

Well-Known Member
Looks like the US has decided to make Ukraine it's line in the sand. The US is sending the kind of weapon systems in that will turn Ukraine into the killing fields for Russians. This will not be pretty or short unless the mad midget is removed or the Russian military collapses from all the loses.
Basically the US has told NATO countries to send Ukraine all their weapons and the US will replace them.
If Uncle Sam is gonna back anybody, this is the best bet I've seen in a long time. They will use the weapons, they won't be given to the Russians but they will die with them in their hands.
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Well-Known Member
If it is Vlad's intention to destroy his army and it's equipment, then he found the right spot and the right people to do it. In a couple of months at the most, the Ukrainian combat soldiers will out number his forces in the country significantly, and then there are the well armed and trained territorials by then. When a soldier isn't fighting, he's training to do so and they probably have been rotating troops out for R&R plus training courses. The Russians are getting no relief and I doubt are being rotated out of combat for R&R, replacements are probably conscripts drawn from the rear logistical units for now. Putin is having a lot of trouble finding troops to fight, the Ukrainians had over 300K expatriate men, volunteer to return home and fight, that by it's self is bigger than Vlad's entire force in the country. The Ukrainians have a draft, but at this point I'm not even sure they need one, they are turning away fit volunteers for the regular army.

Volunteers are one thing, but weapons and equipment are another, fortunately Russia supplied many of the weapons used and Uncle Sam is providing modern game changing weapons. These modern anti tank and AA shoulder launched weapons have removed much of the Russian's combat power with tanks and tactical air support. They are a great equalizer on the battlefield, along with Vlad's major blunder of attacking at the beginning of mud season. This is another thing that greatly limits the combat power of the Russians, they are stuck on the roads in a sea of mud. When the road passes through a village or built up urban area, they are sitting ducks. By fucking up so badly the Russians gave the Ukrainians time to organize and train large forces while NATO was given time to supply them. Everyday the Ukrainians get stronger and they are also much better lead than the Russians from top to bottom.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe America should shut the fuck up and let the two corrupt gangsters duke it out by themselves. Make no mistake, the reason that Putin will drop the bomb will be American meddling.


Well-Known Member
A testing ground for new weapons, especially drones, apparently the Russians are using killer drones, or so they say. It looks like Uncle Sam will need to send more switchblade drones, but I think the 100 drones they announced are fraction of the real number of switchblades they are giving them using the black budget. The Americans should be able to account for every one used by electronic means, so not too many will be unaccounted for. I think these killer drones alone could do much to alleviate the bombardment of cities and the murder of civilians, they can also take out key command and control centers and assassinate generals from miles away.
Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow uses hypersonic missiles


Well-Known Member
Maybe America should shut the fuck up and let the two corrupt gangsters duke it out by themselves. Make no mistake, the reason that Putin will drop the bomb will be American meddling.
Putin is meddling, isn't he? Breaking the UN charter stuff like that, murdering innocents. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Well there's evil here Burt and it could not be more stark, Zelenskiy is a good man trying to reform his country and his party is progressive.


Well-Known Member
Maybe America should shut the fuck up and let the two corrupt gangsters duke it out by themselves. Make no mistake, the reason that Putin will drop the bomb will be American meddling.
Putin - "I am fighting this war so we don't have war."

Nobody threatened Russia. Ukraine had not been working up to go to war as there was no reason for war. Without weapons how was a peaceful country to defend itself?


Well-Known Member
Russia claims it hit Ukrainian weapons storage with hypersonic missile
Russia on Saturday said it struck a Ukrainian weapons storage facility with a hypersonic missile.

A video shared by the Russian Defense Ministry shows a missile striking a building and obliterating it on impact.

"Destruction of a weapons depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by high-precision missile weapons strike," the ministry wrote. "We can see the exact hit of an underground hangar with weapons and ammunition."

Russian Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said the strike was carried out on Friday and destroyed a "large underground storage facility for missiles and aviation ammunition" in the village of Deliatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Russian officials also claimed to have destroyed a Ukrainian convoy earlier on Saturday with similar high-precision weapon strikes.

Last year, Russia conducted its first successful test of a hypersonic missile, which fly in the atmosphere at more than five times the speed of sound.

Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24 but the offensive has stalled amid stiff resistance from Ukrainian forces.

The Russian military has bombed and shelled Ukrainian cities, and has nearly destroyed Mariupol in the southeastern part of the country. Strikes have also been carried out against civilians, including those against a maternity hospital and a theater where hundreds of citizens were estimated to have been hiding.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday night said in a Facebook video address that Russian military commanders "are not able to offer their political leadership anything but cruel and erroneous tactics to exhaust us."

"Nothing but constant strikes at the civilian population, peaceful cities, people, children," he said. "But this tactic of the Russian military only worsens the situation for the Russian state."


Well-Known Member
So Canada should give no aid to Ukraine too?
Who said anything about "aid". I'm talking about weapons and military support.

I'm for sending humanitarian aid, taking in refugees, etc... that goes without saying.

If it weren't for the romancing from the US and other European countries with the old carrot on a string trick (a NATO membership that has zero possibility of coming to fruition without sparking WW3), Zolensky would have been forced to take a more diplomatic approach to Russia. When you openly tell your enemy they are too pussy to use nuclear weapons, from that point forward you stand alone. Period!!!! Ridiculous cowboy bullshit, those are not the words of a "hero", those are the words of a fool and his ego.

This is turning into another proxy war for American energy interests. Oil and money under the guise of "protecting democracy". Welcome to Ukghanitan!!

Haven't we had enough of this?



Well-Known Member
This was shot on Feb. 24th with a helmet mounted gopro, he might as well, corrupt officials sold his night vision equipment on the black market! Since Stingers have been pouring into the country this kind of thing has become suicide for the Russians and you can see their value in eliminating this kind of close tactical air support and removing much of the Russian's combat power.

Stingers make infantry troops lethal for Russian helicopters and jets flying close to the ground over contested territory.

Ukrainie War - Russian KA-52 Emergency Landing During Combat Sortie At Hostomel Airport • POV

Intense video footage reportedly released by the Russian MoD shows a Russian KA-52 attack helicopter conducting a low flying combat sortie at Hostomel Airport on February 24th


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about "aid". I'm talking about weapons and military support.

I'm for sending humanitarian aid, taking in refugees, etc... that goes without saying.

If it weren't for the romancing from the US and other European countries with the old carrot on a string trick (a NATO membership that has zero possibility of coming to fruition without sparking WW3), Zolensky would have been forced to take a more diplomatic approach to Russia. When you openly tell your enemy they are too pussy to use nuclear weapons, from that point forward you stand alone. Period!!!! Ridiculous cowboy bullshit, those are not the words of a "hero", those are the words of a fool and his ego.

This is turning into another proxy war for American energy interests. Oil and money under the guise of "protecting democracy". Welcome to Ukghanitan!!

Haven't we had enough of this?

Seriously, you can't see through your prejudices and preconceived notions of the world and are allowing fear to govern you. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible. You are blinded to the fight for national liberation and liberal democracy, warts and all by the people of the country, united in purpose. We know the rules of cold war and proxy war and we are in another one. This is one man's war and one man's fault, that much is clear.


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about "aid". I'm talking about weapons and military support.

I'm for sending humanitarian aid, taking in refugees, etc... that goes without saying.

If it weren't for the romancing from the US and other European countries with the old carrot on a string trick (a NATO membership that has zero possibility of coming to fruition without sparking WW3), Zolensky would have been forced to take a more diplomatic approach to Russia. When you openly tell your enemy they are too pussy to use nuclear weapons, from that point forward you stand alone. Period!!!! Ridiculous cowboy bullshit, those are not the words of a "hero", those are the words of a fool and his ego.

This is turning into another proxy war for American energy interests. Oil and money under the guise of "protecting democracy". Welcome to Ukghanitan!!

Haven't we had enough of this?



Well-Known Member
Seriously, you can't see through your prejudices and preconceived notions of the world and are allowing fear to govern you. Courage is the queen of all the virtues, for without courage none of the others are possible. You are blinded to the fight for national liberation and liberal democracy, warts and all by the people of the country, united in purpose. We know the rules of cold war and proxy war and we are in another one. This is one man's war and one man's fault, that much is clear.
Yeah, so the US staged coupe that overthrew the Russian friendly government in 2014 in favor of a more western friendly government that is responsible for the killing of 14,000 Russian Ukranians since they took power had nothing to do with this occupation. Just a madman with an alien brain worm.

Putin took the bait, that's on him 100%, but in this new age of taking responsibility for your actions America needs to eat a bowl of responsibility soup.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They just fired off a hypersonic missile
those are stupid and useless in the situation they are in...seems to me they are using up the reserves they had in case NATO stepped in, because they are running out of other munitions...
hypersonic missiles used to deliver conventional bombs are like using an f-15 ex to deliver the sunday paper....wasteful overkill, probably caused by a lack of other alternatives


Well-Known Member
Who said anything about "aid". I'm talking about weapons and military support.

I'm for sending humanitarian aid, taking in refugees, etc... that goes without saying.

If it weren't for the romancing from the US and other European countries with the old carrot on a string trick (a NATO membership that has zero possibility of coming to fruition without sparking WW3), Zolensky would have been forced to take a more diplomatic approach to Russia. When you openly tell your enemy they are too pussy to use nuclear weapons, from that point forward you stand alone. Period!!!! Ridiculous cowboy bullshit, those are not the words of a "hero", those are the words of a fool and his ego.

This is turning into another proxy war for American energy interests. Oil and money under the guise of "protecting democracy". Welcome to Ukghanitan!!

Haven't we had enough of this?


Naive, the mad midgets goal is to control the gaps in the natural defenses of the russian empire and to do that he will need to control NATO teritory. Ukraine is just the first step and he will need to take countries or parts of countries like Romania,Poland, and Germany along with some others.


Well-Known Member
Mostly soviet era stuff that works against Russians, most things do apparently, more Russian made arms to kill Russians in Ukraine. The Russians will not just end up paying damages for this war with seized money, they will be largely killed by the weapons they made and paid for. Advance weapons from the west are the icing on the cake, the arms merchants won't do that well, most of the arms were made by socialist countries!
Slovakia announced its readiness to transfer the S-300PMU air defense division to Ukraine.

ASlovakia announced its readiness to transfer the S-300PMU air defense division to Ukraine.

Slovakia intends to transfer one division of the S-300PMU air defense system to Ukraine.
The only division of the S-300PMU air defense system, which is in service with Slovakia, will be transferred to Ukraine, provided that NATO countries or the United States provide Slovakia with an equivalent replacement for these systems. The decision to transfer the S-300 air defense system to the Armed Forces of Ukraine can be made as early as next week, as expected, after the NATO summit scheduled for March 24. At the moment, it remains unknown exactly how many mobile launchers are included in the Slovak division of the S-300PMU air defense system, however, according to a number of data, Slovakia also has about 100 anti-aircraft guided missiles for complexes of this type, with the presence of which the Armed Forces of Ukraine have just very serious problems.
Among other things, there is unconfirmed information that the S-300 systems may also be provided by Bulgaria, which also has one S-300 air defense division in service, however, so far there is no official data on this.
Earlier it became known that the United States and NATO agreed on the supply of four types of air defense systems to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
“According to a senior US official, these additional systems include Soviet-era mobile air defense systems SA-8 (Osa air defense system), SA-10 (S-300 air defense system), SA-12 (S-300V air defense system) and SA- 14 (MANPADS "Strela-3"). Their range is longer than that of the Stinger missiles previously delivered to Ukraine, which gives them the ability to hit cruise missiles. According to this senior US official, the systems have been received from NATO partner countries and are "on the way.", - said in the published material CNN.
Russia has not yet reacted to information about the supply of air defense equipment to Ukraine.
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