Well-Known Member
Yeah, well ya need to be mindful of it, but not live in fear of it or it allow you to be bullied threats. He is under an almost immediate death sentence if he does use nukes, when you hear Vlad heading for his bunker in the Urals worry, he won't do it while he's in the Kremlin. Vlad is fighting mightily to survive, that what this is all about now, his survival, if he loses badly in Ukraine and is humiliated, he knows it will threaten him back home. Like in America, it's not the left or liberals he has to worry about, he has to worry about those like himself the most, those he elevated to power. They won't be pissed that he went into Ukraine, but that he failed and fucked the country with his blunders. So Vlad has to win, but not at all costs, his primary goal now is to survive at home, but he is struggling to survive nonetheless and is definitely not suicidal, though he is getting pretty pissed.