

Well-Known Member
without their consent?...FUCK RUSSIA...no one needs their consent to do anything. that is an attitude they need to get the fuck over.
it has become apparent that the great russian empire is a fucking joke who couldn't take over a goat farm if it didn't have nuclear weapons to threaten the world with. i think it's time to move a lot of mukes into the EU and aim every one of them at russia. tell putin put up or shut up...NOW. no more fucking threatening, use the fuckers, or we're going to come take them.
That would be cool to write 'consent' on a few Moab's..actually I would write it on my uniform, my gun and every fucking thing that still stands in Ukraine.

Here we go!..the mask slipped.


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few simulations that speculate on what went down,one involved flooding the zone w/drones making her deplete her best air to air missiles then leaving her only w/the Russian CWIS equivalent to defend,the other scenario speculates that her systems failed in inclement weather
The purpose of the ship was to provide cover for the rest of the fleet. It should be able to shoot numerous targets out of the sky. It should not be fazed by a few drones going 100 mph. It has rail guns that should have made Swiss cheese out of anything coming close not mentioning their missiles. To be overwhelmed does not say much for the crew, as well as not being able to put out the fire. It is a war ship, it is suppose to have processes and plans for the inevitability of the event. But if you are built as well as the Titanic I guess that will never have to be tested. Or so the story goes.


Well-Known Member
Zelensky won’t give up territory in east to end war with Russia
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky stated in a new interview that he would not consider giving up parts of his country to bring an end to the war with Russia.

Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” Zelensky was asked how he would respond to people who have argued for giving up parts of eastern Ukraine to Russia in exchange for an end to the war.

“In the centuries old history of Ukraine. There is the story that Ukraine has either taken some territory or needs to give up some territory,” Zelensky said through a translator. “Ukraine and the people of our states are absolutely clear. We don’t want anyone else’s territory and we are not going to give up our own.”

“We cannot give up our territory, but we must find at least some dialogue with Russia if they are capable and if we are still ready. But the chances of this are growing less by the day,” Zelensky said, adding that many Ukrainians likely aren’t in favor of negotiations with Russia after what has occurred in cities like Bucha, Borodyanka and Mariupol.

Tapper noted that a new Russian offensive in the eastern Donbas region of Ukraine is likely to start soon. Ukraine recently declared victory in the battle of Kyiv and Tapper asked Zelensky if he believed Ukraine could win in the east as well.

“For us, the battle for Donbas is very important. It is important for different reasons, for the reason of safety,” said Zelensky.

“First of all, our grouping that is located in Donbas is one of the best military we have. It is a large group and Russia wants to encircle them and destroy them. It is nearly 40,000 people. It is 44,000 professional military men who survived a great war from the beginning of 2014.”

The area has produced a lot of military equipment, both sides do not want the other to have that capability right next to any border.


Well-Known Member
The kill team confessed on the phone and they even visited one's apartment.
‘Pranking’ Russia’s spies: Navalny documentary director on Putin’s biggest opponent

Filmed in secret and released in a time of war, a new documentary reveals the story behind the attempt to kill Russia's opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, and the investigation that followed.


Well-Known Member
Those provinces didn't break away, they were infiltrated by Russian agents and the local governments toppled with the help of the Russian army while Ukraine was militarily weak. There were local radicals and Russian nationalists there, but they were in a minority and there was wide spread ethnic cleansing. It and Crimea are the reason Ukraine is militarily strong and getting stronger by the day, while Russia grows weaker.

Once enough of Vlad's army is destroyed, the Ukrainian's will go on the offensive and shatter the remaining forces, one front at a time, until Vlad has nothing left to throw in. Destroy the army in Ukraine now and take back as much as they can before Vlad can ready another army which will take months. Kill most of their officers there and they can't learn from experience and green replacements or reserve officers will show up who will perform even worse. Destroy or capture their tanks and equipment, because Vlad can't afford to replace a lot of it, or doesn't have the technical capability. Once his army is destroyed, Ukraine is free to do as it wishes and eject Vlad from Crimea.
Three Key Reasons Why Russia Wants Control Over Ukraine



Well-Known Member
He might use tactical nukes in Ukraine, it won't matter to the Ukrainians (in knuckling under to blackmail), but it will matter to NATO. Poisoning a significant portion of the world's grain supply will have consequences too, most of that grain goes to Turkey and Islamic countries in the middle east. It might be viewed as genocide, if millions starve and Putin will be to blame. He would piss off the Islamic world too and they are Russia's neighbors. Propaganda built on fact will be used to whip up anti Russian sentiment, if Starvation is the result of the use of Russian tactical nukes poisoning, both Ukrainian and Russian grain too from fall out. If he uses tactical nukes, he won't just use one, if he wants to have any effect on the battlefield he would need to a half dozen. I don't think the Russian troops will be very good at handling fall out, much of their equipment is probably old soviet shit and they have little training. Troops these days just don't bunch up, they are spread out and in vehicles designed for such things or in bunkers, trenches and foxholes.

So let's say he uses 10KT atomic warheads on medium range missiles fired from mobile launchers in Russia. IMHO he is most likely to do this if the Ukrainians are threatening to advance into Crimea and his army in the south is trapped. It would be the only place they would be useful, getting his troops to advance trough a mushroom cloud with little training and shitty equipment might be an issue for the Russians.

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Well-Known Member
I was thinking about how they might have used a drone to distract or radar blind the Russian ship's radar with jamming. I don't know much about radar jammers, but a 6S liPo battery rated at 120C can produce over 2,500 watts of power and several can be used to multiply that. A parachute deployed radar jamming transmitter only needs to last a few minutes and could float in the sea for a spell, transmitting until the battery ran out and it sank. Dropping these a few miles in front of the Russian ship from a Bayraktar drone and have them float down and start transmitting at 10,000 feet and even while floating in the sea. They could create a cloud of interference on the Russian Radar screens and the missiles could suddenly breakthrough with seconds to react. Put a jammer between the ship and the missile, that the missile can work with and you could in theory blind the ship's radar to the approaching missiles. It would have to be a well coordinated attack between the drone operator and the missile battery, but it seems doable. Maybe the Russian operators aren't very good at dealing with novel jamming. Jamming from a parachute deployed jamming buoy would also be less of an issue for the drone's electronics.
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Ursus marijanus
That would be cool to write 'consent' on a few Moab's..actually I would write it on my uniform, my gun and every fucking thing that still stands in Ukraine.

Here we go!..the mask slipped.
Moab is big enough for two words! Informed Consent

My mind imagines a Massive Ordnance Penetrator bearing the phrase Just The Tip, I Promise


Well-Known Member
TV works both ways and Vlad will need to worry about western TV and radio pouring into western Russia, especially if Belarus falls. Finland joining NATO could mean Russian language TV and radio easily reaching St Petersburg, Russia's second largest city, from transmitters near the border with directed transmissions. I can see several Russian language TV and radio stations working out of Kyiv employing or run by Russians who don't like Vlad. They would be networked into several transmitters on the Russian border beaming directed TV to population centers close by and on YouTube. AM radio is ubiquitous in every car and can have a very long reach, the transmissions can also be directional, with the vast majority of the power sent into Russia. I can see the CIA, state department and several European governments backing such a scheme to get news into Russia and stir up shit. Most major countries like the UK, France and Germany have Russian language services already, even Stalin used to get his news from the BBC radio Russian language service, he apparently listened every evening to the regular broadcast!
Russia's neighbor blocked its propaganda. Now people are buying antennas


Well-Known Member
Zelensky speaks about the next looming battle with Russia

During an exclusive interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky explains why his country must fight to preserve its army in the Donbas region.


Well-Known Member
He might use tactical nukes in Ukraine, it won't matter to the Ukrainians (in knuckling under to blackmail), but it will matter to NATO. Poisoning a significant portion of the world's grain supply will have consequences too, most of that grain goes to Turkey and Islamic countries in the middle east. It might be viewed as genocide, if millions starve and Putin will be to blame. He would piss off the Islamic world too and they are Russia's neighbors. Propaganda built on fact will be used to whip up anti Russian sentiment, if Starvation is the result of the use of Russian tactical nukes poisoning, both Ukrainian and Russian grain too from fall out. If he uses tactical nukes, he won't just use one, if he wants to have any effect on the battlefield he would need to a half dozen. I don't think the Russian troops will be very good at handling fall out, much of their equipment is probably old soviet shit and they have little training. Troops these days just don't bunch up, they are spread out and in vehicles designed for such things or in bunkers, trenches and foxholes.

So let's say he uses 10KT atomic warheads on medium range missiles fired from mobile launchers in Russia. IMHO he is most likely to do this if the Ukrainians are threatening to advance into Crimea and his army in the south is trapped. It would be the only place they would be useful, getting his troops to advance trough a mushroom cloud with little training and shitty equipment might be an issue for the Russians.

What makes you think the ME countries believes the West's side of the war over Russia's? Same goes for India, China? Pluss some of the South American countries that are aligned with Russia. About half the world's population may believe Russia over the US's version of events.


Well-Known Member
Coons says he’s worried ‘we will see Ukraine turn into Syria’
Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said on Sunday said he is worried that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine could turn it into Syria if the U.S. and western allies don’t do more to help Kyiv further offset the Russian invasion.

During an appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” moderator Margaret Brennan asked Coons about whether he wants to see U.S. troops on the ground in Ukraine, a move that the Biden administration has all but said is off the table to avoid escalating the conflict.

Brennan asked Coons about public remarks he’d made recently about the country needing to consider sending U.S. troops into Ukraine.

“In some public remarks this week, you said the country needs to talk about when it might be willing to send troops to Ukraine. You said if the answer is never, then we are inviting another level of escalation and brutality by Putin. Are you arguing that President Biden- was wrong when he said he would not send troops to Ukraine? Are you asking him to set a red line?” Brennan asked.

While Coons suggested the U.S. ought to supply Ukrainians with more defense capabilities, he did not provide details on what else could be possible.

“Margaret, I think those of us in Congress who have a critical role in setting foreign policy and in advising the president in terms of his decisions as commander in chief, need to look clearly at the level of brutality,” Coons told Brennan. “This is a moment of enormous challenge for all of us. And I deeply respect President Biden’s leadership in pulling together the West and imposing crushing sanctions on Russia.”


Well-Known Member
Satellite Image Pinpoints Russian Cruiser Moskva As She Burned
Analysis of radar satellite imagery has revealed the location of the Moskva soon after she was reportedly hit by 2 missiles. The Russian Navy cruiser was the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet and is a symbolic as well as naval loss for Russia.

The Russian cruiser Moskva will go down in history. The sinking will be studied and written about, both as a single event and, likely, a key moment in the War.

The fog of war is still obscuring the event, and information operations are clouding it further. But we can look again at the open source intelligence (OSINT) picture. In particular, the ship’s movements and where she was when it happened.



Well-Known Member
I have to admit the sinking of that Flagship made me happy.

Naturally it sank because of a onboard fire but naturally Russia must get revenge for it on Ukraine.
So what is it? Ukraine sunk it with their Neptune missiles or inept Russian Sailors started a fire onboard and blew it up themselves.

So either got their ass kicked or they are too stupid to be left alone with munitions?


Well-Known Member
What makes you think the ME countries believes the West's side of the war over Russia's? Same goes for India, China? Pluss some of the South American countries that are aligned with Russia. About half the world's population may believe Russia over the US's version of events.
I've posted some stuff from Al Jazeera and they are news leaders in the region, they are basically providing the same narrative as western news organizations. If their supplier has radioactive wheat, they will know who to blame, especially as the west's propaganda efforts ramp up, we haven't seen anything yet compared to the coming information assault on Russia, when the people are discontented, the answers will be provided to some of them. The overall purpose to weaken Russia and sow social division, or increase it. It appears authoritarian governments like Putin more than the people do, provided they get free information. The information environment in India is much different and diverse than in China and satellite TV is popular in the middle east. Most people in countries that have free media, but authoritarian governments are getting the same narrative of the war as we are. There is less interest in many places about a European war though.


Well-Known Member
I've posted some stuff from Al Jazeera and they are news leaders in the region, they are basically providing the same narrative as western news organizations. If their supplier has radioactive wheat, they will know who to blame, especially as the west's propaganda efforts ramp up, we haven't seen anything yet compared to the coming information assault on Russia, when the people are discontented, the answers will be provided to some of them. The overall purpose to weaken Russia and sow social division, or increase it. It appears authoritarian governments like Putin more than the people do, provided they get free information. The information environment in India is much different and diverse than in China and satellite TV is popular in the middle east. Most people in countries that have free media, but authoritarian governments are getting the same narrative of the war as we are. There is less interest in many places about a European war though.
But most of the regions have not been too keen on the US as the CIA has propped up dictators against the people. So it is a case of the devil you know as compared to the devil you do not know telling you the devil you know is doing bad things.