
So with Putin saying the Ukrainians are not a different people but Russians under the skin, and there was not much different between Russians and Ukrainians all through the Iron Curtain era, with your reasoning Russians should be Nazis also.
I think his story would be much more interesting if the USSR had frozen the Nazis in cryogenic chambers. Then thawed them out when the walls came tumbling down and sent them to Ukraine. But the real twist is they are trans now. They all converted to Judaism.

I would buy that book.
What I think is so interesting about this "War" is not that Russia decided to finally do something, it's that Americans understand the situation so poorly.
Most people think the Fascists were defeated in World War II and that was the end of them.
Not so.
Key figures of the Nazi regime were spirited away to Ukraine, to set up shop there.
They exist there TO THIS DAY.
Not Neo Nazis, as the media calls them, but THE Nazis.
Same ones from World War II. They still wear the patches on their uniforms.
And Americans are cheering them and sending them money.
It's a strange, strange world we live in.
Just when I think I can't read anything stupider than I already have, someone has to post something like that ^ ...congratulations, you might be in the running for a job a faux, they need someone to write ridiculous shit for fucker Carlson.
Didn't you have a wild fire in your neck of the woods? I saw it mentioned in a hiking video. Hope all is well.
Yes, I'm In a motel room right now, they made us evacuate last night, but unless shit goes very wrong tonight, we'll go home tomorrow. It was quite bad last night,the windwas blowing hard, gusting up into the50s, blowing fire all over, they had at least 4 spots they were working on, butthe wind died down now and they're making good progress now
Yes, I'm In a motel room right now, they made us evacuate last night, but unless shit goes very wrong tonight, we'll go home tomorrow. It was quite bad last night,the windwas blowing hard, gusting up into the50s, blowing fire all over, they had at least 4 spots they were working on, butthe wind died down now and they're making good progress now
Hope your place is alright, looks like some rain would help, spring showers and such.
yeah, nah.
I use news outlets.
ones in several countries, so I get a rounded view of what's going on.
I am aware of the communist party's existence in America for decades.
it's a fringe group.
That's what I do and well...AP, Reuters, Al Jazeera, BBC world, times asia, politico, foreign affairs....and I never once even started to equate Ukraine with Brazil or Argentina...
The American dollar is no longer the Petrodollar.
Rubles buy oil now.
Everything is changing, and Americans just can't wrap their minds around that.
But they better soon.
The Russians have a Gold backed Ruble internally, and American debt is only backed by MORE DEBT.
It's going to be ugly.
I think I russia's gold backed ruble wont mean a fucking thing when they try to use them outside of russia... they're being frozen out by the wealthiest countries in the world, any business they're allowed to do is to keep the world economy, and the economies of third world countries from collapsing