Did I Just Get Scammed by Spider Farmer? Sketch PayPal

Did I get scammed?

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I just ordered the new light for the set up off of the Spuder Farmer website, and I used PayPal. It's not like I insisted on PayPal It's just that was the websites set mode of payment. However, the PayPal looked super sketchy after giving a close look(of course after already paying).
Any thoughts? I know this site is more for the actual growing tips but I didn't really know where else to go ther than reddit.
What's sketch about it? Do you honestly think the Spider Farmer site is trying to rip you off? What's up with this trend of people trashing companies before they know something is even wrong?
First off I wasn't trying to trash the company. I was just making sure my money was in safe hands. I haven't seen someone use Hotmail in a little bit, especially a product selling website. I also have never seen a Chinese Email for a Canadian based site.
Yep, and I even went ahead and emailed the customer service email provided at the bottom of the page. Haven't gotten back to me yet
you ordered from the correct website. It’s a a Chinese company. Your dollars are going to a Chinese company doing Chinese things and all that good jazz.
First off I wasn't trying to trash the company. I was just making sure my money was in safe hands. I haven't seen someone use Hotmail in a little bit, especially a product selling website. I also have never seen a Chinese Email for a Canadian based site.
If it PayPal they’re good about getting your money back if it was a a scam. I like paying with PayPal.
First off I wasn't trying to trash the company. I was just making sure my money was in safe hands. I haven't seen someone use Hotmail in a little bit, especially a product selling website. I also have never seen a Chinese Email for a Canadian based site.
If you go into the contact (on the canadian website) they give you a chinese number and address for contact. I wouldn't worry about it at all honestly. Also Amazon gives better deals on SpiderFarmer, that is if you're specific to that brand, and they go on sale a nice bit.
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