind us.
aren't those the people that were shitheads to you about vaxxing and masks?

Baldrick how come you're still working when they are not?

made my morning.

Happy New Year Dear Baldrick!:hug:


Well-Known Member
So we are currently being ripped at work. Six cases this week. More certain to follow. Maybe a lot more.

My optimistic side says that Omicron is going to burn out quicker than previous versions. In a week or two the worst of this pandemic might be behind us.
I hope you’re right. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed live music over the past 2 years.


Well-Known Member
Delta and winter are still causing the most covid cases, the vaxxed are still better protected against it than omicron. This time stuff is shutting down due to a shortage of healthy workers, not so much restrictions, though they are in place.

WASHINGTON (TND) — The rapidly rising COVID-19 cases shattered another record in the U.S. with more than 488,000 new cases reported Wednesday.

During this shocking surge, confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is faltering after it backtracked on the percentage of cases caused by the omicron variant.

The organization originally reported 73% were caused by the new strain but it has now adjusted that number to just 22%.

Its health officials have also shortened the recommended isolation period for asymptomatic COVID patients from 10 days down to five.

Critics say the CDC did not do enough to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients and should require testing to confirm they are not still contagious before returning to work.

The former U.S. surgeon general has weighed in to defend them saying, “the CDC is a large institution that does amazing work to protect us all. They just aren’t great at communicating but the sooner they hit the reset button the better. This is an easy fix — if they own it."


Well-Known Member
Delta and winter are still causing the most covid cases, the vaxxed are still better protected against it than omicron. This time stuff is shutting down due to a shortage of healthy workers, not so much restrictions, though they are in place.

WASHINGTON (TND) — The rapidly rising COVID-19 cases shattered another record in the U.S. with more than 488,000 new cases reported Wednesday.

During this shocking surge, confidence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is faltering after it backtracked on the percentage of cases caused by the omicron variant.

The organization originally reported 73% were caused by the new strain but it has now adjusted that number to just 22%.

Its health officials have also shortened the recommended isolation period for asymptomatic COVID patients from 10 days down to five.

Critics say the CDC did not do enough to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients and should require testing to confirm they are not still contagious before returning to work.

The former U.S. surgeon general has weighed in to defend them saying, “the CDC is a large institution that does amazing work to protect us all. They just aren’t great at communicating but the sooner they hit the reset button the better. This is an easy fix — if they own it."
the CDC is now led by those who are experienced and know what they're doing; i feel as if they're rolling up the sidewalks on the pandemic quicker than the Orange Turd.

it gives me an uneasy feeling.


Well-Known Member
I can't remember my last "easy feeling" in this whole rapidly changing mess,I hope to experience a carefree feeling again someday, but what are the odds?
i don't like secrecy and lying; we've been through too much; all citizens have lost family, friends because of inaction of our last.

Chopper Talk not necessary; a true plan shared with us is.

i keep reminding myself Obama took 18 months with the mess he was left; this is just so much bigger. Obama had 8 and i know Joe says he'll run again but c'mon he'll be 80 and the job is hard on the man- except for Trump he looks the same but that's what happens when you sell your soul, you don't age.


Well-Known Member
i don't like secrecy and lying; we've been through too much; all citizens have lost family, friends because of inaction of our last.

Chopper Talk not necessary; a true plan shared with us is.

i keep reminding myself Obama took 18 months with the mess he was left; this is just so much bigger. Obama had 8 and i know Joe says he'll run again but c'mon he'll be 80 and the job is hard on the man- except for Trump he looks the same but that's what happens when you sell your soul, you don't age.
Biden has done ok, the economy is booming in spite of the pandemic, unemployment is a an all time low, and worker empowerment is higher than it's been in decades. Everybody knows who the roadblocks to progress are in the senate and there is not much that can be done about the bottleneck. Covid will probably burn through by spring and I expect this summer and fall to be much better. The name of the game is holding the house and increasing the senate, there are a lot of senate there up for grabs in 2022. I figure the delays we've seen in justice are largely the normal course of things, that's what the public hearings are for, to expose things before the election and right up to election day if required. The GOP could have a half dozen house members in legal trouble by election day and exposed before then.

So with the economy roaring along, unemployment low, the pandemic largely behind us by fall, continuing division in the GOP, Donald's legal woes and lunatic republican candidates should help the democrats. Apparently the effects of redistricting are not as bad as were once thought and the democrats are now focused of voting and election legislation that they should be able to pass. So IMHO the odds in the 2022 election look good, in spite of tradition and much will depend on what happens in the courts in the next year. Remember many of the underlings in 1/6 will be in squeal deals and will plead guilty in 2022, though it might take awhile to nail the ringleaders and Trump.

Will it make a difference? Perhaps, if enough republican support can be eroded and the democratic base motivated to turn out. Donald did promise to destroy the republican party if they tried to remove him and walk his base out of the party. He might do that yet as he panics, freaks out and flails while going down in NY. He will need money and power, lately the base has been his biggest source of cash and power, he won't let that go in his hour of need, but will use them like toilet paper.


Well-Known Member
I hope you’re right. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed live music over the past 2 years.
A few hours ago I dropped into a Bob Evans to pick up breakfast for our holiday crew. The place was packed. I was the only one wearing a mask. They have grown complacent. Half believe Covid doesn't exist, half believe it does but vaccinations don't help. They learned this from tv.

Anyway, the unvaccinated are letting their guard down at just the wrong time. Omicron will go through them like a hot knife through butter. When it has its way with them we might actually reach herd immunity for long enough to break the cycle.

Our workplace should be chock full of rapid tests despite their iffy results but we have none. If I took one today and tested positive, it would not surprise me. I was boosted 16 days ago so my immunity is as high as this vaccination can get me. No symptoms that are crossing over any thresholds but I have had a runny nose and mild inability to control my body temp. I have had a couple dozen close conversations with people now covid positive in the last week. I wear a mask - none of them do. It would be pretty cool if I don't have it, but would not surprise me a bit if I do. I will keep an eye on the cats as they are the only unvaccinated members of our home.
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