
I guess all 60 or so people who live in Iceland all get along.
Amazing story Iceland. They used to all meet once a year and the people would make the rules and any grievances would be settled. There was no outside force to police laws it was just the people themselves abiding by the laws and sorting issues out themselves.
Not sure how peaceful some of the instances would of been back n the day when fishermen would be off fishing for

I had a lovely two nights with an Iceland girl in Nottingham in '92... the drapes matched the carpet.

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Real estate very rarely comes down in Australia. I was a Real estate agent and a property investor many years ago. The market is not slowing down and i think it would be an easy sale and a nice tidy profit in 5 years time. Right now any house on the market is selling very fast with multiple offers above asking price. We may see a slow down in 2 to 3 years but i dont think many would expect a contraction in price. But then like any investment its a gamble.

I just feel sorry for the kids. My daughter moved back home to save a a house deposit. She saved 50k in two years but house's increased 50% in that time so she is still saving for a deposit as the market keeps moving away from her.
Impressive economy & I wish your daughter much success in her search :)
Real estate very rarely comes down in Australia. I was a Real estate agent and a property investor many years ago. The market is not slowing down and i think it would be an easy sale and a nice tidy profit in 5 years time. Right now any house on the market is selling very fast with multiple offers above asking price. We may see a slow down in 2 to 3 years but i dont think many would expect a contraction in price. But then like any investment its a gamble.

I just feel sorry for the kids. My daughter moved back home to save a a house deposit. She saved 50k in two years but house's increased 50% in that time so she is still saving for a deposit as the market keeps moving away from her.
The housing market around here is similar. Houses around us are selling for over a million that aren’t as nice as ours. We payed less then 500k for our house 5 years ago. A colleague of my wife’s is moving from Toronto to our area, about an hour or so west of Toronto. They put an offer on a place last week 200k over the asking price. They didn’t even get a response.

I feel sorry for young people like your daughter these days. Home ownership may be beyond possibility for many of them further signalling the erosion of the middle class.
You have to.

Is Ukraine an ally of the US?

The United States reaffirms its unwavering support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, extending to its territorial waters. The U.S.-Ukraine relationship serves as a cornerstone for security, democracy, and human rights in Ukraine and the broader region.2 days ago
United with Ukraine - United States Department of State
America will use lots of that kind of ammo. ie, words. All of eastern Europe is viewed as a way to slow the Red Army.
Many of us are talking about doing away with the obsolete electoral system.
Talk will be all it amounts to. It still takes three fourths or 38 of the states to agree to amend the Constitution. The small states are never going to do that. Keep in mind the way we elect presidents was a compromise that without which, there would have been no United States of America.
Talk will be all it amounts to. It still takes three fourths or 38 of the states to agree to amend the Constitution. The small states are never going to do that. Keep in mind the way we elect presidents was a compromise that without which, there would have been no United States of America.
I’m thinking there is enough momentum building to fragment what is still the Republican Party.
At that point, no more red hold on most of the states. Then I see a real chance to ratify.
America will use lots of that kind of ammo. ie, words. All of eastern Europe is viewed as a way to slow the Red Army.
Then the world's view of America will deteriorate even more and just like Trumps presidency it will help the rise of China. Interesting times we live in.
Then the world's view of America will deteriorate even more and just like Trumps presidency it will help the rise of China. Interesting times we live in.
Meh, chances are as soon as Russia starts their war, China will start their land grab too.

It is interesting that someone would complain about America not wanting to get drug into a war that another nation is starting when they also complain about America being warmongers.
The housing market around here is similar. Houses around us are selling for over a million that aren’t as nice as ours. We payed less then 500k for our house 5 years ago. A colleague of my wife’s is moving from Toronto to our area, about an hour or so west of Toronto. They put an offer on a place last week 200k over the asking price. They didn’t even get a response.

I feel sorry for young people like your daughter these days. Home ownership may be beyond possibility for many of them further signalling the erosion of the middle class.
For kids today to get even the down payment typically require help. Me and the Ex each contributed to the purchase of the kids homes but it wasn’t much :( and I co-signed the mortgage for the one. The other makes way more than me lol. The first purchase was a condo and at just under a million was on the cheaper side where she is..... most expensive city/country in the world :(. Crazy shit.
Yesterday have taken off, 6 Spanish Eurofighters more to protect the East-South border of the E.U. with Russia, apart from the Spanish Eurofighters that patrol and protect Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the East-Northeast, which are on high alert. It is also known that several frigates have left their Mediterranean bases for the Black Sea? The drums of war are beating in Eastern Europe... I hope that sanity will prevail.

Pd: In the middle of the visit to Lithuania of the Spanish president, being received and entertained by his Lithuanian host (with two Spanish Eurofighters on his back), the Spanish president has to alert the Lithuanian in the middle of his speech: "Scramble One!!!", so that he moves aside and let the fighters go: Russian fighter-bombers have just violated the Lithuanian airspace (to boycott the event):

Meh, chances are as soon as Russia starts their war, China will start their land grab too.

It is interesting that someone would complain about America not wanting to get drug into a war that another nation is starting when they also complain about America being warmongers.
I'm deeply troubled by the recent events Ukraine/Russia and I also agree that China is monitoring this situation with green eyes. I've always put myself in the Russians shoes w/the caveat that I think Pres. Putin is a mafioso dressed as a politician,that being said my previous point is that the Russians have suffered 2 devastating invasions in recent history(Napolean/Hitler), both overcome with incredible carnage suffered by the Russian people to eventually prevail. The West never gave Russia it's due in WW2 and I firmly believe DDay could have been a disaster had so much German armor had not been chewed up by Ivan on the Eastern front, I'm not overlooking Stalin's evil but Russia paid a price for victory multitudes greater in loss than the Allies. Fast forward, the Cold War ends and the West proclaims VICTORY (in your face Russia), not one iota of humbleness or graciousness. Russia has always been proud and just wanted some respect IMO. Then we expand NATO right to their borders present day in territories they once controlled. I can see taking on Poland,Hungary, and Checkoslovakia. But the Baltic countries are in a very sensitive area and bound to cause tension. On top of all of this just the mention of Ukraine potentially being admitted in the future is bound to drive the Russians bonkers. So we admitted these countries to the allance effectively watering it down and pushing it closer to Russia, factor in their paronoia from past wars and what do we have. Serious tensions all built on arrogance and under article 5 of NATO'S constitution are obligated to go to war over twice as many countries than in the original NATO. I think Putin sees how watered down NATO is combined with the slights he feels sees the opportunity to exploit and weaken or even call the alliances bluff. In any case it's all bad and very worrisome. Russians are tough,proud, and resilliant people and messing w/them is NO JOKE. Sure hope there is a facesaving way out of this mess, some of Putin's demands are outrageous,but that's what happens when you cage a tiger.ccguns
I wonder if the newly redesigned A10 warthog will be ready for service against Putin tanks if this kicks off.
A10 would only be able to operate effectively after Air Defenses are severely repressed(no easy task) S-400 system deployed by Russia is deadly vs. non stealthy aircraft.
Yesterday have taken off, 6 Spanish Eurofighters more to protect the East-South border of the E.U. with Russia, apart from the Spanish Eurofighters that patrol and protect Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the East-Northeast, which are on high alert. It is also known that several frigates have left their Mediterranean bases for the Black Sea? The drums of war are beating in Eastern Europe... I hope that sanity will prevail.

Pd: In the middle of the visit to Lithuania of the Spanish president, being received and entertained by his Lithuanian host (with two Spanish Eurofighters on his back), the Spanish president has to alert the Lithuanian in the middle of his speech: "Scramble One!!!", so that he moves aside and let the fighters go: Russian fighter-bombers have just violated the Lithuanian airspace (to boycott the event):

These are the times where you hope the pilots have steel balls, dangerous tit for tat sabre rattling easily leadsto miscalculation, miscalculation leads to a FOX1 being fired, gloves off accidently then what?