
Yep in the betting contest of big cocks, Vlad whipped out a tiny pecker and is getting laughed off the stage by the well hung...
Sending weapons is destabilizing. Sending aid for the people I estimate as being less so.
Can you be much less stable than having Russia invading your country? DIY was calling this a proxy war, and I disagreed, but perhaps it has turned into one. We can't send men in to fight without causing Putin to escalate to at least chemical weapons, and potentially nukes...but how much more can he do? Hes drafting 150K men, but they'll be green recruits, not of much use, and many will probably dessert at the first chance...I say send the Ukraines as many weapons as they can use, while stepping up chemical and nuke survival training...they're fighting this war for the whole world while we armchair general...at least give them the tools to do the job we're abandoning them to do for us
Yeah, well ya need to be mindful of it, but not live in fear of it or it allow you to be bullied threats. He is under an almost immediate death sentence if he does use nukes, when you hear Vlad heading for his bunker in the Urals worry, he won't do it while he's in the Kremlin. Vlad is fighting mightily to survive, that what this is all about now, his survival, if he loses badly in Ukraine and is humiliated, he knows it will threaten him back home. Like in America, it's not the left or liberals he has to worry about, he has to worry about those like himself the most, those he elevated to power. They won't be pissed that he went into Ukraine, but that he failed and fucked the country with his blunders. So Vlad has to win, but not at all costs, his primary goal now is to survive at home, but he is struggling to survive nonetheless and is definitely not suicidal, though he is getting pretty pissed.
If he is still believing the yes men, then he IS stupid...I know he got rid of some, but did he replace them with more? Does he not have at least one or two people he can rely on, who he can have check out the reports he's getting? It seems inconceivable to me that he is that easily misled...he may not be a genius, but hes been acting like an idiot
If he is still believing the yes men, then he IS stupid...I know he got rid of some, but did he replace them with more? Does he not have at least one or two people he can rely on, who he can have check out the reports he's getting? It seems inconceivable to me that he is that easily misled...he may not be a genius, but hes been acting like an idiot
He is watching German TV news and I've posted quite a bit of their English programing, it's the same as all the free media's, so he has to be getting another narrative and independent military analysis, he speaks German. He might refuse to believe it, but he must be curious to know the reaction in the west, so it's likely he's watching some satellite TV. It is an easy information resource for him to access personally and it at least must have him wondering!
If Vlad loses, it will be the fanatical nationalist who do him, those driven out of Donbass and military hardliners who are being humiliated.
Former Russian TV host explains surprising Putin poll

If Vlad is seeing shit like this on German TV he will freak out, Vlad the spymaster will pay attention when the head of British intelligence speaks. He even understands English enough that he doesn't need the translation, Vlad is a spy and always was, when a peer speaks he listens, but might not believe, but he heard him for sure.
'This is the day Putin fights back against Europe', says Nic Robertson

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on a statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin that all payments for Russian oil, from 'unfriendly' nations, will have to be done in rubles. Russia will no longer accept euros.
If Vlad is seeing shit like this on German TV he will freak out, Vlad the spymaster will pay attention when the head of British intelligence speaks. He even understands English enough that he doesn't need the translation, Vlad is a spy and always was, when a peer speaks he listens, but might not believe, but he heard him for sure.
'This is the day Putin fights back against Europe', says Nic Robertson

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on a statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin that all payments for Russian oil, from 'unfriendly' nations, will have to be done in rubles. Russia will no longer accept euros.
They backed away from that a little. Now they are saying that paying in Rubles will be phased in.
Maybe we should all get together and give Vlad an ward to get his attention, we can present him with the Military Moron award and Strategic Idiot trophy. Kinda like the Oscars for militaries, they all show up in their dress uniforms with their wives...

Make a special award for every blunder.
Ukraine War: UK military chief says 'Putin has already lost'

In a speech, the UK's Military Chief, Sir Tony Radakin says "in many ways, Putin has already lost" the war in Ukraine.
One thing that might get Vlad's attention and that of others in Russia would be a pronouncement that, all Russian assets abroad will be put under Ukrainian control, unless Russia vacates all of Ukraine, including Crimea by... All Putin's war chest and all of the oligarch's money and property under the control or the influence of the EU, NATO and it's allies. There are many financially trained women refugees that the Ukrainian government could hire in Poland to take care of collecting and accounting for it for now. They would be as motivated as the soldiers! :lol: If Vlad thought their men fucked him on the battlefield, wait till their wives get him by the financial balls!
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