Dropped 100$ in doge

What a shit show thread this has turned into, experts galore.
Stick to the weed growing because you blokes haven't a clue.
Speculators deserve to get burned because they contribute nothing.
Miners are the lifeblood of crypto, while speculators are the leeches.
Welcome to the bear market finally it has arrived.
Miners love the bulls and the bears because we make money every day regardless while the leeches disappear for another 3 years and when you return on the next bull run miners will be right there selling you their coin.
Bernies 6 X long on BTC paid off well $1,000 USD into $4500 in out and haven't played since, loving the ETH price over 4k, money for nothing.
Currently running 19 gpu`s with another one arriving tomorrow RTX 3070 TI, picked it up for !,000 USD too easy, paid with mining profits.
Hows that doge going for you today?
Goodluck speculators, your gonna need it.
What a shit show thread this has turned into, experts galore.
Stick to the weed growing because you blokes haven't a clue.
Speculators deserve to get burned because they contribute nothing.
Miners are the lifeblood of crypto, while speculators are the leeches.
Welcome to the bear market finally it has arrived.
Miners love the bulls and the bears because we make money every day regardless while the leeches disappear for another 3 years and when you return on the next bull run miners will be right there selling you their coin.
Bernies 6 X long on BTC paid off well $1,000 USD into $4500 in out and haven't played since, loving the ETH price over 4k, money for nothing.
Currently running 19 gpu`s with another one arriving tomorrow RTX 3070 TI, picked it up for !,000 USD too easy, paid with mining profits.
Hows that doge going for you today?
Goodluck speculators, your gonna need it.
Hi Bernie, I pulled out all of my original investment a month and a half or so ago, and only left profits in crypto. I'm up around 50% from the start of the year overall.
What a shit show thread this has turned into, experts galore.
Stick to the weed growing because you blokes haven't a clue.
Speculators deserve to get burned because they contribute nothing.
Miners are the lifeblood of crypto, while speculators are the leeches.
Welcome to the bear market finally it has arrived.
Miners love the bulls and the bears because we make money every day regardless while the leeches disappear for another 3 years and when you return on the next bull run miners will be right there selling you their coin.
Bernies 6 X long on BTC paid off well $1,000 USD into $4500 in out and haven't played since, loving the ETH price over 4k, money for nothing.
Currently running 19 gpu`s with another one arriving tomorrow RTX 3070 TI, picked it up for !,000 USD too easy, paid with mining profits.
Hows that doge going for you today?
Goodluck speculators, your gonna need it.
I was considering building a rig for mining, can you point me in a good direction?
Would I be off base in saying that all those TV commercials that started popping up about 6 months ago was the companies pumping in new investors so they could sell before the crash? Sure seemed like a setup. Lots of crypto ada on TV, TV shows talking up crypto, all trying to create interest and then they tank and drop 50%?

Looks to me like a total setup but am curious if those in the know think or know differently.
Would I be off base in saying that all those TV commercials that started popping up about 6 months ago was the companies pumping in new investors so they could sell before the crash? Sure seemed like a setup. Lots of crypto ada on TV, TV shows talking up crypto, all trying to create interest and then they tank and drop 50%?

Looks to me like a total setup but am curious if those in the know think or know differently.

It's been a big pump and dump for years. Nothing new here other than some celebrities acting like they invented crypto despite the fact that they can't write a single line of code. Those of us that were mining crypto years ago have been telling people to be careful. I warned people in this thread and was ridiculed by some.
It's been a big pump and dump for years. Nothing new here other than some celebrities acting like they invented crypto despite the fact that they can't write a single line of code. Those of us that were mining crypto years ago have been telling people to be careful. I warned people in this thread and was ridiculed by some.
Man the USA doesnt even hide its greedy every man for himself guerilla marketing. Watching Matt Damon and other stars on the commercials I can only think they were paid big time in crypto, took no risk, and are just pumping the market.

I still think Damon is awesome, and he can do whatever he wants to make a $. But the shows on CNN and other stations talking it up at the exact moment it crashed was ridiculous.
Man the USA doesnt even hide its greedy every man for himself guerilla marketing. Watching Matt Damon and other stars on the commercials I can only think they were paid big time in crypto, took no risk, and are just pumping the market.

I still think Damon is awesome, and he can do whatever he wants to make a $. But the shows on CNN and other stations talking it up at the exact moment it crashed was ridiculous.

It's actually recovered somewhat from the recent low. Could be a good time for those wanting to get in or not.

You can definitely make money playing with it but you need to take profits along the way. So many people get caught in the hype and just keep holding thinking it's always going to keep going up. Back when btc was pushing 70k anyone that had seen any significant profit would have been foolish not to take it. But greed got the best of many and those that got in last July when btc was $30k and didn't recoup their initial investment when it was on the way to the moon in November lost out.
My son is into all this. Tried to explain everything to me unsuccessfully. He bought into some cryptos last year and some NFTs (or something like that) photos/pics of some stupid monkeys and now they are worth alot of money I told him sell sell sell. His buddy that got him involved has been playing in this for a several years with virtually pocket change. Last fall he bought a 80 acre plot of land with a 3500 square foot home and a 20 x 40 insulated shop AND a new 4wd truck thats cost more than my house. And still had the money to build it into a commercial op. He said he hasn't made a million yet but getting close and has invested about 15K of his own money the last three years......and I still dont understand all this shit. All I know is my son needs to hit it. Dad wants to move to a warmer climate.
I would appreciate the guidance as well
Its all over for gpu mining, no point building a rig since december and now its even worse, much worse Eth mining will end this year supposed to be June maybe delayed until august and the next most profitable coin to mine will generate 50% less than Eth. I sold my best gpu`s in december rtx 3070`s when eth was at 4000usd today eth is around 2600usd. I am still mining with 16x 1660 supers bring in only 20usd per day my rigs are well and truly paid for and made 180% roi thru 2021 but right now Im just running down the clock until the end of Eth. So my advice is dont bother building a gpu rig right now it will be a losing venture.
I very rarely make trades, usually just mine and sell my eth and either cash out or stake usdt for a good interest rate currently 10% PA.

But once in a while a good opportunity presents.

On the 16th of March the Fed will raise interest rates the first time in almost 4 years, that will send the crypto market down significantly I will make a short trade on Eth looking for a 10% drop, I will use 5X leverage on a 1,000 USD trade so that will give me a 50% profit in one day hopfully if all goes to plan, I will put the trade on the 15th, if you wanna get on that trade look for USD/ETH futures perpetual.
Its a gamble but and educated gamble Im looking for a 500USD profit in one day.

The last time I made a trade like this was many months ago I went long on BTC 1,000USD and made 1,250USD over 1 week yes 125% profit.

I usually never trade but when an opportunity presents itself I have a crack, this current trade has been months in the making, its not guaranteed, nothing is and they always warn you leverage trading is a danger, if it goes the wrong way you can lose the lot, so buyer beware, but fuck it, I`m having a go.

Happy trading.
Anyone want to take a crack explaining the basics of what the mining is? I know people build a high powered computer to run computations...supposedly it is building a block chain verifying transactions? Most of us just dont grasp the basics of what the currency is based upon....any short summaries anyone cares to share?
Its all over for gpu mining, no point building a rig since december and now its even worse, much worse Eth mining will end this year supposed to be June maybe delayed until august and the next most profitable coin to mine will generate 50% less than Eth. I sold my best gpu`s in december rtx 3070`s when eth was at 4000usd today eth is around 2600usd. I am still mining with 16x 1660 supers bring in only 20usd per day my rigs are well and truly paid for and made 180% roi thru 2021 but right now Im just running down the clock until the end of Eth. So my advice is dont bother building a gpu rig right now it will be a losing venture.
Can you give me a run down of what id need to get System setup you can message me if need be ill take a extra 20 a day is all supplemental income it adds up
Its all over for gpu mining, no point building a rig since december and now its even worse, much worse Eth mining will end this year supposed to be June maybe delayed until august and the next most profitable coin to mine will generate 50% less than Eth. I sold my best gpu`s in december rtx 3070`s when eth was at 4000usd today eth is around 2600usd. I am still mining with 16x 1660 supers bring in only 20usd per day my rigs are well and truly paid for and made 180% roi thru 2021 but right now Im just running down the clock until the end of Eth. So my advice is dont bother building a gpu rig right now it will be a losing venture.

Why ? Because the graphic cards are so expensive?
I very rarely make trades, usually just mine and sell my eth and either cash out or stake usdt for a good interest rate currently 10% PA.

But once in a while a good opportunity presents.

On the 16th of March the Fed will raise interest rates the first time in almost 4 years, that will send the crypto market down significantly I will make a short trade on Eth looking for a 10% drop, I will use 5X leverage on a 1,000 USD trade so that will give me a 50% profit in one day hopfully if all goes to plan, I will put the trade on the 15th, if you wanna get on that trade look for USD/ETH futures perpetual.
Its a gamble but and educated gamble Im looking for a 500USD profit in one day.

The last time I made a trade like this was many months ago I went long on BTC 1,000USD and made 1,250USD over 1 week yes 125% profit.

I usually never trade but when an opportunity presents itself I have a crack, this current trade has been months in the making, its not guaranteed, nothing is and they always warn you leverage trading is a danger, if it goes the wrong way you can lose the lot, so buyer beware, but fuck it, I`m having a go.

Happy trading.
ETH is up 7.4% on the weekly....how is that leveraged short working out for you?