Harvest in the dark or light?


I am going to try drying whole plants in the tent for a slower dry. I Also want to know if chopping the plant in the dark will help keep the nutes in the roots and out of the buds.

So, here is my question.. Should I cut the main stems and hang to dry...

A. using a green light?

B. Normal room light?

C. With grow lights on?

Darkness before harvest does nothing but waste your time. Check out Dr. Bruce bugbee. He suggests just the opposite may be of benefit. 24 hrs light before harvest.
Darkness before harvest does nothing but waste your time. Check out Dr. Bruce bugbee. He suggests just the opposite may be of benefit. 24 hrs light before harvest.
I've decided to just leave it in 12/12 till I harvest Sunday morning before the grow lights turn on at 8AM, as I have heard that at the end if the dark cycle, there is less water in the plant and more in the roots
I am going to try drying whole plants in the tent for a slower dry. I Also want to know if chopping the plant in the dark will help keep the nutes in the roots and out of the buds.

So, here is my question.. Should I cut the main stems and hang to dry...

A. using a green light?

B. Normal room light?

C. With grow lights on?

Doesn't matter in the slightest. Why someone would want to chop and trim in darkness I don't really understand. Dry in darkness but that's about it.
Harvest when it's convenient for you.

Keeping nutes in the roots instead of the buds? It doesn't work that way. That's just some more silly stoner science. Going by that logic then you might as well just cut off all the buds from the stalk and branches which is the plants vascular system and would be carrying these "nutes from the roots" to the buds and would still be full of plant blood/nutes from the roots.

Another day another...
Darkness before harvest does nothing but waste your time. Check out Dr. Bruce bugbee. He suggests just the opposite may be of benefit. 24 hrs light before harvest.

So I google Dr. Bruce Bugbee. A very prestigious plant physiologist at the University of Utah. Devout Mormon. Spiritual Leader. Not likely biased but still funded by hemp growers among others- like growing plants on Mars (funding by NASA). This guy literally does outer space science!

But I doubt he smokes dope and I cant find any reference to 48 hours of dark before cannabis harvest of any strain................... I wish I could find the reference

Jus' sayin'

Bro Science? Outside of Arnold Schwartznegger body builder negative slurs against steroids, I never heard that term before. Shows you how much I really know


I refuse to say whether I use darkness prior to harvest at this time on the grounds that it may incriminate me

Darkness before harvest does nothing but waste your time. Check out Dr. Bruce bugbee. He suggests just the opposite may be of benefit. 24 hrs light before harvest.
That’s not true, darkness before harvest is actually beneficial they say due to the fact that it stops the production of chlorophyll and can even start to break it down a bit, causing for better terpenes in your cannabis plus they say sometimes if you give a day of darkness before harvest it can even cause an extra production in trichomes which will also increase terpenes
That’s not true, darkness before harvest is actually beneficial they say due to the fact that it stops the production of chlorophyll and can even start to break it down a bit, causing for better terpenes in your cannabis plus they say sometimes if you give a day of darkness before harvest it can even cause an extra production in trichomes which will also increase terpenes
Ok. Let's say it does increase trich production. How long does it take a trich to mature?
Ok. Let's say it does increase trich production. How long does it take a trich to mature?
Well the method they say to do is two days of darkness so this way it makes the plant know it’s at the end of its life and it causes the plant to give everything it has into the buds and the trichomes causing for it to use all of its energy to mature itself and do what needs to be done before death, all the extra trichomes that form probably won’t be fully mature but the ones that do it’s a bonus and also like I said it allows the stoppage of chlorophyll production in the plant and eceb starts to break down the chlorophyll which will end up increasing your terpenes a lot, chlorophyll is what causes the plant to have that hay smell or that basic plant smell and if it gets stuck in the bud your terpenes aren’t really gonna shine through and you won’t get that taste or smell or eceb affects your fully looking for, it’s not a method for everyone but they say it can work and there’s even been successful attempts of it
Ok. Let's say it does increase trich production. How long does it take a trich to mature?
In the reply I just wrote before this one when I said eceb I meant to say even but auto correct obviously doesn’t like me lol, just thought I’d clarify so there’s no confusion
how long did you wait from start of flowering, until you saw trichomes?...then how long did it take for those trichomes to turn milky?
trics wont be magically produced over 2 nights of darkness.
They say two night of darkness and no water will cause the plant to believe it’s at its final end like making it think it’s gonna die very soon so it causes it to give everything it has into its fruiting production which is the buds and their trichomes, more and bigger buds will also mean more trichomes they say and even with it pumping all that it has into its final production it causes for just over all more juiced up trichomes and buds, plus the darkness will stop chlorophyll and start to break it down, look up the triple d method
im not looking anything up. Im just here to stop the spread of stupidity
It’s not stupidity how about you don’t be so closed minded and actually look into, I’m giving you a link and telling you a method that can possibly help and you wanna act like a know it all and shut me down and call me stupid, how about you actually listen and hear out what others have to say before assuming you know it all, cus what I said made sense if the plant thinks it’s at the end of its life it’s going to give all ur had into final production causing for bigger buds and more mature trichomes and even some extra ones, If The video link above don’t work type in top grower secret triple d method cannabis on YouTube and watch the video and see how his bud comes out before judging and shutting down a possible method that can help with yields and stuff also you didn’t even talk about the chlorophyll part
im not looking anything up. Im just here to stop the spread of stupidity
That’s another thing with the method it also stops the creation of chlorophyll and even starts to break it down helping with the dry and cure process causing for better terpenes and when your terpenes are good you get the desired taste and smell and even affects because terpenes also do many wonderful affects