

Well-Known Member
Poland will annex the western Ukraine quicker than you can say WTF if given the chance it's their territory before ww2
Your crystal ball need polishing.
Two of Russia's billionaires call for peace in Ukraine
Two Russian billionaires, Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska, called for an end to the conflict triggered by President Vladimir Putin's assault on Ukraine, with Fridman calling it a tragedy for both countries' people.

Billionaire Fridman, who was born in western Ukraine, told staff in a letter that the conflict was driving a wedge between the two eastern Slav peoples of Russia and Ukraine who have been brothers for centuries.

"I was born in Western Ukraine and lived there until I was 17. My parents are Ukrainian citizens and live in Lviv, my favorite city," Fridman wrote in the letter, excerpts of which Reuters saw.

"But I have also spent much of my life as a citizen of Russia, building and growing businesses. I am deeply attached to the Ukrainian and Russian peoples and see the current conflict as a tragedy for them both."

Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska, used a post on Telegram to called for peace talks to begin "as fast as possible."

"Peace is very important," said Deripaska, who is the founder of Russian aluminum giant Rusal, in which he still owns a stake via his shares in its parent company En+ Group.

On Feb. 21, Deripaska said there would not be a war.

Washington imposed sanctions on Deripaska and other influential Russians because of their ties to Putin after alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, which Moscow denies.

Russia's so-called oligarchs, who once exercised significant influence over then-president Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s, are facing economic chaos after the West imposed severe sanctions on Russia over Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Putin, after consulting his security council of senior officials, said he ordered the special military operation to protect people, including Russian citizens, from "genocide" - an accusation the West calls baseless propaganda.

The Ukrainian president's office said negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow would be held at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

"This crisis will cost lives and damage two nations who have been brothers for hundreds of years," Fridman said.

"While a solution seems frighteningly far off, I can only join those whose fervent desire is for the bloodshed to end. I’m sure my partners share my view."

One of Fridman's long-term partners, Pyotr Aven, attended a meeting at the Kremlin with Putin and 36 other major Russian businessmen last week, the Kremlin said.

Another Moscow billionaire told Reuters on condition of anonymity that the war was going to be a catastrophe.

"It is going to be catastrophic in all senses: for the economy, for relations with the rest of the world, for the political situation," the billionaire said.

The billionaires who gathered for a meeting with Putin in the Kremlin on Thursday were silent, he said.

"Businessmen understand very well the consequences. But who is asking the opinion of business about this?"
This is a big deal. Dark triad types (narcissist-sociopath-Machiavellian), as Putin is, would view them as traitors. Because they were formerly allies he can be expected to do all he can to punish them. Putin has never hesitated taking away assets from oligarchs who defy him. I don't think there can ever be a return to his graces.

Deripaska owns one of the largest aluminum foundries in the world that is located in South Eastern Ukraine. If Putin succeeds in his adventure in Ukraine, it's no longer his. I don't think he'd say what he did if he thought Putin were still a threat.


Well-Known Member
Twitter, Facebook.

Ukraine becoming a Europian member will need all the countries to approve it and the legislative process will take some time. The conflict should be over by then.
This fight is about the future and that just got brighter for the Ukrainians, after this shit, if they fight well, they will have the support, Ukraine a huge resources too. I won't stop the EU from helping them along with NATO and they will continue to do so now until Crimea is liberated. They are gonna make the pill as bitter as they can, nothing drains a national treasury like war and the Russians are fucked financially now. Also a nuked up mafia Don ain't gonna dictate terms to NATO.


Well-Known Member
i wonder who could be doing these....hmmmm

The websites of Moskovsky Komsomolets, Forbes, Takie Dela, RBC, Peopletalk and many others, as well as the websites of Sberbank, VTB, Tinkoff, Pravo.ru are not working. Today, the websites of TASS, Kommersant, Fontanka and Izvestia, RBC, Buro 24/ 7, Chalk and E1 were hacked

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
What do you all think of this? If Russia and China wanted to abandon the US Dollar without it being considered an act of war, what better way than thru forced sanctions by the west?

Interesting thread here: View attachment 5093782
what difference does it make what units you count it in? America is still in the system, no matter whose currency is used to keep track of it, and so are russia and belarus and china...you could call the units rubles, or yuan, or bitcoins, or what the fuck ever...they didn't change anything...
and what do you mean abandon the us dollar without it being an act of war?...they both have their own currency...ever nation on earth has it's own currency....they use dollars to define value because its both a usually very stable currency, and countries all around the world use it as a standard...all of that is sound and fury, signifying nothing

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i wonder who could be doing these....hmmmm

The websites of Moskovsky Komsomolets, Forbes, Takie Dela, RBC, Peopletalk and many others, as well as the websites of Sberbank, VTB, Tinkoff, Pravo.ru are not working. Today, the websites of TASS, Kommersant, Fontanka and Izvestia, RBC, Buro 24/ 7, Chalk and E1 were hacked
i think there's more value to this than what is apparent on the surface...the more sites russia has to work to restore, the less their cyber warfare personnel are able to commit mayhem around the world...keep the fuckers busy fixing their own shit.


Ursus marijanus
Your crystal ball need polishing.

This is a big deal. Dark triad types (narcissist-sociopath-Machiavellian), as Putin is, would view them as traitors. Because they were formerly allies he can be expected to do all he can to punish them. Putin has never hesitated taking away assets from oligarchs who defy him. I don't think there can ever be a return to his graces.

Deripaska owns one of the largest aluminum foundries in the world that is located in South Eastern Ukraine. If Putin succeeds in his adventure in Ukraine, it's no longer his. I don't think he'd say what he did if he thought Putin were still a threat.
A true friend would lovingly polish both zeroes.


Well-Known Member
What do you all think of this? If Russia and China wanted to abandon the US Dollar without it being considered an act of war, what better way than thru forced sanctions by the west?

Interesting thread here: View attachment 5093782
Twitter rubbish, that’s my thought on it. “If China wanted to abandon the US dollar” is purely hypothetical on a short term. It’s not something they can simply do without major negative effects for themselves and positive effects for the US (like a cheap way to get rid off debts).


Well-Known Member
what difference does it make what units you count it in? America is still in the system, no matter whose currency is used to keep track of it, and so are russia and belarus and china...you could call the units rubles, or yuan, or bitcoins, or what the fuck ever...they didn't change anything...
and what do you mean abandon the us dollar without it being an act of war?...they both have their own currency...ever nation on earth has it's own currency....they use dollars to define value because its both a usually very stable currency, and countries all around the world use it as a standard...all of that is sound and fury, signifying nothing
If they are pricing the oil in rubles the Chinese will get a deal! We can help China to stab Russia in the back by dangling Iran oil in front of them and making them their energy hinterland for a decade until they go green new grid.


Well-Known Member
i think there's more value to this than what is apparent on the surface...the more sites russia has to work to restore, the less their cyber warfare personnel are able to commit mayhem around the world...keep the fuckers busy fixing their own shit.
oh these guys are good, they hacked a tv outlet, now every channel is describing what russia is doing in Ukraine, one station that brought down in the night actually play the national athem of Ukraine on it......classic


Well-Known Member
This is a big deal. Dark triad types (narcissist-sociopath-Machiavellian), as Putin is, would view them as traitors. Because they were formerly allies he can be expected to do all he can to punish them. Putin has never hesitated taking away assets from oligarchs who defy him. I don't think there can ever be a return to his graces.

Deripaska owns one of the largest aluminum foundries in the world that is located in South Eastern Ukraine. If Putin succeeds in his adventure in Ukraine, it's no longer his. I don't think he'd say what he did if he thought Putin were still a threat.
I don’t remember the source, info overload, but some Brit on TV just said it is suspected there are 2 or 3 oligarchs who manage Putin’s fortune and are the true bosses. They don’t know who, but with others jumping ship it may become more obvious soon.


Well-Known Member
What do you all think of this? If Russia and China wanted to abandon the US Dollar without it being considered an act of war, what better way than thru forced sanctions by the west?

Interesting thread here: View attachment 5093782
Not much to think about. The petrodollar has been declining in importance for fifty years. Can you cite any advantages to the US from the petrodollar? Forbes can't.

But we should be clear: the Petro-dollar does not exist, and really hasn't done in any meaningful way since the 1970s, therefore the "Petro-yuan" has no future. This is not to say that oil will never be traded in yuan, that is likely, but it is to say that trading oil in yuan will not suddenly transform the currency into the global reserve many claim is inevitable

Nations trade in US dollars because its stable, our government is stable, our financial system operates within the rule of law and our economy is robust. Chinese government's actions to create a different petroleum currency based upon the Yuan is a not malicious act. They are gorged on US dollars and for their own sake need to wean themselves from the US dollar. Given autocratic actions taken by the Chinese government that favor insiders within the politically connected and financially elite of Chinese society, do you think the rest of the world will clamor to become beholden to that system? That said, if Trump and his Republicans manage to accomplish the take-down of our democracy, then maybe the US dollar will be less useful in international trade. As a US citizen, I would then have much more to worry about than Saudi Arabia's means of payment for their oil.